Chapter 49

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Author's POV:

As Jimin slowly wakes up in the middle of the night, he finds himself nestled between IU and Yoongi. The room is dimly lit, and a sense of peace washes over him. In that moment, a rush of emotions floods his heart, overwhelming him with a profound sense of contentment and safety.

As he lies there, his mind begins to wander, reflecting on the journey that led him to this very moment. Memories of his past, filled with loneliness and longing, start to fade away. He realizes that he is no longer alone, that he has found a place where he truly belongs—a place where he is loved unconditionally.

A gentle smile tugs at the corners of Jimin's lips as he takes in the sight of IU and Yoongi beside him. Their presence, their warmth, and their love envelop him like a protective shield. It's a feeling he never thought he would experience—a feeling of being truly cherished and accepted.

He feels IU's steady breathing against his back, a rhythm that lulls him into a state of tranquility. The way Yoongi's arm rests protectively over him brings a sense of security that he had yearned for all his life. In this moment, he realizes that he is not just a member of their family but an integral part of it—a cherished son.

As Jimin shifts slightly, he feels the gentle rise and fall of the blankets covering them, cocooning them in their own little world. The peace and serenity that fill the room seem to seep into his very being, soothing his soul and quieting any lingering doubts or fears.

In the silence of the night, Jimin's heart is overwhelmed with gratitude. He silently thanks God for bringing IU and Yoongi and all his hyungs into his life, for the love they have shown him, and for the home they have created together. He knows that this newfound sense of belonging and love is something he will cherish forever.

As he closes his eyes and drifts back to sleep, a sense of profound peace washes over Jimin. In this moment, he knows that he is exactly where he's meant to be—wrapped in the warmth of his family's love, feeling contented and safe. And as he falls back into slumber, he carries that feeling with him, knowing that it will always be there, guiding him through each new day.


The next morning, as the sun begins to peek through the curtains, IU slowly opens her eyes and finds Jimin already awake, gazing at her with a soft smile. She returns the smile, her heart swelling with love for the young boy who has become an important part of her life.

IU Stretching and sitting up

IU: "Good morning, my little sunshine. Did you sleep well?"

Jimin nods, still wearing a sleepy but contented expression

Jimin: " Good morning, Noona. I had the best sleep ever. It feels so nice waking up with both of you here."

Yoongi yawning and joining them

Yoongi: "Good morning, you two. I see our little Jimin is already up and ready to start the day."

IU: Grinning 

IU:  " He's an early bird today, isn't he? Alright, Jimin, what would you like for breakfast? Pancakes, cereal, or something else?" Jimin Thinking for a moment

Jimin: " Can I have pancakes with chocolate chips, please? And maybe some sliced fruits on the side?"

Yoongi :" chocolate this early in the morning " Jimin pouted but 

IU:" hey let him be , just for today Of course, sweetie. Pancakes with chocolate chips and fresh fruits it is. Consider it done." Yoongi let her pamper him for now and said Teasingly

Yoongi: "Jimin, you're lucky to have IU as your personal chef. She makes the best pancakes in the world." Jimin Giggling

Jimin: "I know, hyung. Noona's pancakes are  the tastiest but I didn't say that before cause I was jealous " the two laughed at the kid antique 

As IU gets out of bed, she wraps Jimin in a warm hug, showering him with affection. She can't help but feel a surge of joy and gratitude for the bond they share. Kissing Jimin's forehead

IU: "Alright, my little prince, how about you go get ready for school while I make your delicious breakfast? Dad and I will be right here to help you with anything you need. Jimin  Nodding eagerly"

Jimin: "Okay, Noona. I'll go get ready. Thank you for making breakfast for me."

Yoongi playfully

Yoongi: "Don't forget to brush your teeth and put on your uniform, Jimin. We wouldn't want you to go to school with bedhead".

Jimin blushing and laughing

Jimin:" I won't, Hyung. I'll be quick."

As Jimin scampers off to get ready for the day, IU and Yoongi exchange a warm smile, appreciating the love and happiness that fills their home.

IU whispering to Yoongi 

IU: It's moments like these that make everything worth it. Seeing Jimin so happy and loved, it warms my heart.

Yoongi squeezing IU's in a warm hug kissing her cheek

Yoongi: " I couldn't agree more, babe. Our family feels complete with Jimin by our side. We're truly fortunate." IU Nodded

IU: " Yes, we are. Let's cherish these moments and continue to create a loving and supportive environment for Jimin. He deserves all the happiness in the world."

Yoongi: " what about me cant i have a short happy moment now with my girl , it seems this kid is taking you from me babe " she laughed out loud 

IU : " you never change love , i'm all yours but your little one need to have his breakfast before going to his school drop him off and i'm all yours after that " he leaned to her kissing her neck

Yoongi : " can't wait babe , don't think to go anywhere i will back soon "

As they prepare for the day ahead, IU and Yoongi know that their love and care will guide Jimin through whatever challenges he may face. Together with the rest of Yoongi brothers, they are determined to provide him with a nurturing and secure home, where he can grow and thrive.

Dining Roomg...

As the aroma of freshly cooked pancakes wafts through the air, Jimin , Jungkook and Taehyung rushes to the dining table, there eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Jungkook : " woow is there a party today or what ?? what is all this food .. and the smell Too much sugar" 

Taehyung : " i guess Jin hyung is in a good mood today "

Jin going out of his room with bed head 

Jin : " morning guys " 

RM : " is Noona here today too ? " 

 IU and Yoongi follow closely behind, carrying plates of fluffy pancakes adorned with chocolate chips and a colorful assortment of sliced fruits.

IU setting the plates down on the table

IU : " morning guys .. let's have our breakfast together , Jin hyung go freshen up and come fast they will not wait for you , you know them " they laughed

Jungkook : " you know us Noona " 

and she looked to Jimin

 IU:  "my loves. Dig in!" 

Jimin excitedly

Jimin:" Thank you, Noona! It looks delicious!"

Yoongi: " Indeed, it does. Let's all sit together and enjoy this wonderful breakfast".

All of them settle around the table, their chairs squeaking slightly as they adjust themselves. Jimin can't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment spreading throughout his being. This simple act of sharing a meal together fills his heart with immense joy.

As they take their first bites, the flavors burst on their tongues, eliciting smiles and satisfied hums of delight. The room is filled with light chatter, laughter, and the clinking of cutlery against plates, creating a harmonious symphony of togetherness.

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