Chapter 44

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Author's POV:

Yoongi : " are you okay with this ?? "

IU : " sure Yooni , you love him , so i will " Yoongi smirked and pulled her by her small waist 

Yoongi :" some one here is totally wiped mmm " she hit his shoulder playfully 

UI :" hey don't teas me , you know if you are in something, I will follow you blindly, the time didn't change anything in my heart for you Yooni " he kissed her softly 

Yoongi :" same here babe , my heart is totally the same , but there are some changes that we need to compensate with " she frowned her eyebrows 

IU :" what is it love ?! "

Yoongi :" if it was before , you will be screaming my name at the top of your lungs all the night " she was so red at the end of his sentence and tried to free her self from his grasp 

IU :" yoooooniii stop " he chuckled and kissed her cheek

Yoongi :" okay okay but now as long as I want to do what I said  but the angel in the other room can be scary when he is angry , so I need to spend the night with him " she smiled 

IU :" I know , don't worry go to him " 

Yoongi :" you know it will not be this night only , he can't sleep without me every night " she nodded 

IU :" I know "

Yoongi:" I promise I will find a way to give you the time you need , I missed you so much " 

IU :" I know you will , now go to your kid , I need to go " he frowned 

Yoongi :" where ?!!" 

IU :" home love !!" 

Yoongi :" you already back home babe , you are not going back to your adoptive family " she pulled out of his hold

IU :" Yooni what are you saying !! okay I know what he did was unforgivable, but my mother is sick she needs me " he pulled her back in his arms

Yoongi :" i'm not going to argue with you now , I missed you , I even missed us fighting but not tonight, you are sleeping in our bed tonight and promise we will talk this out tomorrow, but put in your head that you have a real family now , and that's here were you belong "

IU :" mmmmm , okay but .... can I ask you something?!!" 

Yoongi :" anything babe " 

IU :" did .. did you .. I mean in this room you know did you !! "

Yoongi:" what's wrong babe !! What is it with this room , say it clear I didn't get it "

IU :" i know it will not count as cheating, and you have all the right to be mad at me those years and have your own life but just need to know if .. in this room .. " she couldn't say it out loud , the answer could be unbearable 

Yoongi :" do you mean if I slept with someone else in this bed ?" Her eyes filled with tears as soon as he finished his sentence 

Yoongi :" hey hey don't cry , not in this bed , or this room , or anywhere , i'm yours babe even when I thought you didn't love me , but I know I did , I can't touch anyone else, you and only you babe " she broke in a thankful set of cry couldn't believe he really didn't try to sleep with someone else

IU :" thank you Yooni , I love you " 

Yoongi :" love you more babe " he pulled her to his bed and tugged and covering her with his blanket 

IU :" your scent Is engulfing me , can I let my imagination while you are babysitting your kid " he smirked 

Yoongi :" oooh , im not the only one who is pervert  here , do this and you will be welcoming your punishment by morning" 

She laughed and his heart kept skipping with her interactions with him

IU :" okay okay , go to Jimin now he will ba sad if you are late " he kissed her and went to Jimin's room


Jimin's Room ...

Yoongi opened the door to find Jimin curling in his bed covering his head with the blanket 

He pulled it and Jimin looked to him sadly with a cute pout and gave him his back

Yoongi:" my little angel , sorry I'm late but I was just explain to her that you are the one who will sleep with me every day , no one else" Jimin looked to him 

Jimin :" did she got angry with you ?? " Yoongi pulled Jimin to his arms 

Yoongi :" no baby she is not , when you know her well you will learn that she loves what I love , and she is happy when I'm happy " 

Jimin :" me too , I will be happy when you are happy not only her " Yoongi know the kid was jealous of her so he need to understand his feelings 

Yoongi :" I know little one , now close your eyes it's too late already "

Jimin :" I love you more than anyone can love you " Yoongi chuckled 

Yoongi :" I know baby , and I love you too " and Jimin climped Yoongi's body and rest his head on Yoongis chest 



Taehyung's  room ...

Jungkook was sleeping in Taehyung's arms 

The alarm went off and he waked up

The moment Jungkook opened his eyes he remembered the last night incident his tears started to fall on his check

He loved his Noona as his own mother , when she left no one gave him answers and if she came back so he will accept her whatever the reason behind her leave.

But he can't go against his Yoongi hyung , he need to convince him

So he got up from Tae's bed and headed to Yoongi's room, he nocked the door but he didn't hear any response 

Jungkook's POV :

it's already 8 am , he need to wake up anyway  

I opened the door and he was covered totally with his blanket, why he looks so tiny today??

I went for him 

Jungkook:" hyung .. " he didn't move .. i shooked his shoulder.. why he is so soft

I pulled the blanket and

Jungkook:" AAAAAAAH "it's a Woman her hair is hiding her face , she startled when i screamed and fell from the bed 

IU :" what's wrong , Who WAKE ANYONE UP LIKE THIS " 

Jungkook:" Noona !!!!" I hugged her to my chest 

IU :" kookie baby I can't breathe " she is struggling in my hold

Jungkook:" what are you doing here !! Yoongi hyung will be angry if he found out " she smiled 

IU :" he is the one who brought me last night don't worry , i missed you so much , when you became this handsome and huge" she caressed my cheek

I pulled her in another tight hug , fuck she is soo tiny to my body now 

Jungkook:" Noona .. I missed you so much .. don't leave me again " 

IU :" I will not baby , but let me go , if your hyung saw you he will kill us " 

The door opened revealing Yoongi's who was dead shock when he saw us 

Yoongi:" WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ? LET HER GO YOU ARE  NOT KID ANYMORE " I tightened my grip on her waist 

Jungkook:" hyung I miss her let me hug her some more please " he marched to us and pulled her from my hold and smacked the back of my head

Yoongi :" get out of here , and this girl is mine don't touch her , find you one for your own "

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