Chapter 99

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Author's POV : 

Taehyung felt a soft hand tapping his cheek softly followed by a plumb lips kissing his forehead , he didn't need to open his eyes to know who is waking him up .

Taehyung : " Let me sleep " He pushed Jimin who didn't stop with his hyung grumpy tone 

Jimin : " No , it's been a week and you are not getting out of your room , or talking to me , wake up now it's already 12 PM " 

Taehyung : " Why are you not in your school ?? " He still not opening his eyes 

Jimin : " I told you , you are not here with us , it's already the week end , so i have no school today , and I didn't have my breakfast yet , I was waiting for you but hear !! my stomach can't take it anymore " Tae opened his eyes and sit lazily resting his back to the headboard

Taehyung : " Isn't this one of your rules , to not skip any meal , why you didn't have your breakfast yet ?! " Tae spoke coldly looking Jimin in the eyes

Jimin : " Hyung !! i'm not kid anymore , plus , why i have a rule you are not following , didn't you the one know it's bad to skip your meals , so why you are doing this all this week !! My dad told me to not interfere but I will now , I'm mad cause you are not taking care of your self , and you are ignoring me for the whole week , did i do something wrong ?? " Jimin's eyes started to fell with tears that he tried to hold back.

Taehyung : " Hey , I'm not ignoring you , come here " he pulled Jimin to sit on his lap and pulled him in his arms 

Jimin : " So why you stopped talking to me "   

It's been a hard week for Tae , he didn't step out of his room since that day , he didn't want to see Jimin , every time he met the younger eyes his pain will duplicate , his memories is much vivid now , and the fact that Jimin went through the same past pains him more .

Taehyung :" sorry.. I'm just going through a lot these days, I didn't mean to hurt you " J8min wiped hir tears a way and smiled to his hyung .

Jimin :" I knew you will never hurt me on porpose but I can see you are not the same , can I know why ?" Jimin hold Taehyung's hand caressing the back of it softly locking his eyes with Tae 

Tae broke the eye contact didn't know what to say 

Jungkook suggested a talk with Jimin will be hope full , but Tae is dead scared, he doesn't want to remind Jimin of his past , plus the kid already has a girlfriend, so what if he make him focus on something he never noticed.. he doesn't want to be the reason for any more pain .

Tae felt Jimin's tiny fingertips wiping his tears 

Jimin  :" there is something is hurting you hyung , i'm not blind, I promise I can understand you , please don't keep it " 

Tae hold jimin's hand kissing it's back 

Taehyung :" I know you will understand, I just ..." he was interrupted by Jimin's stomach growl 

He chuckled 

Taehyung :" I guess your stomach will not wait out talks , go take your breakfast and then we can talk " Jimin crossed his arms above his chest. 

Jimin :" No I'm not eating without you , if you don't want to go out we can eat here " 

Taehyung :" your mother will kill us if she found out that we bring food in our bedroom, so I'm not risking  " Jimin laughed at his hyung scared face 

Since IU got pregnant his mood is not normal at all , she will go so hard at anyone will break her house rules , so no one will play with here and trigger her anger. Jungkook was the one bringing his meals all the week as he is her favorite kid in the house , but he is not here now .

Jimin  :" okay so you don't have a choice " he got up pulled Tae out of his bed 

Taehyung :" baby please you can go out have your breakfast and come a gain i'm not going anywhere " 

Jimin  :" i'm not taking no as an answer, come with me or i'm not talking to you " Tae has no other choices bit let him self being pulled by Jimin.


IU :" Oh , Jiminie , what are you doing  , didn't I said you are not allowed in Taehyung's room , why are you pulling him like this " 

Jimin :" Mom , he didn't have his breakfast, he needs to eat " 

IU :" but .. " she looked to Tae with her eyes questioning if he is okay 

Taehyung :" I'm fine Nonna , it's okay , just prepare his breakfast he didn't eat anything since morning " She walked to him patting his cheek softly. 

IU :" I'm glade you are out again, so as you here with us , let's prepare your favorite " 

Jimin :" Wow.. Mom me too I want the same " 

IU :" baby you are eating it with a high level spice, i'm not killing your hyung for you to share with him " 

Jimin ": but Mom , you can make the noodles in a separate bowl so you don't add spice in hyung's one " 

IU :" God .. , okay go and sit there " Tae smiled at Jimin's and IU conversations, he missed this .

They started to eat and Jimin kept talking to see his hyung's smile again and his plan didn't fail , Tae really started to feel at ease and smile with each cute attempt from Jimin 

The door bill went off , the three looked at each other 

IU :" maybe Yooni forgot his keys , he was buying me a chocolate, I don't know what got on me , I just keeps eating it from last night .

She went to open the door and she was shocked 

:" HI Onnie .. is Taehyung Sir is here " 

Taehyung's heart drums in his chest at the tone of voice just invaded his ears and his frok landed in the ground 


Author's note...

Hey guys 

Sorry for the delay.. but I'm here again 🥰🥰 but just skip the mistakes I didn't reread 

I want to ask if you guys getting a notification when i update or not ?? 

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