Chapter 68

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Author's POV:

Taehyung's heart raced as he saw Yoongi storm out of the house, his face filled with anger. He immediately called out to him, but there was no response. Worried, Taehyung arrived home and approached IU, hoping to find answers.

Taehyung : "What's wrong with Yoongi hyung, Noona?" Taehyung asked anxiously. "He looked so angry when he left, and he didn't even answer my calls."

IU sighed, her expression showing concern. 

IU : "I don't know, Tae. He was really harsh on Jimin and didn't let me into the room when he took him there. I was just about to go check on Jimin myself."

Frowning, Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. 

Taehyung : "Take me with you," he insisted, determined to find out what had transpired. The two of them hurriedly made their way to Jimin's room, where they could hear faint sobs.

IU gently opened the door, revealing Jimin curled up in his bed, crying his heart out. She immediately pulled him into her arms, trying to provide comfort.

IU : "What happened, little one? Why was your dad so angry?" IU asked, her voice filled with concern. Jimin looked up at her, his eyes red and puffy, and clung to her tightly.

Jimin :  "I... I messed up, mommy. I made a... a huge mistake," Jimin sobbed. "I made him sad, mommy. Help me. He's not talking to me."

IU continued to caress his back, soothing his troubled soul. Taehyung couldn't bear to see Jimin in such distress.

Taehyung :  "What did you do?!" Taehyung asked, his tone firm. The sudden tone startled the poor kid, who hadn't noticed that his mom had brought Taehyung with her.

Jimin hid in IU's arms, looking at Taehyung with fear in his eyes.

Jimin : "N-nothing," he stammered. Jimin knew how strict Taehyung could be, especially when it came to his studies. He couldn't bear the thought of facing another punishment from Taehyung.

Sensing Jimin's fear, Taehyung softened his tone and tried to reassure him. 

Taehyung : "Come here, little angel. Whatever you did, I promise I won't do anything. Just tell me, okay?"

He gently pulled Jimin from IU's arms, wanting to see his face clearly. As he did, his eyes widened in shock.

Taehyung : "What happened to your face, Jimin?" Taehyung asked, concern evident in his voice. Jimin placed a trembling hand on his red cheek, momentarily forgetting about the pain from the slap. The emotional anguish caused by Yoongi's words hurt him far more.

Taehyung : "Did you get into a fight at school? Who hurt you like this? Just tell me," Taehyung pressed, his worry escalating as he saw Jimin's tears continuing to flow.

Jimin's voice trembled as he spoke, 

Jimin : "N-no... I... I didn't... This is from... This is from Dad. I..."

Taehyung : "What?!" Taehyung exclaimed, his eyes filled with rage. Jimin saw the anger in Taehyung's eyes and hated that it was directed at his dad.

Jimin : "The fault is mine. I disrespected him. I..." Jimin's voice trailed off as he stuttered, unsure of what to say.

Taehyung pulled him closer, embracing him tightly, but he knew he needed to have a serious talk with Yoongi.

IU :" it was a long time for Yoongi to lose his patience with you Jimin what did you do other than disrespect him " IU was totally against what Yoongi did but she needs to know 

Jimin explained all his doing while hanging his head down, his mom and Taehyung was  the most strict with him in his study and he is now revealing by his own what will put him in a huge trouble with them. 

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