Chapter 64

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Yoongi's POV:

As we argued about what to do with Jimin, all I wanted was to be where my baby was,who is  keeping himself away from me.

IU: "You can't just keep us here, Jin Oppa. I need to talk to him now."

Yoongi: "Yes, Hyung, we need to try to be patient with him, but let us talk to him now."

Jin: "He's in a bad state, guys. Try to understand what's wrong..." Jin's words were interrupted by the door opening, revealing Jimin and Taemin.

Jimin let go of Taemin's hand and made his way towards me, but he couldn't hold eye contact and kept looking down.

Jimin: "Dad, how are you now? Does it still hurt?" His words caught me off guard.

IU: "Jimin...!"

Jimin glanced at IU but quickly averted his gaze again.

Jimin: "I'm sorry, Mommy, for what I did to Dad."

Author's POV:

Everyone was left dumbfounded by Jimin's response, and all eyes turned to Jin, silently demanding an explanation. "What the fuck did you just say?" their gazes seemed to ask.

Jin was just as confused, but he needed to provide an explanation before his brothers killed him with their eyes.

Jin: "I swear, I just said what happened. Jimin, baby, didn't you decide not to call them that anymore?"

Jimin was taken aback by Jin's question.

Jimin: "Don't you want me to call you that again? I was thinking, but... Minmin said... I..."

Jimin was on the verge of tears when IU pulled him into a tight hug.

IU: "No, no, don't mind Jin Oppa. I'm your mother, whether you like it or not. You have no choice but to call me Mom. And I'm sorry that I got angry with you. But you brat, I have every right to scold you. Don't ever think you can get rid of us. Until I die, I'm your mother... understood?!" She playfully spanked Jimin's butt, making him jump in surprise.

Jimin: "Mom, why did you do that? It hurts!"

IU landed another spank, making him yelp again, but she released him and looked into his eyes.

IU: "You deserve more than that. How could you think that I would let you go? I won't stop at just two next time."

Jimin nodded, and IU pulled him into an even tighter hug. For the first time, he felt good about being punished because it meant she didn't want to let him go. She was there to forgive him even when he made the biggest mistakes.

Lost in IU's warmth, Jimin was called by Yoongi.

He looked at Yoongi, smiling softly.

Yoongi: "Come here, baby." Jimin walked over, holding his hand carefully to avoid hurting him.

Yoongi: "I'm not that weak, you know." Yoongi pulled Jimin into a hug, holding him tightly.

Jimin: "Dad, you'll hurt yourself. Don't hold me so tight."

Yoongi: "I'll be more hurt if I don't. Let me feel you. I'm sorry for everything that hurt you, baby."

Jimin relaxed in Yoongi's arms, listening to his heartbeat.

Jungkook whispered in Jin's ear, trying to hold back his laughter.

Jungkook: "You looked like the devil, trying to tear them apart."

Jin: "For the first time, I felt like smacking Jimin's head against the wall. I tried my hardest to convince him, but his friend did it in no time. This little brat."


It had been an exhausting journey for the brothers throughout Yoongi's hospital stay, and now it was time for him to be discharged.

Yoongi: "I can't believe I'm finally getting out of this hellhole." IU pulled his shirt over his head to help him change clothes.

IU: "You may be getting discharged, but you're staying home for the next two weeks. Don't even think about crossing that line. I won't hesitate to make you regret your decisions." Yoongi, now topless with a bandage wrapped around his neck, smirked at her remark.

Yoongi: "I'm not Jimin, you know. What are you going to do? Spank me?" He flashed a mischievous smile as she playfully messed up his hair while putting on his new shirt.

IU: "Wow, how brave of you! Should I remind you of how I can punish you, my love?"

Yoongi: "Okay, okay, fine. I won't push it. But you need to be more lenient. I'll get bored easily. You should help me kill my boredom." He gently caressed her hip, his hand inching towards the small of her back.

IU held his hand as she finished buttoning his shirt.

IU: "Heal first, my love, and then I'll make you see the stars." She leaned in and planted a loving kiss on his forehead.

Yoongi: "Just because I'm sick doesn't mean you have to treat me like I'm your son. Forehead kisses are for Jimin, but for me, there are other kinds of kisses, you know." With that, he pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss, the kind that would leave them both longing for more.

But just as the moment intensified, Jimin barged into the room at the worst possible time.

Jimin: "Dad, we're going to be late..." Jimin's voice trailed off as he saw the intimate scene before him.

Yoongi, caught off guard, instinctively pushed IU away with his free hand, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground in shock.

A heavy silence filled the room as everyone processed what had just happened. Yoongi's heart sank as he realized the unintended consequences of their passionate moment.

Yoongi :" Jimin .. we " 

Jimin :" i'm sorry.. " and he ran out of the room with his face burning. 

IU, still stunned by the sudden push, looked up at Yoongi with a mix of emotions. She stood up

IU :" he shouldn't see that" 

Jin, who had been standing just outside the room, rushed in, after seeing Jimin running out in panic from the room

Jin: "What happened? Is everything alright?" His eyes darted between Yoongi and IU, his voice filled with worry.

Yoongi :" i think you need to follow Jimin , he saw us in not so appropriate seen " 

Jin :" don't say , are you fucking in the daylight while you are still healing " 

Yoongi :" WHAT ARE SAYING HYUNG , we were just kissing " Jin burst in a loud set of laughs 

IU was red as a tomato 

Yoongi :" can you stop laughing now , check Jimin , i'm sure he is not okay " Jin wiped his tears from laughing 

Jin :" don't worry it's just a kiss but I will check him , you are something brother " 

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