Chapter 66

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Author's POV : 

Jimin joined his school again and settled back into his daily routine, but something was different about him. He seemed distant and detached, as if lost in his own world.

One day, Taemin noticed Jimin's unusual behavior and couldn't help but express his concern. 

Taemin : "Minmin, what's wrong with you?" Taemin asked, worry evident in his voice. "I liked the idea of having some fun at first, but I'm starting to think we're going to get ourselves into serious trouble. I swear, if your dad finds out that you keep skipping classes, he'll be furious."

Jimin glanced at Taemin, his eyes reflecting exhaustion and frustration. 

Jimin : "What's wrong, Minmin?" he sighed, his voice tinged with weariness. "I just need a little freedom, a chance to enjoy myself. We won't get caught, and even if we do, I'm more worried about what my mom and Taehyung hyung will do to me, not my dad."

Taemin shook his head in disbelief. 

Taemin : "Are we really discussing who will 'kill' you, you silly fool?" he retorted, his tone a mix of exasperation and concern. "We're risking our future here. If we keep skipping classes, we'll fail our exams, and that's not something we can afford. You need to think about the consequences, Jimin."

Jimin's gaze hardened, his determination shining through. 

Jimin : "No, Taemin, we won't fail," he stated, his voice filled with a newfound resolve. "We'll find a way to get the notes from our classmates, and before the exam period begins, we'll buckle down and study hard. Trust me, we can make this work."

Days turned into weeks, and Jimin's behavior continued to worsen. He acted as if he was invincible, breaking rules without a second thought. At home, he remained the obedient son, but the moment he stepped out of his parents' and hyungs' watchful eyes, he discarded any sense of restraint. He craved freedom, strength, and the ability to make decisions for himself. He no longer wanted to be bound by anyone else's rules; he wanted to do what he pleased, when he pleased.

As time passed, his hyungs was totally in the dark about his new attitude  , as they trusted Jimin's love for school and his intelligence. They didn't check up on his studying as often, assuming he was managing just fine. However, after a month of this reckless behavior, the school had reached its limit. They decided to take matters into their own hands and called Jimin's parents to report his consistent truancy, along with his poor performance in quizzes and tests.

The school handed Jimin a report to be signed by his parents, unaware that he would forge their signatures. Jimin was determined to hide the truth, knowing the consequences he would face if his deception was discovered. 


principle : " Hello , am i talking to Jimin's father ? " Yoongi picked up the call to meet the most worrying greeting

Yoongi : " Did something happened to him ?! yes i'm his father , please tell me what happened ? " Yoongi was panicking as this is the first time someone calling him for Jimin after the accident that happened when Jimin hurt his ankle .

principle : " calm down sir this is the principle of Jimin school , i know you may be busy so you don't have time to check your son grades even if you know how it's keep worsen , but i guess we need your visit here in the school to discuss Jimin's late behavior " 

the principle was angry as all the reports that sent to Jimin's parents didn't make them to move and check him or even ask him to study , they just let him be , so he was determined to put an end to this and talk to them . 

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