Chapter 87

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Author's POV:

Jimin rushed into the house, frantically searching for his mother.

Jimin: "Mom!" He couldn't find her in the kitchen, so he hurried into her room.

Jimin: "Mom!! Are you sick? Why are you sleeping now?" He checked her forehead, but she didn't have a fever.

IU: "Little one, I'm okay. I think your little brother just wants to sleep all day." She smiled and Jimin rested his head on her stomach, hoping to feel his brother's movements.

Jimin: "Hey, little bub, don't tire out our mom. Try to be a good boy, okay?" IU smiled, admiring how cute Jimin was when he acted like an older brother.

IU: "Jiminie... You look so happy today. Can I know who's behind that awesome smile?"

Jimin: "I have a girlfriend now, Mom. Finally, she said yes."

IU: "Wow, so you're already in love, but you didn't share it with me. Should I be jealous now?" She playfully ruffled his hair, teasing him.

Jimin: "Mom, not you too. Dad is already angry with me. He even told me I'm not allowed to have one. Are you going to be angry with me too?" He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

IU: "Hey, don't manipulate me with those puppy eyes. Who is the lucky girl?"

Jimin: "The most beautiful, cute, and charming girl in the world. Her name is Ara. You need to meet her, Mom. You won't believe it. She likes me too. I used to become a nervous wreck whenever she talked to me. But guess what? Today, I asked her to marry me, but she said we're still young. So, I guess I'll settle for her being my girlfriend."

Yoongi entered the room as Jimin shared his newfound love with IU.

Yoongi: "You need to marry me, babe, before your son gets married and beats me to it." IU couldn't quite process what Jimin said, and Yoongi's sarcastic remark only added to her confusion.

IU: "What are you two talking about?"

Jimin: "Oh, yes, Mom. Why didn't you agree with Dad's proposal? He's already an adult, and I know he can take care of you. He told me you want some flowers and ring i guess, should i make him bring those today , I want you two to get married before my little bub come , what do you think !!" IU glared at Yoongi.

IU: "Are you complaining to your son, Mr. Yoongi?" Yoongi pulled Jimin away from where he was sitting beside IU.

Yoongi: "No, I swear. He was just curious. Forget what he said. Rest now. I'll prepare dinner for us. Don't worry, babe." Yoongi quickly left the room, not wanting to face an angry IU.

Yoongi : " I swear you will make me single for the rest of my life you little brat " Yoongi spanked Jimin the moment he closed his room running from IU's anger 

Jimin : " Ouch , Dad !! what did i do , i was helping you , she needs to say yes , I was trying to convince her " he ran out of Yoongi's hold to his room .

Yoongi : " If I found out you helped me again on this matter I will tell your little girl you are still sleeping on the same bed with us " Jimin's eyes widened

Jimin : " DAAD , it's not fair "

Jin came from the main door to be welcome with the Son Father  shouting

Jin : " Hey .. what is going on with you two ?!! I can hear your voices from the end of the street , did you lost your mind ?? " Jimin ran to Jin's arms 

Jimin :"  Jin hyung , congratulate me , I have a girlfriend " 

Jin : " Wow !! aren't that too early " Yoongi smirked

Yoongi : " I love you Jin hyung , serve your right you little monkey "

Jimin : " Hyung !!! Not you too , I'm not kid anymore  , You two being meanie to me , I want My favorite Tae hyung , take me to him now " Jin laughed ruffling Jimin's hair 

Jin : " Okay okay don't be so grumpy , i was just stating a fact , but it's your call , Your favorite hyung is in the company and will not be here soon so we need to wait a couple of more hours , did you have your dinner ?? "

Jimin : " No, Mom is tired and Dad told her he will be the one preparing the dinner " 

Yoongi : " But I can't take the delicious food Jin hyung make from my precious son  so , what do you say hyung " Yoongi smiled looking to Jin 

Jin : How generous you are " thier conversations got interrupted by the main door opening revealing a pale Taehyung who was looking like he just met with a ghost. 

Jin :" What happened brother!!"

Jimin:" Hyung!! Finally you are here , you will not believe what happened today " Jimin ran to him but before he can wrap his arms around his body, Taehyung was laying unconscious on the floor 

Jin :" TAE !!! " 

Yoongi :" TAEHYUNG " 

Jimin :" HYUNG  " 

Jin ran to him carried him to the couch 

Jimin :" hyung !! What happened to Tae hyung , why he is not opening his eyes " Jimin was terrified, he never saw Taehyung this weak or sick , he was just fine this morning. 

Yoongi :" calm down Jimin , he will be okay , can you go bring  a cup of water from the kitchen?? " Yoongi trying to distract Jimin and Jimin nodded leaving them

Yoongi :" what's wrong with him hyung , it's been long time he didn't go through this ?? Why this is happening again " Jin was caressing Taehyung hair trying to make him feel safe .

Jin :" we are not focusing on him Yoongi , there must be someone on the company, we used to be around him in the Café, but now we just missed that he can't be unmatched "


Author's note..

Sorry for the late update but just bear with the slow updates just more 3 weeks and I will be back 

Thank you ❤️❤️

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