Chapter 93

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Author's POV :

IU opened her eyes to find herself in a warm embrace of her man , she looked up to his face , how peaceful he is while he is sleeping 

IU :" how come I can love you this much!! I don't know how it will be if you are not there for me , Thank you for your existence " she whispered to not wake him up kissing his neck and without farther thinking she kicked him out of the bed 

Yoongi :" Fuck .. what happened!!! " Yoongi landed butt first on the floor dumbfounded looking to his girl .

IU :" How could you sleep here after what you did yesterday, why don't you sleep on your beautiful girl arms , I believe it will make you happy beyond the stars " 

Jimin :" Mom !! " Jimin wake up at her voice don't know what is happening 

Yoongi :" Jiminie, it's time to get ready for school, go and I will prepare your breakfast " Yoongi caressed Jimin's cheek smiling softly doesn't want to involve him on there mess.

Jimin:" Okay Dad " he kissed him and looked to his sulking Mom kissing her too and left the room 

Yoongi :" babe .. " she pushed him when he tried to hold her hand

IU :" Don't babe me , I don't want to look at your face , you flirt " he pulled her to sit on his lap ignoring her struggles to get out of his hold 

Yoongi : " this flirt would never has eyes for any woman on this planet other than my girl " 

IU :" Oh really!! Did you look to that girl with your ears " he chuckled 

Yoongi :" I swear, the word just slipped from my mouth when Namjoon say it , I didn't mean to flirt with her , and how can I look to any other girl when I have the most beautiful one on this earth, I swear i can lost in your eyes , no one can make my heart flatter like you do " she stops struggling and looked down trying to hide her tears 

IU :" you didn't even follow me , you are not caring for me anymore, am I ugly now , don't you like me anymore after I got pregnant " he kissed her cheek wiping her tears 

Yoongi : " I sent you that Tae needs me , you know how he is struggling with his case , how Can I leave him when he asked for me to be there for him !! " 

IU :" you didn't even call " she still crying but now she is holding him purring her face on his neck 

Yoongi :" You have all the right to be angry with me , I'm sorry I should have call you , I'm sorry that I made you feel like this " 

IU :" Am I fat !!" 

Yoongi :" No you are not , I can even carry you and running a full track " she chuckled know how Yoongi hate to do workout 

IU :" do you think that secretary is beautiful!! " 

Yoongi :" No she is not " she pushed him and stand up angrily 

IU :" You are lier cause she is beautiful, how much lies did you tell till not ??" Yoongi was losing his mind , if he agreed that she is beautiful IU will get mad and if he denied he is a lier !! 

Yoongi :" Babe !! " 

IU :" Get out of here and you are not sleeping here tonight, and don't think to sleep in your son's room so find a place where you can think freely about your beautiful girl " she kicked him out of the room and locked the door .

Jin :" Does your understanding girlfriend kick you out " Jin chuckled when he saw Yoongi state 

Yoongi :" Hyung!! It's not time for your jokes.. I don't know what to do , she is like under a switch buttons, second she is the sweetest and the next she is totally mad " 

Jin : " she is pregnant, it's normal , but find the real reason why she is upset and fix it fast , i'm not letting you keep her sad for long , don't make me involve myself in this, you will not like it " Jin warn him and headed to the kitchen to prepare thier breakfast " 


Yoongi's office...

Yoongi :" You put me on this and you are the one who will help me fix the mess you made " Namjoon laughed his heart out at Yoongi statue 

Namjoon:" why are you blaming me !! You are the one who has no control on his mouth " 

Yoongi :" whatever , I need you to help me , she is not even let me sleep on Jimin's bed , and I'm not sleeping on this couch, my back will not cooperate " 

Namjoon:" Fine , what are you planning to do ?" 

Yoongi :" I need to porpose her , she was so angry when I asked her to marry me last time " 

Namjoon:" did you already asked her ?? And why did she got angry  " 

Yoongi :" When she told me she is pregnant, I asked her to marry me " Namjoon was shocked 

Namjoon:" just like that !! Without ring, flowers!! Any preparation!!! "Yoongi nodded sheepishly 

Namjoon:" Thank God she is still with you , you need to fix this " 

Yoongi :" That's exactly what I need your help with , prepare the proposal " 

Namjoon:" Hyung !!! You are the one who will porpose, what does this do with me " 

Yoongi :" bro please , I don't know anything about those stuff , I will tell you what her finger size , but I don't know anything else , just do what girls like " 

Namjoon:" And who told you I know what girls like " Yoongi smirked looking to him 

Yoongi :" Wow , Mr.Joonie do I need to bring your girls history, I don't even know how many girls you had in your past , you being single now doesn't erase your past my handsome brother, I can't forget how they  were deeply in love with you " 

Namjoon:" yaaah !! You are talking like I was playing around  , I have a valid reason for each break up " Yoongi chuckled 

Yoongi :" I didn't say otherwise, I just want to say that no one know what girls like more than you " 😏

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