Chapter 69

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Taehyung's POV:

Taehyung: "No, I failed because I used to think like you, that no one would ever understand me. But here you are, right by my side, and I'm here for you. We will help Jimin heal, I promise."

Jimin: "Promise, hyung." I pulled him into my arms, finding comfort in our embrace. It's the first time I'm opening up to someone like this, besides Kookie.

He pulled away from my arms and looked up at me, his eyes filled with a glimmer of plea.

Jimin: "But... what about Dad? He's so angry with me." I know how protective Yoongi is towards Jimin, and his anger is justified. Even the punishment he wants to give Jimin seems logical, but I'm completely against him slapping Jimin. He can't do that.

Taehyung: "I'll talk to Dad, Jimin. I'll make sure he understands what you've been through. No one should treat you this way. He shouldn't slap you. I will make sure he never does it again."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

Jimin: "Hyung, I'm not talking about that. It's okay, I'm not angry that he slapped me. It's okay. But he won't talk to me for two weeks, and he won't sleep with me either. Please talk to him for me."

The pang in my heart almost defeated me, but I held his shoulder and looked into his eyes.

Taehyung: "Jimin, baby! You can't be okay with something like this. It's not okay, and it will never be okay. No matter what you did, he can't hit you. Not him, not anyone. Slapping you is wrong. Do you understand me, right?"

Jimin: "But... but he said he's sorry." I caressed his cheek, smiling softly. He hates that I'm against Yoongi, and his eyes mirror his conflicted emotions.

Taehyung: "That's great. He would never hurt you intentionally. I know that." He relaxed when I stopped blaming Yoongi hyung. He doesn't need to know about my conversation with his dad later.

Jimin: "Yes, I know that. Can you please do something about the punishment he gave me? I can't sleep without him." He crossed his arms over his chest in a cute childish manner, which made me chuckle.

Taehyung: "As long as I understand you, and I know why you did what you did was out of valid emotions, but your dad just gave you a fair punishment. If he takes back a single part of it, I'm the one who will punish you. Studying is not something you can play with, kid, so deal with it."

I smiled, ending the conversation, and his mouth dropped in shock.

Jimin: "Hyung... but... it's too much. Please do something." I shook my head.

Taehyung: "No, it serves you right. Now go wash your face, and I'll ask your mother to prepare something for you to eat, okay?" I kissed his forehead and left his room. Finally, he's not sobbing. He's still sad, but he stopped crying.


Author's POV:

At the cafe...

Jin: "You need to control yourself, Yoongi. Nothing happens without a reason. You need to listen and understand why he's saying or doing what he does, instead of resorting to violence and hurting him even more he already does."

Yoongi: "I know, hyung. I know I shouldn't have done that, and I tried my best to control my anger, but it just slipped out of my control."

RM: "Okay, guys, calm down. It's both of our faults for neglecting to keep track of Jimin's school situation. We need to focus on him more."

J-Hope: "You're right, hyung. He has been through hell,  he needs to know we're there for him. and sure he needs to be watched "


Home in the night ...

IU walked into Jimin's room, finding him lying on the bed, covered from head to toe in his blanket. She approached him, feeling a sense of urgency, as he had slept without waiting for them to be there.

She gently pulled the covers away from his face and realized he was sleeping. 

IU: "Baby, why didn't you wait for me?" She caressed his head, only to be shocked by his burning skin.

IU: "Shit, you're burning up, Jimin, babe. Wake up, can you hear me?" She shook his shoulder, trying to rouse him, but he didn't respond.

Since Yoongi had informed her that he would be sleeping at the cafe, she rushed to call someone for help.

Jungkook: "What's wrong, Noona? Why do you look so pale?" Jungkook encountered her as she came out of Jimin's room.

IU: "Help me, Kookie. Jimin is burning up, and he's not responding to me." She was completely panicked.

Jungkook ran with her to Jimin's side.

Jungkook: "Little one... Can you hear me?" Jungkook kept patting his cheek, but he still didn't stir.

Jungkook: "Noona, bring a bowl of cold water and a small towel." She went to fetch them, and he removed the covers from Jimin's body, attempting to wake him up.

Jimin: "C-cold... Dad, I'm so cold." 

Jungkook: "Jimin, open your eyes. It's me, Jungkook." Jimin slowly opened his eyes, and they immediately filled with tears.

Jimin: "Where is Daddy? I want him, Kookie... My body hurts so much." Jungkook held Jimin's hands, trying to provide some warmth since he couldn't cover him while he was burning up like this.

Jungkook: "I'm here, baby, and Noona will be here now. You'll be okay." Jungkook already knew about Yoongi's punishment, so he had slept at the cafe to prevent himself from retracting it. He knew that if Yoongi found out about Jimin's condition, he would be there in a heartbeat.

IU: "Baby, did you open your eyes? How do you feel now?" She brought the bowl to the nightstand and started to wipe Jimin's forehead.

Jimin: "Mom, nooo, it's cold... I want Dad now. Call him for me, please, Mommy." He pushed her hand away as it felt freezing against his head.

IU: "Baby, you need this, and I will call Dad tomorrow. He's already asleep now."

Jimin: "No, I will not put this on me. It's cold, and he needs to wake up. I'm sick, and he won't leave me when I'm like this."

Jungkook: "Jimin, we're not saying he's leaving you. He'll be here tomorrow. Stop being a brat and let us reduce your fever." Jungkook spoke firmly, trying to bring some sense to the situation.

Jimin curled his lips in attempt for another set of cry 

Jimin :" you are being mean with me .. I want Dad " 

IU held him in her arms " okay stop crying I will call him for once if he didn't pick up then you will follow what i say deal ?!" 

Jimin nodded weakly and she grabbed her phone to deal Yoongi and at the first ring he picked up .

Yoongi :" what's wrong babe ?! Did something happened with Jimin ?! " 

IU :" you didn't sleep right ?! " 

Yoongi :" mmmm "

IU :" he has a fever and demanding you to be here , he is refusing to cooperate with us to reduce his temperature " 

Yoongi :" i'm on my way " 

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