Chapter 53

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Author's POV : 

Jimin slowly regained consciousness, his head throbbing and his vision blurred. As he blinked away the disorientation, he realized he was no longer in familiar surroundings. Panic gripped his chest, his heart pounding against the cage of his ribs.

He tried to move, only to feel the restraints biting into his wrists and ankles. Fear surged through him, paralyzing his body and clouding his mind. Memories of his past trauma as a child resurfaced, flooding his senses with a mixture of anguish and terror. The wounds that had begun to heal were mercilessly torn open once again.

Tears welled up in Jimin's eyes as he fought to suppress the memories, the haunting whispers of his past echoing in his mind. He couldn't allow himself to succumb to despair. He had to be strong, for both himself and his hyungs that had given him a second chance at life.

A door creaked open, and the masked man entered the dimly lit room. His presence exuded malevolence, his eyes glinting with a sickening satisfaction. Jimin's heart raced, his breath caught in his throat as he stared into the face of his captor.

he is still masking his face and wearing a hat so Jimin can't recognize him , or we can say he don't admit that he already recognized him , he can't be .

"Why?" Jimin's voice trembled, his voice barely a whisper. "What do you want from me?"

The kidnapper sneered, relishing in Jimin's vulnerability. "You don't remember me, do you?" he hissed. "You ruined my life. Now, it's time for you to pay."

Jimin's breath hitched as he stared at the masked man before him, his mind struggling to comprehend the unthinkable truth. The realization hit him like a thunderbolt — the kidnapper was none other than his own uncle, the man who had ruined his life. His heart sank, the weight of darkness and all his nightmares crushing his spirit.

"You..." Jimin's voice quivered, his words barely escaping his trembling lips. "Why? How could you do this .. ?"

His uncle's eyes glinted with a sinister delight, relishing in the torment he had inflicted upon Jimin. The room seemed to close in on Jimin, the air heavy with a cocktail of dread and disbelief. Fear consumed him, wrapping its icy tendrils around his heart.

The kidnapper took a step closer, his voice dripping with malice. "Oh, my dear Jimin," he sneered. "You were always such an easy target, so innocent and trusting. did you think those stupid losers will protect you from me , your are a big dump , they don't even care baby i'm sure they just raising you to be their whore " 

In that moment, Jimin's eyes burned with a newfound determination. He would not allow himself to be a victim once again

Jimin : " YOU ARE LIER STOP SAYING THAT THEY LOVE ME AND THEY SAW ME AS THEIR BROTHER AND SON NOT LIKE YOU , YOU EVIL HUMEN BEING " Jimin was screaming his lung out , he can't take what his uncle saying about his hyungs .

A wicked smile played on his uncle's lips, a macabre dance of triumph. "Trust!!! my dear Jimin, is a fragile thing, you just trusted them cause they feed you and gave you a shelter , my poor kid , let's see if they will care enough to search for you , which i don't think they will "

Jimin's breaths came in ragged gasps as his uncle's words seeped into his wounded soul. Doubt crept into his mind, intertwining with the fear that had already consumed him. His voice trembled as he fought to push back the suffocating darkness that threatened to overwhelm him.

"No... they... they love me," Jimin stammered, his voice laced with desperation. "They're my family. They would never abandon me."

His uncle's laughter sliced through his words like a knife. "Oh, my naive little Jimin," he mocked. Won : "You think they truly care? How long do you think their love will last once they realize the burden you've become? Once they discover the darkness lurking within you? and the much pain that i will enlist in you here , i didn't start yet my dear "

Jimin's heart shattered as doubt gnawed at his core. The thought of his loving family turning their backs on him, seeing him as nothing more than a broken vessel, tore at the fragile thread of hope that had sustained him. Fear mingled with betrayal, twisting his gut into knots.

He clutched at the restraints binding him, his voice filled with anguish. 

Jimin :"No... they... they would never... they promised..."

But his uncle's words had planted seeds of uncertainty in Jimin's mind. The weight of his own insecurities and past traumas bore down on him, threatening to drown him in a sea of self-doubt. The fear whispered in his ear, taunting him, reminding him of his past experiences of abandonment and pain.

Tears streamed down Jimin's face as his voice wavered.

Jimin : "What if... what if they don't find me? What if I'm left here, alone, to suffer... just like before?"

His uncle's eyes gleamed with triumph, relishing in Jimin's torment. 

Won : "That's the beauty of it, my dear Jimin," he hissed. "The uncertainty, the doubt... it will eat away at you until there's nothing left. And when all hope is extinguished, you'll come to realize that you were never truly was only me who loved every inch of your broken body. But your foolish boys removed the thing that loved you, didn't they? They took away the only thing that cared for you. Now, you'll serve as entertainment at my party, where my friends can have their way with you. You'll finally find the love you've been searching for, my sweet, broken baby."'

Jimin's fragile form quaked uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face as his mind became a battlefield of agony. Fear threatened to consume him, drowning his spirit in a sea of despair. The pain of his uncle's words cut deep, slicing through his already wounded soul.

Jimin : "NOOOOO! PLEASE, LET ME GO!" Jimin's anguished plea reverberated through the room, each word a desperate cry for freedom from this living nightmare. In a desperate attempt to break free from the physical and emotional restraints, he began to claw at his own flesh, his nails leaving raw marks upon his trembling body. But his efforts were in vain, as the chains that bound him remained unyielding, mocking his futile struggle.

In the midst of his torment, Jimin's voice cracked with a mixture of desperation and defiance. "Please... please, let me go. I beg you," he pleaded, his voice laden with a haunting vulnerability. "I don't deserve this. Yoongi hyung please save me . Please... release me from this nightmare. you promised me he will never touch me again , why hyung why !!!!!"

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