Chapter 15

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Author's POV : 

Jin ordered Jimin to go to his room to study after he had dinner with his hyungs cause he want to talk with his brothers , and he gathered them in RM's office

Jin : " this guy is not staying here anymore , i'm not risking Jimin's safety again , and it is final "

Taehyung : " why ?? what happen ?? "

J-hope : " did this guy do something , i made sure his tied is done perfect "

RM : " why are you bringing this topic again hyung " 

Yoongi : " Jimin tried to open the basement door because he heard the fucker voices these past weeks " 

Taehyung : " FUCK HE DID WHAT ??? " 

Jin : " DON'T PLAM THE BOY YOU TOO , HE  IS JUST A KID AND HIS curiosity lead him to act like this , but it was wrong from the start to bring him here , i'm not taking it anymore , i have fed up"

Yoongi : " we can't cancel our plan after we reach here hyung , Jimin need to face him , and the fucker need to apologies to him "

Jin : " but he is totally not ready can't you see "

Taehyung : " he will never be ready " Jungkook hold Taehyung's hand to support him 

Jungkook : " we are here for him , the guy now is almost healed so we can talk to Jimin about the presence of his uncle  and prepare him to face him "

Jin : " what if he break down  " 

Taehyung : " can't you understand hyung , he will break down , he will start again like the accident just happened now , but we will be there for him , he will not be alone , he will be stronger " Taehyung hand started shaking in Jungkook's but he is not crying , the cold strong version can't break in front of his hyungs 

RM : " don't worry Jin hyung  everything will be okay , we will do as you want this guy will leave but after he confront Jimin mm" RM patted Jin's back , he knew how worried Jin is 

Jin : " i don't want Jimin to be hurt again brother " 

RM : " we have no other choices hyung , he need to go through this to heal "

J-Hope : " when will we inform him ?? " 

Yoongi : " after 2 days , he is in a 2 nights punishment and i don't think it will be fine if he goes through this while he can't sleep with me "

Jin : " Just cancel your punishment yoongi "

yoongi : " no i will not "

Jin : " stubborn dickhead"

RM : " okay okay enough , who will sleep with him " 

Jungkook : " he want J-hope , he got angry with me and Jin hyung when we refused to convince Yoongi hyung to take back his punishment "  

J-Hope : " my baby , okay i'm going to him it's already late and he is too grumpy when he is not sleeping with his favorite hyung so pray for me"

yoongi :"i should pick the punishments next time , why i punish my self with him arrrgggg "

Jungkook : " someone here is jealous " Jungkook smirked teasing Yoongi 

Yoongi : " yaaah , i'm not , i just used to sleep beside him "

Jungkook : "  okay okay i didn't say anything "


 J-Hope nocked Jimin's Door

Jimin : " come in " 

J-Hope : " how is my baby doing " Jimin pouted 

Jimin : " fine " 

J-Hope :  " ooooh , why soo sad "

Jimin : " nothing "

J-Hope : " but someone told me that our little did a huge mistake so his hyung is very angry "

Jimin : " did he till you what i did ?? " 

J-Hope :  " yes " Jimin looked down 

Jimin : " are you mad too ? "

J-Hope :  " you just got your punishment , and you apologized , so no use off being mad , right ? " " Jimin smiled and his eyes shined 

Jimin : " you are the best "

J-Hope :  " no you are , come here enough of your studying , let's sleep "

Jimin : " okay "

J-Hope laid down and Jimin cuddled to his chest 

  J-Hope : " baby , can i ask you something ? "

Jimin : " yes hyung "

J-Hope : " what do you want the most in this world ?"

 Jimin : " like what hyung ?? you already give me everything "

J-Hope : " no baby i'm not talking about the home or food , in general , in the past , in the future " J-Hope  was trying to make the kid open up to him , he never did 

Jimin : " mmm , hyung i hope i'm still pure , i wish i'm the innocent kid i was before what happen to me , what if i didn't go through all of this , whatever how much time pass but i feel so dirty , and low , i don't know how you accepted me as your brother even with the slut i'm " Jimin break down in a heavy sit of cry

 J-Hope : " what are you saying Jimin , you are still till now the purest soul i have ever seen , and where did you get this word slut from , you are not , despite what happen to you , you are still innocent and you have all the right to be our brother , you are one of us Jimin , nothing in this world will change this "

Jimin : " but .. but .. the innocent kids didn't do what i did  , i saw and .. and did what adult's doing , i'm not pure anymore " his cry is getting heaver so J-hope hugged him


J-hope : " shhhh , you are safe now , you will forget all of this , i'm here baby " 

Jimin : " i just can't hyung his face don't leave my nightmares , every single night , i'm scared he will take me back , what if he found me , what if he do it again "  J-hope broke the hug and looked to Jimin in the eyes 

 J-hope : " what if one day you can take your revenge Jimin do you think you will feel safe ?" Jimin frown his eyebrows and wiped his tears with his back of his hand 

Jimin :" what do you mean by revenge hyung " 

 J-hope : " like hurt him like he hurt you , make him suffer as much as he did to you " Jimin looked to  J-hope like he is talking nonsense 

Jimin : " it will never happen , you don't know him " 

 J-hope : " what do you mean "

Jimin : " he is soo powerful and tall , and look at me i'm too small , i can't hurt him "  J-hope chuckled 

J-hope : " and what do you think we are doing here , we are all tall , and we are powerful too , plus we are many so we can all hurt him "

 Jimin : " No you can' he is smart and will hurt you i don't want to lose you please don't risk your lives for something like this , i can't lose you " 

J-hope : " okay okay don't worry but just as an idea , if he got hurt , will you feel at ease "

Jimin :" he will never , you don't know him , he is the most evil man in this earth he will never get hurt "

J-hope thoughts > > " you just as pure as a small kid Jimin , i really can't imagine your reaction when you face your uncle "


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