Chapter 18

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Yoongi's POV:

Jimin pushed me hard and ran out of his room I ran after him

Yoongi :" hey jimin where are you going "

He passed the others and was about to open the main door but Jin hyung catch him 

Jimin:" leave me , you are bad too , don't touch me " jimin is totally out of control 

RM :" what happen Yoongi " 

Jin :" calm down baby it's me Jin your hyung , what happen " Jin is trying to hold jimin but he is not letting him 

Jungkook:" say something hyung what did you tell him "

Yoongi:" I told him what we did to his uncle "

Taehyung:" WHAT"


Jungkook:" you are not serious " 

J-hope:" you ruined everything hyung "

Jin :" what you did to him to make the kid react like this " Jin still holding jimin by force and jimin is not  giving up fighting back

I screwed up big time and I don't know what to do right not


RM :" hyung .. "

Jin :" you know what get out  all of you , I will find out my self "

We have no choice but leave Jin hyung alone with Jimin 


Jin's POV :

I have no idea what they did to the guy but I'm sure it's bad. it's bad to the extent that they never told me what they did , I couldn't believe Yoongi did tell jimin about it , where is his brain when he was talking to the kid , for fuck sake he is just a kid

Jin :" baby please calm down , I would never hurt you , listen to me mm "

Jimin :" NO YOU ARE BAD GUYS , YOU TRICKED ME , LET ME GO " he is screaming his heart out , fuck you Yoongi, we just gained the boy trust and you destroyed everything 

Jin :" stop jimin , look at me , I already didn't know what they did to your uncle so stop fighting me and talk " I don't mean to be harsh on him but hebis not listening at all 

Jimin :" are you telling the truth?"

Jin :" do you remember the day I asked you to come with me to the cafe and we slept there , that's the night when they kidnaped him , I was with you all the time , so I swear I don't even know what they did to him , I'm even against it , but they just don't listen to me " 

Jimin :" so you are a good guy ?" He started to calm down a little but still don't want me to touch him 

Jin :" we are all good guys jimin , but if you are talking about the bad deeds they did to your uncle, yes I'm good guy "

He crouch down hugging his knees and crying hard 

Jimin :" why I always trust the wrong one hyung , my heart hurt so much , I don't like this feeling  , how I can live like this "

Jin :" hey baby you are not trusting the wrong one this time , they did this for you , to make him suffer like he made you suffer , they have a good intentions " 

Jimin :" but .. but they .. they did an inhumane thing hyung ,, they broke his fingers and .. and cut his .. his " he pointed to his own dick .. fuck they did what 

Now I'm the one who is terrified 

I hugged Jimin , i'm the one who is more than double age of the kid is trampling already, fuck guys , you crossed every line I can imagine 

Jin :" don't think about what they did , i'm here , you are safe " 

Jimin :" what if .. what if I made one of hyung mad ,, is he going to do this to me too " 

Jin :" hey hey stop your overthink .. your hyungs will never hurt you .. they do this just for bad guys and you are there little good boy so don't think .. even if you were bad .. they will never hurt you " 

Jimin :" i'm scared hyung " he hugged me back finally 

Jin :" don't be .. I'm here for you " I pulled him to my lap and rocked his back, he started to relax 


Author's POV:

All brothers were eavesdropping what Jin and jimin talking 

RM :" I can't believe you told him hyung.. we fucking didn't tell the details to Jin hyung , what were you thinking when you told him "

Yoongi :" he provoked me when he told me it will not make deference if we hurt his uncle and he will always be the dirty kid he is now after what his uncle did to him " 

Taehyung:" so instead of convincing him you decide to hurt him too , good job hyung , now he hate all of us "



J-hope:" can you stop fighting, we need to think to fix this , not for us , for the kid who just lost the people he thinks that they are his family "

RM :" okay what will we do "

J-hope:" first of all , you need to deal with Jin hyung , he know everything now " 

Jungkook:" shit " 

Yoongi :" we have a long way to goo " 

Taehyung:" all thanks back to you " 

J-hope:" can you just stop " 

Taehyung:" if I lost jimin I will not spare you hyung "

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