Chapter 70

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Yoongi's POV:

Damn it, damn it, damn it. He's sick. My stupid brain messed up again. I shouldn't have been so harsh with him. I never meant for it to escalate to the point where he falls ill.

I rushed home, reaching his room in just 10 minutes.

As I opened the door, I found him crying his heart out in IU's arms.

Yoongi: "Baby..." His face was so red from crying.

Jimin: "Dad... you're here." He pulled away from IU's embrace and reached out for me.

Jungkook stood up, giving me space to sit beside Jimin.

Yoongi: "Hey, hey... don't cry, baby. Everything will be okay."

Jimin: "Daddy, it hurts so much. And Mom and Kookie hyung keep making me cold and be mean to me."

IU: "Hey, you little brat. You were crying in my arms second ago .We just need to reduce your fever."

Jungkook: "Hyung, do something. He won't take his medicine or let us put the cold towel on his head." God, how am I going to handle him now?

Yoongi: "Okay, guys... it's alright. I'll handle it myself. You can go to your rooms. I'm in charge now." They nodded and left the room, leaving me alone with Jimin, who was still clinging to my chest.

Jimin: "Thank you, Daddy. Please cover me with the blanket. It's too cold." This brat is taking advantage of his sickness. I coughed and gently pulled his arms away from my waist.

Yoongi: "Why are you giving your mom and Kookie a hard time, Jimin? Huh?" He seemed taken aback by my sudden change in tone.

Jimin: "Dad!! I... It's cold. I don't want to..." 

Yoongi: "I know, but you need to use it to reduce your fever. Do I need to go back to being strict, or are you going to cooperate?!" 

He looked down, clearly conflicted.

Jimin: "I don't like your strict version." I caressed his cheek gently.

Yoongi: "Okay, then. You need to help me. What about a warm bath, hmm?" Jimin's eyes widened in surprise.

Jimin: "NO, NO! Please, okay, you can put the cold, hurting, mean towel on my hurting head to make me freez" I chuckled at how he exaggerated the description of the compress. This little manipulator.

He hugged his body, curling himself into a ball.

Yoongi: "Baby, relax. I'm not going to hurt you. Take this pill first and then lay down." He swallowed the pill and lay on his bed, looking at me with puppy eyes as I reached for the towel.

Jimin: "You're too mean to me," he said when I was about to place it on his forehead.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

Yoongi: "Oh, really? It's a shame that you have a meanie dad. What are you going to do about it, little one?" I didn't stop the motion of wiping his forehead. He would be burning up if I listened to his smart mouth.

Jimin: "Ah, Daddy, it's cold. Please, stop." 

Yoongi: "Okay, if you let me reduce your fever now and stop being stubborn, I'll reduce your punishment once you feel better." He was shocked by my words.

Jimin: "What? Didn't you forgive me? I'm sick. You can't punish me like this. I can't sleep without you when I'm sick, daaaad." He whined like a child.

Yoongi: "I'm here with you now, so I didn't say I would punish you while you're sick. If you want me to remove this part even when you're well, let me treat you without your bratty mouth... what do you say?!"

He stayed still for a while, thinking.

Jimin: "You'll sleep with me and talk to me, right? You won't punish me with your cold and silent treatment if I put this cold towel on my head?"

Yoongi: "Yes, but I'll still keep your phone and keep an eye on you during your classes."

He pulled me into a tight hug.

Jimin: "I'm sorry, Dad... you're the best dad ever." I kissed his forehead gently.

Yoongi: "And you're the best son. Now, let me reduce your fever, please."

He remained still while I wiped his forehead, not uttering a word. He clearly hated the punishment I had given him.

It took me an hour to bring down his fever, and he was shivering, yet he didn't protest at all. I felt a pang of guilt for treating him poorly. He didn't deserve such harsh treatment; he deserved to be cherished for the rest of his life.

I covered him with a thick blanket, and his eyes fluttered open as he felt the warmth of the fabric.

Jimin: "Daddy, did I make it? Am I a good boy now?" I slipped under the covers beside him.

Yoongi: "You're always my good boy, baby. Now, sleep... you need to rest."

He curled up against my chest, refusing to let me move.

Yoongi: "Baby, you can hug me as much as you want, but sleep on the bed." He shook his head.

Jimin: "No... here." I rolled my eyes; he wouldn't let me go tonight.

I texted IU to let her know that he was okay now, and she came to check on him herself.

IU: "How are you, love? It's been a long day for you." She sat on the edge of the bed after checking on the sleeping prince on my chest, whispering to me.

I nodded, indicating that I was fine.

IU: "Don't overthink it... he just can't bear to be away from you. He'll be okay."

I held her hand.

Yoongi: "Thank you for being here for us." She kissed my forehead and settled on the other side of Jimin's bed. The small bed was barely enough for all of us.


Author's POV:

Jin's Room ..

Jin lay unconscious on the floor of his room, surrounded by a pool of his own blood. The cuts he had inflicted upon himself were deeper than he had initially intended. Perhaps this was the moment for his suffering to come to an end. His thoughts consumed him, convincing him that he deserved this fate, to die alone where no one could save him.

As his life hung in the balance, the weight of despair pressing down on him, his mind wandered to the people he would be leaving behind. He wondered if they deserve to hurt them ...

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