Chapter 110

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Taehyung's POV : 

It's been 2 days since Jin talked to me about getting a profession help, I locked my self in my room , Jimin tried to knock my door many times but i didn't let him in , Kookie make sure i'm fine by forcing me to send a pic of me each 3 hours , I know he can break the door but , I need to be alone , I can't take this , I thought Jimin is fine , that's what kept me sane in somehow when i knew he went through the same hell i did , but he is not , Jin hyung said He is not , maybe in my deepest mind I knew this but I didn't want to bring this up and face the fact that he is not okay .

I gave up the idea that i need to heal myself when I believed that he could have a girlfriend and have a normal love life , I thought it's fine if one of us could survive this , He did, so I don't need to try .

But everything was wrong , I just made up something i can live with , I know , no one can be normal after facing something like this but .. I thought the case is deferent 

Jimin was looked with his uncle , he was naive of what is really going onv, and it happened for him just once , but I was not , I knew every single touch's meaning , and I was helpless , for how many years for him waiting for me to get much older like a pig so he can eat it fat and worthy .

I should obey him or he is going to hurt Kookie , I know no one will stop him , there is no one to complain , he is the law here , and we are just a mere kids who just left behind by our own parents , who will feel sorry when our own family didn't .

I know i need to endure this , I believe this is more bearable more than Kookie's hurting face , I can't be the cause of it.

Sometimes I hates my face , this is what got me all this , I was the most beautiful kid in the orphanage , Don't mention Jin hyung, He is the handsome one , plus he is not an orphan anymore .

I thought a lot to ruin my face so he will hate me and stop what he is doing , but i was a coward kid , couldn't hurt my self , every time i hold the blade it will fell the moment it touch me cheek .

I was afraid in the first few month to share what is happening to me , I was just a kid and he made sure that I need to keep this or he will make his threats come true .

One of the night in his office , I was screaming my heart out , That was the first time he let my mouth without gaging me with a cloth to keep me shot , he want to hear my agony aloud , That's where Namjoon found out , he was suspicions , so many nights I will disappear and I will have a fever the next day or keep silence for even a week, so he started to follow me , but the Orphanage manager will lock the door so Namjoon couldn't get what is going on till the night my voice spoke up loud enough for him to get what is going on with me .

He too has no power to help me , he was just a 16 , but I remember this clearly , that guy couldn't get his hand on me again , Namjoon Hyung never leave my side , he used his all excuse to not let me with him alone , He will sleep beside my bed in the floor , walk with me to my school , eat with me each meal , he even wait in front of the bathroom for me to take a shower , I wonder back there if he has a time to take one , those days were i felt safe the most ,  and it didn't take more than a week to find out that they are planning to run away , Not only me to let me skip but , Yoongi ,Namjoon , J-hope and Kookie , they really taking the risk , all of them for me , but what shocked me that it was Jin hyung idea , He was not the one who will break the rules.

I knew what he went through with those monsters , He never deserved this , He even endured this for 4 years telling us it will get well in some point  , but when Namjoon hyung told him what happened to me , he took the lead , I believe he is the bravest man i have ever met  , run out from there , and rented by his saving a small room for us so we can all have a safe nest for us .

It was a single room with a small bathroom and an open kitchen , and yes we were  6 boys in a small room , Even with this small space , they gave me the space i needed , I couldn't endure to be touched , so there was a corner that only me , is allowed in .

Jin was already 21 years old so he was out of his adopted custody , He start to work in a near bakery  and the rest of them started to work in  small work that not require paper , no one of us has his paper .

They didn't let me work , My attacks will hit every time i will be touched by any human being , so I stayed there , Alone , Kookie never know that what happen to me was under the threat of him being hurt , I begged Namjoon hyung to not tell him , He has nothing to do with this , It was my choice , it will not be fair to let him feel the burden of something he never asked for .

But He is the one who was there trying to get me back , his touch was the first that I accepted , I don't know why but his doe eyes never held a threat , He was just a kid , maybe back there he didn't get what i was going through but he grow up with me being this broken so he learned with the hard way how useless I'm ....

Jungkook :"  TAE HYUNG OPEN  THE FUCKING DOOR , IT'S TOO MUCH , IT'S ALREADY 2 DAYS , YOU NEED TO EAT SOMETHING , I WILL COUNT TO 3 IF YOU DIDN'T OPEN THE DOOR I WILL BREAK IT "  Kookie's loud voice brought me from my thoughts , maybe i'm his hyung but he is scary sometimes , I guess i need to let him in now ...

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