Chapter 31

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Taehyung's POV : 

Jin hyung never talked about his feelings with us , he used to open up to RM hyung , but he failed this time to hide from us , and we saw his weakness , i guess he gave up hiding , he looked like a little child afraid to be left alone .

he never talked about his abusive adoptive parents we just know they were miss treating him , but he never share the details , but from what i see now , i know it worse than what we can imagen , he is sleeping in kookies chest and still holding my hand not letting go , RM hyung returned , he  smiled when he saw us in this position followed by Yoongi , Jimin and J-hope hyung .

RM : " did he fall a sleep ?? " 

Taehyung : " yes , i guess the medicine is strong " 

Yoongi : " is his fever still high ? " 

Jungkook : " not as it was , he started to feel cooler "

i looked to Jimin he is not okay , his face is soo red

Jimin : " is he okay , why he is sleeping " J-hope was holding him to his chest I motioned for him with my hand to come to me , i can't move Jin hyung still holding my hand , he came to me and i pulled him to sit on my lap

Taehyung : " he is fine baby , he is just a sleep due to the medicine , don't worry , why your face is so red " i kept wiping his tears that was falling from his precious eyes 

Jimin : " i don't like Jin hyung being sick " he cried more and hide in my chest 

Taehyung : " shhh everything will be okay " 

J-hope : " let's leave to let Jin hyung rest baby "

Jungkook : " no just stay , all of us , he want all of us to be here with him , he don't want to be alone "

i noticed RM smiling with my side eyes 

J-Hope : " okay we will stay " all of us spent the night in Jin hyung room J-hope lay on the couch cuddling with  Jimin , i think Jimin missed J-hope hyung soo much otherwise he will be sleeping with Yoongi hyung

and Yoongi hyung was sleeping on the floor while RM was trying to fit in the chair that i doubt he will 

Kookie still holding Jin hyung and i decided to just sleep sitting while holding Jin hyung hand.


Jin's POV :

i wake up at 7 a.m it was so hot and there is someone holding me and my hand , what is this ??

i opened my eyes , there kookie is holding me or i can say i'm sleeping above him literally , and in my left side there is Tae holding my hand in the most uncomfortable sleeping position  

last night event rushed to my head , my secret has been revealed already , the weakness inside of me , they saw it .

i don't know how to feel now , there is a huge weight removed from my chest , but i'm scared from there reaction , what if they changed , i'm there hyung , the strongest , how can i be this weak in front of them , what if the past repeat it self.

i tried to get up from Jungkook's body  and pulled my hand from Taehyung's

Jungkook : " hyung , where are you going , how are you now , is your fever gone " he put me on the bed and checked my temperature with his palm handling me gently 

Jin: " i'm fine" i told him coldly i need to regain my strong self , he hold my hand 

Jungkook : " hyung your fever is gone but you are still not fully fine , please just rest in bed and i will bring a worm drink and your medicine , it's almost the time for it " i pulled my hand harshly from him

Jin : " i'm not a kid , i can take care of my self , just go to your room , i don't need your help i told you i'm fine " 

the light of the room turned on and there were all of them , i didn't notice that all of them were sleeping in my room 

Yoongi: " why are you two shouting this early in the morning ??" 

Taehyung : " what's wrong hyung , are you okay ?? " 

J-hope : " what is happening with you guys Jimin will wake up "  RM walk to me and his eyes full of concern 

RM : " i'm here hyung calm down "

Jin : " get out all of you "

Jungkook : " no we are not , you are still not fine and you need us , we are not leaving you alone hyung so deal with it " i pushed him and he fell out of the bed hitting his head into the wall

Jin : " i don't need anyone here " 

RM : " okay okay just calm down , i will make them leave " he went to Jungkook checking him but there was blood 

RM : " Junkook you are bleeding " what ?? i hurt him ?? fuck .. i ran to him checking his head but he hold my hand 

Jungkook : " don't , i don't need your concern , if you can't let me do the same to you , so i can't let you care for me hyung , as you said , i'm too , not kid anymore " and he rushed out of the room. 

they all left but RM .

i was about to follow Jungkook but RM hold my arm 

RM : " don't "

Jin : " didn't you see , his head is bleeding , i need to check him "

RM : " no we need to talk he can handle himself "

Jin : " but .. " he cut me of 

RM : " no buts sit and listen to me " i don't have energy to fight with him i already started to feel weak again

RM : " what happen with you when you wake up " 

Jin : " i can't RM , i can't face them with my weakness "

RM :" i always respect your decisions hyung and never argued with you , but can you give me a reason right now "

Jin : " i just can't "

RM : " you know what , i always knew the reason but i kept it , i don't want to hurt you , but you need to face it hyung , you need to know that your brothers has nothing to do with what your adoptive parents did with you " 


RM : " when you left the orphanage you thought they will be good to you , and you kept your faith in them even if there act was against it ,  they knew your weakness and they used it against you hyung , you are afraid the same thing will happen again , you can't trust your own brothers "

Jin : " i... " 

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