Chapter 108

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Author's POV : 

IU : " Where have you been all day , Yooni " IU looked up from the couch in her room as Yoongi finally arrived home. She couldn't hide her concern and frustration.

Yoongi walked over to where she was sitting and laid his head on her lap, gently caressing her baby bump where their little beans were growing.

Yoongi : "I'm sorry, babe. I got a call from work. They needed me for an emergency, so I had to go " he explained, planting a tender kiss on her stomach and holding her hands tightly. He was visibly exhausted and in desperate need of rest.

IU :"What's wrong, love? You don't look fine at all," she murmured, her voice filled with concern caressing his hair gently.

Yoongi sighed and looked into her eyes, his voice heavy with emotion. 

Yoongi : "I've been missing you so much. It's been a long time since I've had you all to myself. Can you just hold me for a while?"

Yoongi was not one to easily ask for affection, but deep down, he was one of the most sensitive souls who needed love to keep going. Ever since that incident, Tae had been absent from work, leaving Yoongi with an overwhelming workload. The burden of carrying the Factory's responsibilities without Tae's support was taking a toll on him.

The weight of Tae's stoic silence was draining Yoongi's mind. He longed to help his little brother, but Tae refused to accept any assistance. As time passed, Yoongi's irritation grew, feeling helpless in the face of Tae's emotional struggle. He knew that Tae needed to open up, but he was at a loss for how to make him do so.

IU felt the weight on Yoongi's soul , he don't need to talk for her to know , his eyes may speak a foreign language for others , but bot for her.

she pulled him to ley on her chest instead of her lap .

IU : " It's okay love , everything will be fine , Tae will be fine , If work loaded you i can join to help , let's talk to Hopi , he will help " she keeps caressing his hair giving his soul the comfort that much needed .

Yoongi : " How come he will be okay babe , he is not even trying , I'm done with seeing him hurt , I missed his real smile , I'm scared that I will not meet it again " She kissed his forehead in a tender kiss 

IU : " I was waiting for you to talk about this actually " he pulled back from her hold

Yoongi : "  What happened !! is Tae went in another attack ?? " 

IU : " Calm down , in the fact he did , but .. " 

Yoongi : " What calm down IU , you are saying he already had another attack " he was about to get up to go see Tae but she pulled him back

IU : " Can  you hear me out first , okay he had one but Jin was there and he talked to him , and .. "

Yoongi : " And what ?! "

IU : " and  talked to Jimin " he stayed still looking her with shock

Yoongi : " Why Jimin ?!! what they talked about , IU please don't tell me Jimin has anything with this " she caressed his cheek 

IU : " Yooni please , We two know Jimin need a profession help , and we two know he is not fine , He started to sleep on his own room for a month now , can you count how many nights he end up on our bed again in the middle of the night ?! did you notice how he keep distance between him and Ara , his body always tense when she is there " 

Yoongi : " I don't mind him to sleep with us , and that's better he need to keep distance with that girl , it's more safe for him "

IU :"  Can you control your jealous ass and focus on your son condition , he is fighting something he doesn't even know so we need to fix this , I don't know what he talked with Jin Oppa , but Jin Oppa told me he is okay to have a profession help

Yoongi : " Did he agree !! for real ?? " The long fight with Tae and Jin to have a profession help didn't gave Yoongi any hope with Jimin , he know his son is not fine , but he thought .. 

IU : " Yes love , it seems our son is eager to heal , that's what i want to say , Your hyung already agreed to get the help too " 

Yoongi : " WHAT ?! Jin is ready to be treated already ?! " 

IU : " Yes love .. so .. we thought if Jimin talked to Tae , maybe he will agree too to start his treatment already , it worked with Jin so .. "

Yoongi : " I can't believe Jin agreed already  .. My angel has  a power  , where is Jimin now  , is he sleep already " he was about to go to him but IU hold him again 

IU : " There is something you need to know , your son , Hit Yun Hee when she came this afternoon "

Yoongi's eyes can't go more wider 

Yoongi : " Yun Hee was here ??? and .. Jimin !! Jimin my son ?? hit her ?! you are kidding right " IU chuckled on Yoongi's reaction , okay no one can imagine Jimin being violent .

IU : " okay stop being surprised , she was here to see Tae , She really confessed her love for him , your brother couldn't take it so , that's when Jimin thought she is hurting Tae , and i really didn't know how he grabbed her hair  , you son went whiled  , I don't know what happened to him " 

Yoongi : " This is too much " Yoongi sit holding his head pulling his hair in frustration 

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