Chapter 81

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Jimin's POV : 

I wake up early before mom waking me up , I need to prepare the strawberries now, is there some in the fridge, or I need to ask dad to pass the grocery store before the school?? 

I still sleep in my Mom's arms , should I just grow up ? , I need to start sleeping in my room , what if she found out that I still sleep with my parents, she will think I'm still a spoiled kid .

This is the last time start from tonight I will sleep in my room 

So is it the last time I'm waking up between them. ?! .. should I just start the next week , I love the warmth I get from them in the middle of the night , I don't have nightmares though..

I will just start the next week , Ara is not talking to me , how can she know ?

I kissed my sleeping Mom but not my Dad he doesn't like anyone interrupting his sleep.

I ran out to my room to do my morning routine and then headed to the kitchen 

Jimin :" Waw it's still fresh , should I shape it as a heart ❤️  , or give it to her with a flower " 

I prepared a box full off strawberries shaped as heart but I don't know where I can get flower 

IU :" waw , is my little Chim awake already , what is happening on the earth ?" 

Jimin :" Mom .. I was preparing something so I need to wake up early " 

IU :" what are you preparing?" He hide the box behind my back 

Jimin :" it's a secret between me and Taehyung hyung I can't tell " she ruffled my hear 

That's the rule .. if I want to keep a secret I need to share it with one of my hyungs or with mom , and the one who will I share with him he will never tell anyone , until I my self want to reveal. 

But i can't keep secrets for my self , Dad said I can when I grow up some more , so I know when it's dangerous.

But I think I will never hide anything for my self I need their opinion, I need to share to feel that I'm not alone , to know if I'm wrong .


Jungkook's POV : 

Jungkook:" I have an important event that day , I will not be able to attend the practice " I told to the girl who is organizing the schedule of our practice 

Seo Joon :" Jungkook you can't do this , the performance will be the next day of that day , you need to attend the practice " I know she is right but I will never skip Jimin's audition 

Jungkook:" double the practice the day before , but I will not skip my event " she got angry 

See Joon :" Yaaa .. Kook you are acting irresponsible, this is your future " she is one of the employees who I have I special relationship with her , not love or hate , I just love bothering her , and she got bothered easily. 

Jungkook:" thanks for your compliments 😉 " then I headed to the practice room leaving her burning in her anger 


Author's POV  :

The day came and Jimin was dead nervous he practice on a dance with Taemin to perform together in the audition, he know if Taemin didn't got accepted he will not join even if he got accepted. 

Jin :" you can do this Jiminie , you worked hard so just this final step and I know you will pass " 

Jimin's hands was sweating so he keep wiping it on his pants , j-hope hold it to relax him

J-hope:" hey just focus on us when you are on the stage don't look anywhere else"

IU was hugging him from behind and Yoongi was nervously sitting on the couch trying to not show how nervous he is , he don't want Jimin to get hurt , what if someone said a hurtful words to him ..

RM know how Yoongi is thinking so he sit beside him to calm him down 

RM :" he will be okay , don't think too much " 

Jimin :" why Kookie hyung is not here yet , is he not coming??" Jimin started to panic as Jungkook left early morning and he didn't leave any notes where he is , and he is not picking his phone..

Taehyung :" Don't worry he promised he will attend today , trust him " 

They helped Jimin with his make up and dressing him up 

It's just 5 minutes for his turn 

Jungkook:" i'm so sorry Jimin I didn't mean to be late but the traffic was loud " Jungkook ran in the backstage room 

Jimin ran hugging him

Jimin :" I thought you won't come " he patted his back 

Jungkook:" No little one I promised you , now don't think just focus, I trust you , and you Taemin, you both can do this " he patted Taemin head encourage him 

Taemin:" Thank you hyung, let's go Minmin they are calling our name " 


The stage was totally on fire the both was nervously walking into the stage looking down , holding the mic with shaking hand introducing there names 

The moment the music played the nervousness was was too far the Rulers was impressed by their performance 

Jimin with Taemin were beoned the 9th cloud and they was running to the back stage room when someone put his leg in Jimin's way to trap him Making him fall hard on the ground growing in pain 

Taemin :" WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU ?" Taemin looked to the boy who did this angrily 

Chul :" ops , sorry but I felt like he is too full of himself so he just needs to know his place " Taemin was about to grap the boy from his collar when he stayed still like a state in front of the scene that happened 

Ara delivered a Taekwondo kick to Chul that knocked him flat on the ground, causing him to groan in pain.

Ara :" don't ever think to hurt him again "

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