Chapter 117

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IU's POV : 

I can hear his heavy sobs , my heart keep pinching in each sound he releases, i'm still waiting in front if his room , crying as much as he does .

This is the first time I listen to his story from his mouth, the details, the faces that hurt him , the people he lost , I knew he went through hard times  but thus, this is he'll, how many times for this innocent soul need to deal with the cruelty of this world. 

Each one of us know what it feel to lose you parents, some of us his own parents gave him away , we all know how it deeply hurt , we all had our own time to grave our lose , he didn't, he has to deal with much worse pain after he just lost his parents so , I can't remember ever he talked about them , it was the first time I hear him talk about them was with the doctor today , I can feel the weight of the pain in his eyes , I wish I can carry all this pain away far from him.

His sobs seems near than it was a while ago ..

IU :" Jiminie .. can you here me ?" I whispered to the door caressing the surface of the wood as I'd I do this to my little boy .

Jimin : " I'm  .. I'm scared Mom " his voice is barely audible. I wiped my tears and put my two palms on the door still crouching on my knees 

IU :" I know Jiminie , I know , but I swear I'm here , you are not alone , let me in , I won't leave you " 

Jimin :" i'm so.. sorry Mom , I'm sorry " he is shaking, I need to be there with him, why he is sorry!!

IU :" Jiminie !! Why are you apologizing, you didn't hurt your self right, baby please tell me you are fine , talk to me please open the door , I won't touch you , just let me see yyour face " he stayed quiet for a while , I thought he ignored me when I heard the door knob move and the door opened revealing the broken son of me , I hold all my power to stop my self to pull him in my arms .

I checked him out to make sure he didn't hurt him self .

Jimin :" I swear .. I'm so grateful for you .. that .. that you accepting me , but i'm sorry I miss my mom so much, I need here " this time he was the one who throw him self in my arms , my 8 months pregnant stomach didn't let enough space for him in my embrace but I wrapped my arms around arm to give the warmth he needs 

IU :" you have nothing to be sorry for Jiminie , you have all the right to grave your parents death , no one can replace them , it doesn't mean you don't love me , you don't need to explain anything, cry as much as you want , miss her here in my arms , don't push me out baby , feel the sadness you need here , I will guard you " 

We are on the floor he buried his head on my chest crying his heart out , I just let him take out all the pain he hold in all these years .

He pushed us out afraid that he has no right to grave his parents death with us, but he couldn't take this alone, it seems like he is living all the traumatizing events in one go again .

He is not tension with my touch now , my heart fell the moment he did in the car ,it was the first time he feel this with me , my mind wouldn't stop go wild with what is.

I can see Yooni with the corner of my eyes sitting on the stairs, crying silently, he couldn't leave too , but he just trying to give Jimin the space he needs .


Jimin's POV: 

I felt my chest started to tightened, I can't breath, neither I believe this or not but I need IU Mom now , she can take some of this weight on my chest , can I be this selfish and cry on her arms for my real Mom .

I dragged my body to the door where I still can hear her soft cry , she didn't leave , when I sit behind the door I heard her calling me 

IU :" Jiminie .. can you here me ?" My heart raced when I heard her calling me , I feel my locked room started to suffocate me , even the light is on I can feel the darkness seeps to surround me 

Jimin : " I'm .. I'm scared Mom " all the braveness that make me lock my self here vanished, and I want to escape, but i'm stuck here in my body it won't let me touch anyone, I'm scared of my own self 

IU :" I know Jiminie , I know , but I swear I'm here , you are not alone , let me in , I won't leave you "  her voice keep pulling me out of this darkness, I want to be in her arms now , I want to feel safe again, but , do I have the right after what I feel now

Jimin :" i'm so.. sorry Mom , I'm sorry " I need her to forgive me for what I  feel now , she gave me her all but I'm here grieve my parents. 

IU :" Jiminie !! Why are you apologizing, you didn't hurt your self right, baby please tell me you are fine , talk to me please open the door , I won't touch you , just let me see your face " she panicked when I apologized to her , I felt I can open the door when she promised she won't touch me , it make me feel that I have the said on this , no one is going to take a move I don't want..

She was on the floor started to check if I hurt my self the moment her eyes landed on me .

I thrown my self in her arms hugging her with my little brother on her stomach, I know he can hear me too 

Her words give me the sign that I have the right to be sad in her arms , even if I'm sad for losing my parents, she gave the sign that make all the pain out of my chest crying for hours, I felt all this pain is a Flood that my tears make it less and less

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