Chapter 86

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Author's POV : 

The air in the classroom grew heavy with tension as Jimin's words hung in the air. Ara's eyes widened, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. The room fell into silence, and all eyes turned to Jimin and Ara, And Taemin just want to take his best friend and run out of this situation.

Ara's mind raced, trying to process Jimin's sudden confession. She had never expected him to say something like that, not after all the confusion and mixed signals she had received from him. She thought he hates her but .. aren't they too young for what he just say !!  Her cheeks flushed, and she stuttered, struggling to find the right words.

Ara: "Jimin... I... I don't know what to say. This is so sudden. Why are you talking about marriage out of no where !! "

Jimin's heart sank as he saw the surprise and uncertainty on Ara's face. He had taken a leap of faith, baring his feelings for her, but now he feared he had made a mistake. All his nervousness rushed back to him , He looked down, his voice barely a whisper. 

Jimin: "I'm sorry if it's too much. I didn't mean to pressure you or make you uncomfortable. I just... I couldn't keep it inside anymore. I've liked you for so long, and I wanted to be with you , I .. when you came to sit beside me i thought you have the same feelings , i'm sorry , just forget what i said " 

Ara's eyes softened as she saw the vulnerability in Jimin's voice and expression. She reached out, gently placing her hand on his.

Ara : " Can we talk out of the class , i guess all of out classmates are eavesdropping watching what we are talking " She pulled Jimin who walked with her like a lost puppy who just got rejected and want to hide in a small closet .


Out of Jimin's Class ... 

Ara : " I'm sorry that i react like this , i didn't mean to hurt you " Jimin kept looking down don't want to look on her eyes anymore , He just want to go home and cry in his mom's arms

Jimin : " It's okay , If you don't like me , can i come back to my seat now !! " she crouch where his gaze is fixed to meet his eyes and she smiled 

Ara :"  I didn't say i don't like you , I do " Jimin's eyes widened and looked to her with eyes full of joy , but he frowned his eyebrows on confusion .

Jimin : " But !! you didn't agree with what i said " 

Ara : " Jimin No one is getting married when he is just in 8th grade , we are too young , I Like you , and i want to be with you about marriage if we grow up has the same feelings , I promise you will get the yeas you are seeking for , what do you say ?? " Jimin's eyes held the happiest smile on the earth

Jimin : " So can I , Can i hold you hand ?!! " She smiled shyly nodding her head softly

Jimin : " Don't hug Taemin like this again , I don't like it " She chuckled at how he still angry for the hug she gave to his best friend .

Ara : " Don't worry i will  not " 


In Front Of Jimin's School ...   

Yoongi was there waiting for Jimin crossing his arms above his chest and trying to calm him self not to hurt Jimin 

Jimin headed out of the school gate with Taemin while his eyes speaking the happiness his heart is holding

when his eyes landed on his dad

Jimin : " Oh my gof , Minmin , I forgot about the Camera in our class , Dad sure saw what happened , what i will do now " Jimin hide behind his bestfriend as if his dad will not see him

Taemin : " Hey you didn't do anything wrong , you are a growing up man who just propose to a girl he just know a few weeks ago " Taemin Still can't skip what Jimin's did , and he didn't stop teasing him 

Jimin : " Shup up and do something to save me , my dad will kill me  " 

Yoongi : " Are you going to hide all the day Jimin ??  get in the car now , don't test my patience " 

Taemin : " can i come with you hyung ?? I want Jimin to explain some math problems to me " Taemin tried to save his bestfriend 

Yoongi : " No you can't I know why you are coming , so just go home , I need my son in a small talk "  Taemin looked to Jimin apologizing as his try to help him just didn't work.

Jimin headed to his dad's car and sit in hte passenger's seat

Yoongi sit on the dirver seat and started the car

Yoongi : " Explain .. " Jimin looked to him innocently 

Jimin : " Explain what dad ?? "

Yoongi : " Jimin .. don't play around , do you even know how old are you , I told you when you joined your school , you can't just do what you want without talking to me , and i'm not agreeing with you having a girlfriend on this age , you just will hurt your self " Jimin crossed his arms looking to his dad don't like at all what his dad just said 

Jimin : "Dad !! you told me you were in love with my mom when you were in my age , so what's wrong with me love someone too , plus if you don't like me having girlfriend it's okay i don't like it too , but she didn't agree to marry me , so convenes her to say yes to me now " 

Yoongi : " OMG .. JIMIN !! , what are you talking about , do you really thinks it's work like this , Me and your mom our self's we didn't married yet " Jimin's eyes widened 

Jimin : " WHAT !! , why ?? don't you love my Mom ?? " 

Yoongi : " No i love her , it's just .. okay i asked her to marry me but she just got angry cause i didn't make effort to propose to her "

Jimin : " What effort !! what she was expecting ?? " 

Yoongi : " Something like flowers , and a ring with dinner , stuff like that " Yoongi almost forgot he was angry with Jimin a few seconds ago

Jimin : " Wow , my mom is so romantic , do you think that's why Ara didn't agree with me too " 

Yoongi : " JIMIN , i swear i can't believe you , first you didn't share with me that you are in love on the first place , second you are just talking about something you don't know anything about it "

Jimin : " Dad .. i shared with Tae hyung so i didn't keep it a secret , you can't be angry with me for that " 

Yoongi : " Okay , but you need to know that marriage is a huge responsibility , you need to be strong and start your own work , have the power to protect her and your future kids , you need to grow up first before thinking about marriage okay    ?!! " Jimin thought for a while 

Jimin : " Okay i understand now , so we don't have anything to do but accept her to be my girlfriend tell i grow up enough .. Thank you dad " Yoongi sighed, frustrated by Jimin's response. Yoongi glanced at Jimin, unable to comprehend how he couldn't see that he wasn't okay with him diving into a relationship at such a young age.

But Jimin was way far from the earth swimming on his thoughts about his Girlfriend who just confessed that she likes him too . 


Author's Note .. 

Hi guys , missed you so much 

* What do you think about Jimin's relation with his dad , Is Yoongi getting better treating him will or ??

* I changed the main character in  the other book " A Love Lost in the Depths of Sweetened Coffee " , after i talked to the amazing author @RJB-BTS She inspired me to do better improve on the story 

Thank you so much for your help and the time you took to read my works ❤️

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