Chapter 46

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Author's POV : 

IU : "I understand your concerns Yoongi, but punishing him won't change what happened. Right now, he needs our support and understanding. Let's address his fears and worries together, but let's not add to his pain. " 

Yoongi clenched his fists, his voice rising with frustration.

Yoongi : "No You don't understand, IU! You've only just come back to me, so you don't know how he never went out alone , how he struggled with what happened to him , You don't understand how it killed me every second i know i can't do anything to help him , but what he did now , he went out alone without telling anyone , without anyone permission to have fun , SO DON'T FUCKING SAY YOU UNDERSTAND "

IU's grip on Jimin tightened as she listened to Yoongi's words. Her heart sank, feeling a pang of hurt and exclusion. She had always tried her best to understand and support him, but now she felt like an outsider in that moment.

Her voice quivered with a mix of sadness and frustration. 

IU : "Yoongi, I may not have been here physically, but that doesn't mean I don't understand or care. I've been through my own struggles, and when you told me about Jimin's struggles i knew it wasn't easy for both of you. "

Jimin felt  that he is the reason behind there fight and instead of letting his hyung punish him IU is the one getting a hurtful words for something she didn't do 

Jimin peeked out from behind IU, tears streaming down his face. He nodded, his voice trembling. "I'm sorry, hyung. i know i shouldn't do this , please don't hurt her " 

IU gently stroked Jimin's back, this is the first time Jimin take her side ,  But Yoongi is totally out of control so he went to IU and pulled her to stand up and to let Jimin go dragging her to his room .

Jimins broke in a heavy set of cry 

J-hope  : " you messed up big time Jimin  , you just don't know how we was going crazy when Yoongi hyung went to school to get you but you didn't there " 

Jimin  hang his head don't know what to say 

Jimin : " sorry .. " 

Jungkook ran to the room to where Jimin set and hugged him tightly 

Jungkook : " i can't believe you did this Jimin , you almost gave us a heart attack , why baby , why did you do this !!!" 

Taehyung was there standing not uttering a word


Yoongi's Room ... 

the moment they get in the room IU pulled her hand from Yoongi's grip


she took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice despite the emotional turmoil inside her

IU : "I may not have experienced everything firsthand, but I've listened, learned, and empathized. I've seen the pain in Jimin's eyes, and I've felt it too. Please don't push me away or make me feel like an outsider. Let's face this together as a family."

IU's words hung in the air, filled with sincerity and a longing for acceptance. She hoped that Yoongi would realize the depth of her commitment and the strength of her empathy, bridging the gap that momentarily separated them.

Yoongi's facade began to crumble, and tears welled up in his eyes. He tried to hold back his emotions, but the weight of his concerns became too much for him to bear alone. His voice quivered as he poured out his heart, each word carrying the weight of his vulnerability.

Yoongi : "I'm scared, IU," Yoongi confessed, his voice breaking.

Yoongi : "Scared that I won't be able to protect Jimin, to guide him in the right direction. I've seen him struggle, seen the pain in his eyes, and it breaks me. I've tried my best to be there for him, but.. but when he is doing this , how should i act "

Tears streamed down Yoongi's face as he continued, his voice filled with anguish.

Yoongi : "I've had sleepless nights, worried sick about him. I'm afraid of what might happen if I'm not there when he needs me the most. I don't want him to think he's alone in this, but sometimes it feels like I'm failing him."

IU's eyes brimmed with tears as she listened, her heart aching for Yoongi's pain. She pulled him into a comforting embrace, offering solace in her presence. 

IU : "Yoongi, you're doing everything you can," she whispered, her voice filled with compassion.

IU : "Your love and dedication to Jimin are evident. It's okay to feel scared, it shows how deeply you care."

She gently wiped away Yoongi's tears, her voice soothing and filled with reassurance. "Remember, we're in this together. You're not alone in this journey anymore. Let's support each other, lean on one another, and find the strength to navigate through these hardships. We'll face Jimin's challenges as a team, and we'll find a way to help him."

Yoongi looked to IU's eyes 

Yoongi : " thank you for being here for us , and i'm sorry for what i said to you , i never thought you are an outsider , i was just angry"

IU : "don't apologize you don't need to , and thank you for letting me in , but you need to calm down , the kid already learned his lesson by how you looked disappointed so don't hurt him more "

Yoongi : " okay i will not , but i need to talk to him at least "  she smiled 

IU : " okay do it but be gentle with him " 

Yoongi : " you are so soft , this way i will not be able to discipline him " she laughed

IU : " you don't need to hurt him while disciplining him " 

Yoongi : " okay okay i will consider , but i need something from you too "

IU :: "what is it ?? " 

Yoongi : " you can't stand by his side in front of me , if you are not okay with the way i'm dealing with him , we can talk but not while he is there , he can't see us fighting like earlier , we shouldn't do this " 

IU :" you are right , we can do this "


* What do you think guys ?? ..  sorry it is a short one but i want to finish the argument between them 

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