Chapter 28

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Jimin's POV

i can't believe i disappointed Hopi hyung to this extend , in the fact i disappointed all my hyungs , and why i'm acting this way ??, cause for the first time in long time i feel safe , i knew in my deep heart they will never hurt me , they will think about me in every moment , my tears and sadness pain them so every time they will choose to not make me cry , i'm enjoying this every day

the strict hyung who was i'm afraid of the most Taehyung now is the most caring and kind to me , his heart will give up in the first tear will fell from my eyes , all this month my heart keep loving them more and more , and i feel like i own them all , i feel greedy i need more of there attention and i think i crossed the line today 

i'm the one who hurt them today , for the first time , i'm they bad guy , i know i deserve Hopi hyung punishment , but he chooses the most hard way , he is the kindest one of them , he used to kiss me and hug me every time he sees me during the day how i can survive for 2 long days .

now i'm cuddling my Yoongi hyung to sleep, tomorrow will the start of my punishment .

Jimin : " do you think Hopi hyung will forgive me ?? "

Yoongi : " you asked me this question a hundred times baby , he will i promise , just commit to what he commanded you to do"

Jimin : " do you think he will get angry if i try to talk to him "

Yoongi : " i don't know "

Jimin : " okay i can try tomorrow morning "

Yoongi : " do as you want " 

Jimin : " why you look upset " 

Yoongi : " you are keep asking me this past hour and i want to sleep baby , just relax and everything will be okay mmm " 

Jimin : " but i'm worried " 

Yoongi : " don't be " 

Jimin : " as if i can" 

Yoongi : " oh god what happen to you , i will go kill your hopi hyung , what do you think "

Jimin : " No no fine i will sleep " 

Yoongi : " great , close your eyes , any extra word i will head to your lovely hyung room"

i better sleep , yoongi hyung seams upset , why everyone started to be angry with me today !!.


Author's POV :

everyone wake up and headed to dining room to have breakfast Jimin was the last as usual

Jimin : " morning hyungs " 

Yoongi : " morning baby , come sit hear " Yoongi pointed to the chair next to him , Jimin went to Kiss him but didn't sit on the chair and he kissed all his hyungs on the cheek till he reached Hopi when he was about to kiss him 

Hopi : " move one more inch and the 2 days will be 3 , don't play soo smart with me " J-hope looked coldly in Jimin's eyes and Jimin looked down in disappointment , his plan failed , he thought that if he act as if nothing happened and take the initial step his hopi hyung will not have the heart to reject him  , but he was wrong

Taehyung : " what's wrong hyung , why are you talking to Jimin like this , he just want to kiss you "  Taehyung pulled Jimin by his hand making him sit on his lap

Hopi : " don't interfere Tae it's between me and him "

Taehyung : " okay hyung but you made him sad look , he is about to cry "

Jin was trying to look to Taehyung as saying don't make it worse 

Hopi : " okay if you want to ruin the breakfast let's ruin it , your lovely little angel yesterday ran out off the Cafe without telling us and hide in Jin's hyung car for 4 fucking hours cause we didn't give him the attention he want , so he is facing a 2 days punishment no matter how much he cry or how much he is sad he will be attending to it , and you all going to stop spoiling him cause he is turning to be a brat and i can't take it anymore . does this explanation is  enough or do you want some more Mr.Taehyung ?? " J-Hope was so angry with Taehyung , he don't like when one of his brothers interfere in his relationship with one of them , he feels like he is not trustworthy . and he left the room without eating 

everyone was silent and Jimin's tears keep falling and he feel ashamed as his wrong doing being told in front of all of his hyungs like this .

Jimin : " sorry hyungs" he was about to stand up from Taehyung's lap but he hold him 

Taehyung : " where are you going ??"

Jimin : "to my room " he is still looking down 

Taehyung : " no you are not , you need to eat , do you want me to feed you , or you want to sit on the chair and eat by your self ?" Jimin raised his head looking in Taehyung eyes

Jimin : " aren't you angry ?? "

Taehyung  : " why i need to be  ?? "

Jimin : " i did a big mistake yesterday "

Taehyung :" and Hopi already punished you , why i need to interfere in this matter , in the fact i need to apologize to Hopi hyung , i shouldn't doubted him , but your tears got me , i know he will never tend to hurt you but i just couldn't hold my self from asking , so if you learned your lesson , no need to be angry with you at all , right !?"

Jimin : " i love you hyung " Jimin hugged Taehyung 

Jin : " okay okay stop your drama and have your breakfast , you just made my poor baby skip his breakfast i will prepare some sandwiches for him "

Taehyung : " let me take it for him hyung , i need to fix what i did "

Jin : " no problem , but don't fight again " Jin prepared it and Taehyung put Jimin on Yoongi's lap to feed him , the spoiled kid want some one to feed him 


Taehyung knocked J-hope door and opened it , there J-hope was sitting on the edge of his bed looking down 

J-hope : " i didn't answer the door to get in " J-hope said coldly

Taehyung : " i know , and i know if i waited you will not , so i just get it " Taehyung  put the plate on the side table and crouch in front of J-hope looking in his eyes

Taehyung : " i'm sorry "

J-hope : " for coming in my room without permission " 

Taehyung : " no in fact i like doing this i hope one day i catch you doing something nasty " 

J-hope : " you pervert " and he hit him with the billow 

Taehyung : " Kidding ,, Kidding  " Taehyung was laughing so hard holding J-hope hand and 

J-hope trying to hold his smile

Taehyung : " i'm sorry for doubting you , i didn't mean that , i just got worried about him , when i saw his tears , i didn't think too much , i swear i didn't think anything farther "

J-hope : " you know i will never hurt him " 

Taehyung : " i know this as i know the back of my hand hyung , i trust you with my life , please forgive me , i will never interfere again , promise "

J-hope : " i don't have a problem to interfere but not in front of him and if i'm acting with him with a way you can't understand , wait till the situation end then come and ask me after he leave , okay "

Taehyung : " okay , i  understand now "

J-hope : " no problem , it's fine " 

Taehyung : "great , i brought your breakfast , you didn't eat , and Jin hyung prepared this for you "

J-hope : "  thank you bro " 

Taehyung : " anything for you hyung "

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