Chapter 80

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Taehyung's POV : 

His crying in my arms like a little kid , he was just talking about marriage a few seconds ago 

Taehyung:" Calm down Jiminie , tell me what happened with her " I pushed him lightly to see his face wiping the tears that keep pouring nonstop 

Jimin :" I .. I thought to buy her banana milk like the one Kookie hyung likes , but .. but she has allergies from Milks products, when , when she refused to take it I was so sad , but the moment she started to explain why she reject it I felt numb hyung , I lost my sense in front of her eyes , I swear I look so stupid, do something I don't like this version of me " he fell in a new set of cry but this time I couldn't hold my laughter 

Taehyung :" aigooo , come here stop crying you don't look stupid or anything, you are the smartest in your school, how can you say like this " he wiped his tears aggressively 

Jimin :"I think my brain is only working with math , it's stop the moment I meet her " 

I hold his face in my palms 

Taehyung :" it's just because it's your first time , but let's think positively, you know something new beside her name "

He frowned his eyes confused 

Jimin :" what is it "

Taehyung :" that she has allergies from milk " he formed his lips in O shape getting what I ment 

Taehyung :" so what about you give her a pack of strawberries?? You know how much I love it , try if she is too " 

Jimin :" and how I can get my brain work in front of her , I will not go stand in front of her like an idiot without saying anything " God why he is asking me this , I don't have a clue about thies things , I never fall in love before .

Taehyung :" you don't need to say anything just give it to her and smile then go to your seat like nothing happened " Jimin looked like he liked the idea, I hope I don't ruin my brother's first love story 

Jimin :" Do you think it's fine , I will not look weird?"

I hope so 

Taehyung :" if she like strawberry she will be happy " I need to read about this things , what people usually do to not be nervous, why in the first place they are nervous when meet thier lover .. it's complicated, but he chooses me to help him I have no choice but be there for him .

Jimin :" Thank you hyung , you are the best " he hugged me kissing my cheek and ran out of the room 

This kid , who on the earth want to marry girl he just met 😑

But I'm so relieved, he is not traumatized about relationships like me , he looks normal , I don't feel he is terrified anymore , thanks for Yoongi and IU , I really appreciate their effort to make him feel loved and Safe .

Is it too late for me to feel the same ?!!


Jungkook's POV :

I was about to sleep laying in my stomach on my bed, i'm so exhausted today was hectic,  the college and practice for my first real Stage performance 

The door knocked revealing Jimin, he jumped on my back 

Jungkook:" Yaaa , you little monkey i'm tired " I tried to get him down but he hold my neck with his arms and wrapped his legs around my waist 

Jimin :" No please don't sleep now I need your help " God this kid when he is hyper no one can make him sit in one place 

Jungkook:" okay okay you are choking me I will get up get off of me " he giggled and got up sitting beside me .

Jungkook:" what is it ?? " I rested my head in the headboard closing my eyes 

Jimin :" Hyyyyyung , look at me , it's important " God can't I just carry him like a sake of potatoes throwing him out of the room.

Jungkook:" there it is my lovely not at all exhausted eyes is open and focused, what is it now ?" I opened my eyes wide looking to him he giggled again , God I never can be bothered by him .

Jimin :" in my school.. there is a Dancing edition to create New Dancing band , and Minmin enrolled our names " I sit probably focusing on what he is saying 

Jungkook:" that's awesome Jiminie, you know how much I like your Dancing when you come with me to my practice, you are talented I can tell " he looked down playing with the hem of his shirt 

Jimin :" but , this needs to .. I don't have ..." 

Jungkook:" what is it , tell me " I pulled his chin up to look at me , there is something bothering him "

Jimin :" even if I can dance , you need to look good , but my look is not that .." I cut him of 

Jungkook:" do you say i'm ugly??" His eyes widened 

Jimin :" What ?? No I'm talking about my self , you are so handsome hyung and your fans love you " 

I patted the back of his hands

Jungkook:" If you see me handsome so you can be sure you are way more handsome than me , never ever think like this , every one on this world is beautiful on his way , and the way of you being beautiful is extremely high , and let's ask your own fans when you get there , I promise you will have  alot " I pinched his cheek he smiled shyly agreeing with what I said

Jimin:" mmmm . What about me performing in front of a lot of people , I think I can't bring my self to do this " 

Jungkook:" that's a point , but it's go with the time , when you trust your self and what you do , invest in your practice to be sure about your movement then the moment you will start your dance I can promise you will forget the audience, you will feel like you are walking on the clouds " he is amazed by my words

Jimin :" can .. can you be there in the edition " 

Jungkook:" sure little one , just tell me the date to fix my schedule " he hugged me 

Jimin :" yaaaaa , you are the best , now I have to bests hyungs , don't tell this to the others okay , tomorrow you will all return to be my normal hyungs but now you two are the best " he kissed my cheek running out of the room without explanation for what he just said "

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