Chapter 85

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Ara's POV : 

Why he is behaving like this with me , do i look tough girl to him !! I shouldn't use that kick in front of him , he maybe saying i'm a boyish girl now , but i was so angry when i saw Chull bulling him , I tried so many times to talk to him but he will turn silent when i look to him .

I refused to take that banana milk from him .. does it offended him !! but he brought a strawberries box and I accepted it , he put it on my desk without saying anything and headed out of the class . 

He is talkative with all our classmate but he never talk to me that much , I take every chance to talk to him but he will never response, should I ask his bestfriend what he likes ?! but he always stay with Taemin , when I can catch him to talk without Jimin being there !!

God he is so cute and handsome at the same time , I wish he think about me like I do ..


Author's POV :  

Jimin's class ..

Jimin: "Minmin... I can't believe I'm going to be a hyung. Just a few months, and I'm no longer the little one. God, I'm going crazy."

Taemin: "Wow, you'll be older than him with a 15-year age gap. You're too old, Minmin." Jimin smacked the back of Taemin's head.

Jimin: "Ya, I'm not too old. He's just too young. Do you think he will love me?" Taemin rubbed his head.

Taemin: "Yeah, yeah, he will. But don't think about making him your best friend. I'm your first. Don't you dare forget about me." Jimin looked at him and laughed.

Jimin: "No, no, don't worry. He won't." However, deep down, Jimin knew that the one his friend should be jealous of is not the new soul arriving in the coming months. But he kept this thought to himself.

A teacher knocked on the classroom door, grabbing the attention of all the students.

Teacher: "Jimin, I need you for a while. Come with me." Since they had a vacant class, there wasn't a teacher attending their class.

Jimin: "Sure, sir." Jimin followed the teacher, leaving Taemin alone in his seat.

Ara took the chance to talk to Taemin.

Ara: "Hi, Taemin. How are you?"

Taemin: "Hi, Ara. I'm fine." He rested his head on his desk to sleep. Jimin had been blabbering about being a hyung since morning, so Taemin needed some rest.

Ara: "Um... can I talk to you about something?" Taemin thought, "God, he just left, and now his girl came to complete his mission." He raised his head, giving her a forced smile.

Taemin: "Sure, what is it?" She stood up and sat in Jimin's seat to speak to him without anyone listening.

Ara: "Do you... do you think Jimin hates me?" Taemin almost burst out laughing but managed to hold it in. He wouldn't expose his friend as a lost puppy who was dying to talk to her.

Taemin: "Why are you saying this?" He tried to furrow his eyebrows.

Ara: "Whenever I try to talk to him, he won't respond. And even when he gave me that box of strawberries, he left it there without a word. And then I went out of nowhere, acting like a stupid girl, kicking that Chul in front of him. I'm sure he was shocked that a girl like me can be this tough."

Taemin was amazed at how clueless they both were about the truth.

Taemin: "Look, I don't think he hates you. But you can try to talk to him even if he doesn't reply. He's usually lost in his thoughts, so it's not a bad sign. Do you want to change seats with me for today so you can have time to talk to him? I know he'll hate being far from me, but I think he can tolerate some classes without me." Ara's eyes lit up at the thought of sitting beside Jimin for the rest of the day, so she hugged Taemin to thank him.

Ara: "Thank you, thank you so much. You're the best."

Jimin: "Hope I didn't interrupt anything, my best friend!" Taemin pushed Ara when he saw Jimin standing behind her glaring at him.

Taemin: "No, you got it wrong. I was..." The teacher for the next class came in, so Taemin didn't have much time to explain his point of view. Ara didn't understand the anger in Jimin's tone, but she stood up since she had been sitting in Jimin's seat.

Taemin got up to let her take his seat, as per their agreement.

Taemin: "Jimin, I swear I'll explain. Just wait until the class ends." Taemin whispered to Jimin, who looked at him, questioning why he was switching seats with Ara.

Jimin was nervous, but more than that, he was angry. Why was Taemin hugging Ara and talking to her when he knew Jimin was the one in love with her? Did she like Taemin?

The teacher carried on with the lesson, but Jimin couldn't focus at all. The moment the teacher left the class, Jimin confronted Ara.

Jimin: "Why are you sitting here? Go sit beside him, or should I go there and leave the seat for him to sit beside you? You look comfortable talking to him... Talking! You were literally hugging him." It was the longest sentence Jimin had said to her, He was  scolding her It seems only anger can make him forget her spell that steal his ability for talk. She didn't understand why he was so angry.

Ara: "I... but I asked him to change seats to sit beside you. Don't you want me to sit here?" Jimin looked at her, processing what she was saying.

Jimin: "I... What?" he stuttered, taken aback by her words.

Ara: "I don't know why you don't like to talk to me, but can we be friends? Taemin gave me his seat for today so I could talk to you. Just tell me directly if you don't want to. I'll understand, and you don't need to be angry with Taemin for giving me his seat."

Jimin: "So... you don't like Taemin?" Jimin asked, needing confirmation. His heart pounded in his chest, hoping for a different answer.

She shook her head shyly, her eyes focused on the ground.

Jimin: "And you came here to be my friend?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing but desperately wanted it to be true.

She nodded eagerly, her face glowing with anticipation.

Jimin: "But I don't want to be your friend." Her expression quickly changed from excitement to shock and embarrassment. Taemin, who had been eavesdropping, knew exactly what his best friend was going to say. He was about to stop him, but it was too late.

Jimin: "I want to marry you. Can you be my wife?"

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