Chapter 91

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Author's POV : 

Jin hurriedly made his way to Jimin's school to pick him up, as Yoongi was occupied with Tae.

Jimin looked around, expecting to see his dad waiting for him. Confusion filled his voice as he asked, 

Jimin : "Where is Dad, hyung? Why didn't he come to pick me up?" Jin playfully ruffled Jimin's hair, teasingly messing it up.

Jin : "Don't you like it when I pick you up?" Jin pretended to cry, causing Jimin to giggle.

Jimin : "Hyung, that's not what I meant. But he's always the one who picks me up, so I got worried," Jimin explained, furrowing his brows in concern.

Jin : "Don't worry, Jiminie. He's fine, just too busy with work. So, I offered to pick you up on his behalf," Jin reassured him.

Jimin : "That's fine. I'm so hungry. What do you think Mom prepared for me today?" Jimin's stomach growled, anticipating his mother's cooking.

Jin : "Let's hope she made something today. I don't think she's in the mood to do anything," Jin remarked, causing Jimin's eyebrows to furrow even more.

Jimin : "What do you mean? Did something happen? Is the baby okay?" Jimin's worry for his mother grew.

Jin : "Hey, hey, everything is fine. We're already here. Go check on her," Jin urged, as Jimin quickly got out of the car and rushed to find IU.

Jimin : "Mom, where are you?" Jimin called out anxiously as he opened the door.

IU : "I'm here, Jiminie," IU replied from the kitchen. As soon as Jimin spotted her, he rushed to hug her from behind.

Jimin : "Mom, you prepared so much. I'm starving," he said, oblivious to the storm brewing within IU.

IU : "Who else do I have to take care of? No one bothers to think about me or ask what I need or what I truly want. So, here I am, taking care of my son, who is the only one on this earth who loves me and makes me feel like I'm worth his time," IU spoke with a hint of bitterness, her frustration evident in the loud clattering of plates as she aggressively dealt with them.

Jimin : "Mom! What's wrong? I don't understand what you're saying!" Jimin was taken aback by his mother's outburst.

IU : "And who would understand me or even try?" Tears welled up in IU's eyes, but she continued stirring the food in front of her, struggling to maintain control.

Jin, who had been standing at the door, overheard IU's words. Concern etched on his face, Yoongi tried to follow her but Tae asked for him for the first time and he couldn't let him down so Jin attempted to intervene. 

Jin : "IU, please calm down. I'm sure he didn't mean..."

IU : "Get out, oppa! Don't talk to me, you or any of your stupid brothers. I hate all of you!" IU's anger got the best of her as she accidentally knocked a pan off the stove, the scalding food spilling onto her leg.

Jimin : "MOM, WATCH OUT!" Jimin shouted, rushing to her aid.


All brothers went home together late and found the house dark and quiet 

Jungkook:" hyung please check on Nonaa, this quietness is not a good sign " 

Yoongi :" maybe she just sleep early, this pregnancy is taking a lot of her , she is not the type who will be angry for  a long time, I can bet she forgot what happened, and I sent her that Tae needs me , you don't know how she is understanding when it comes to one of you " 

Jin chuckled while descending the stairs 

Jin :" Wow , you know , I really liked how sure you are , go check in your understanding girl , you will love how she is happy know " Jin said sarcastically made the confidence slip out of Yoongi who headed to his room 

J-hope :" Good luck hyung " the all laughed at the look on Yoongi's face .


Yoongi opened the door slowly to avoid waking his girl and son up 

To find IU curling in Jimin's small arms hiding her face on his neck , he was surprised, Jimin was caressing her back and she was sleep .

Yoongi :" Jiminie .. " Yoongi called his son who glared to him and hushed him to not wake his mother .

He put her slowly in  the bellow and covered her then kissed her forehead, Yoongi was beyond shock , when his innocent boy grow up .

Jimin waked to yoongi pulling him from his arm to get out of the room

He leaded him to his room 

Yoongi :" hey Jiminie, what's wrong, why you bring me here " Jimin folded his arms above his chest and frown his eyebrows 

Jimin :" Dad.. I'm so mad .. I respect you so much , but i'm not okay at all now " 

Yoongi :" baby , I swear I was so busy, I couldn't bick you up , you can .. " 

Jimin :" i'm not mad for this dad , you are bad for my Mom , you don't know how she was upset when I came home, she was crying and she even burned her leg , you know she is carrying my little brother and she can't be upset , why you don't love her anymore " 

Yoongi already lost his word ,is his son lecturing him !!

Yoongi :" Jimin!! It's not your business what is happening between me and your Mom " 

Jimin :" No , she is my Mom and she is carrying my brother, so what is happening with her concerns me " Yoongi sighed 

Yoongi :" Okay , but you are taking this wrong, I never said I stopped loving her , you sure misunderstood what happened " 

Jimin :" No she said you are ignoring her , you need to prove that you still love her " Jimin's lower lip started to quiver and the tears he tried to hide started to wite his cheeks

Yoongi pulled him in his arms

Yoongi:" hey hey why are you crying " 

Jimin :" I .. I was trying to make her stop crying but she didn't stop , and .. and I don't know what to do .. I don't like you two fighting.. please don't make her sad , don't stop loving her , I love you two , and want you two please don't leave me " Jimin's grasp on Yoongi's shirt still crying his heart out 

Yoongi :" I'm sorry you have to know all this , I will never leave you , or her , I love you both and the little brother of yours , don't think too much , I didn't mean to ignore her , I promise I will fix whatever I messed up  "

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