Close To Death Pt.2

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A/N some of this will be in the boys p.o.v

You blinked a few times.You were finally waking up but you were regretting it.Every thing on your right (or left depends on where you live)hurt.You didn't dare open your eyes already knowing where you were.The smell of medicine,antibacterialized rooms told you were in the hospital.You opened your eyes anyway to see Calum asleep in the chair on the far side of the room.You smiled at the thought.He opened his eyes quite quickly when you started to shuffle in your bed and came over like The Flash.

"Oh my god.",he said coming to to your side.

"Calum I-"

He put his hands over his face.You saw his shoulder starting to shake.

"Cal don't."

"I could've lost you."
A wicked smile spread across your face.

"Without you I'm a lost boy."

You both started to laugh you were in pain still but you'd be fine.He however didnt let you drive alone for a week.

Luke P.O.V-
In other ways to explain this I feel completely lifeless.I haven't left this room unless im going to eat or home to take a shower.The boys stay with me all of them comforting me but not like she did.Thats why they called my mom.She was as comforting as y/n used to be.She wasn't her but close enough.
Half of the waiting room stood up.Of course when the staff heard about this they had to come.Dave,Mali-Koa,Joy,Karen,even Lauren.Harry was told to stay home.She was loved.She is loved she's not dead they said she was gonna be fine.Point is she's a loveable person she's sweet and the love of my life.
"T-This way.",the nurse stammered seeing all of us.
We all followed her to y/n's room.She laid there practically lifeless.She had bags around her eyes her head had bruises from the impact.My mom gasped and a few tears leaked out of her eyes.I chocked on a sob seeing her like this.She was in bandages and she was pale.For any skin color as hers she was pale.The light that once used to radiant her Burned out.She turned her head seeing all of us.
"Y/n?",I asked on the verge of tears.
"Who?",she asked,and that moment I knew she wasnt joking.I swear I could literally hear everyone's tears hitting the floor.
"No God no."

i feel like Luke deserves a whole freaking fanfic lol.Thanks for commenting I like reading them.Give some Ideas cause I could always use the extra help.Part 3 for Luke maybe or no?

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