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They took it too fucking far this time.
I love her and they took her away.

Three days earlier

We were all talking in the lounge with the rest of the band.My head was on Y/Ns lap as she played with my hair, and I tweeted on my phone.

"Hey...uhm Michael,Y/n .can I talk to you both?"

We looked at eachother skeptically as I grabbed her hand and led her in the room.We sat down at the table.The man looked sad like really scared too.

"So...?",y/n said after long awkward silence.

"Management thinks its not a good look for you and her to be together.Cause she's black.",he spit out.

The fuck did he just say?

"Excuse me.",i said.

"I dont want this im fully against it,and im sorry-"

"BULLSHIT!!", I yelled out slamming my hand on the table.

The guy flinched and pursed his lips.

"Y/n do you hear this bullshit!?!"

Her face was painted in sadness, disbelief,and,pain as she bit her lip.

"What if i dont ok?"

"You're released from the contract.",he said sadly.

My face softened.Were they being serious.Is this a fucking joke?I love this more than anything,but I finally found the girl I describe in my songs.

"Mikey.",she spoke softly.

"But thats not fucking fair!",i screamed

"Mikey please.Can we talk alone."

The guy nodded his head as he walked out with his clipboard.The door closed behind him loudly in the quiet room.

"This is what you love I can't stand in the way of that.",she said.

My eyes widend as my head shot up.

"I love you though.I love you too I cant just choose."

"Then I'll choose for you."


"I love you Clifford.I love you more than anyone and anything else but this is your dream.Compared to that im no one to stand between that.",her voice cracked as her tears came spilling down rapidly.

I shook my head looking down.Tears blurred my vision as she lifted my head.


She kissed me and I kissed her passionately back.I held her closer than I ever have and i didnt want to let go.

"This is so fucking stupid.",I yelled my voice cracking from tears.

"Please don't cry please,but promise me when you play,you play your heart out.",she said wiping away my tears even when hers continued to puddle on the floor.

She pulled away from our long embrace her face was red.

"You'll forget about me I promise.Give it a few months or a year.",she softly laughed shaking her head.She tried to be reassuring but it just felt worse.

"Its gonna take an eternity and forever after that.I swear."

She bit her quivering lip as I still held her hand.It slipped off as she walked away,and out if the door she went giving a small wave.

Im so depressing im sorry.
When you wanna buy the whole section of clothes but only have four dollars ._. -_-

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