Obligatory Info

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Hey kiddo! Mamá Silver here to serve you up some boney boy one-shots since y'all have been good children and deserve a treat.

These are all gonna be Sans X Readers of whatever random ideas I come up. This book is mostly just a place for me to put all the little ideas I get (or you guys give me) that I don't have time to write full stories for. Enjoy a ton of story concepts condensed into one-shot length packages!

My perception of the characters might be different than yours, but I'll do my best to stay true to their characters. Keep in mind: this is all for fun, kiddo, so don't take any of this too seriously. Also, I do assume you know the basics of the characters, and if there's anything I don't think is common knowledge, I'll throw it into my notes/background info. They'll either be referred to as their name (i.e. Nightmare) or Sans or what AU they come from (i.e. UnderFell Sans is Fell), depending on the story. (aka no fan nicknames)

Expect random updates - I don't have freetime lmao.

Smut-shots will have ❀'s around which Sans it is (ex. ❀Killer❀) so you can more easily differentiate which ones they are, and in them, Y/n will always have female anatomy. Use your own judgement on whether or not you should be reading them, yeah? I trust my babies to be responsible with what types of fics they consume. 


The oneshots will get lil notes at the top telling you just what kinda story you're in for, and it'll look something like this:

Pairing: Depressed! Undertale Sans x Female Reader
^(gives you a little more information about the pairing, like the reader being female and Sans being depressed)

Prompt (ie. concept/idea/synopsis): A golden flower's been talking in (Y/n)'s ear, and Sans has started to notice something off about his best friend. Then one day she resets and starts a genocide run...
^(meant to get you interested in what's to come, as well as give you an idea of what exactly you're in for without spoiling anything)

Type (ie. descriptors): angsty with a happy ending
^(general mood of the story, like fluffy/angsty/what have you)

^FOR SMUT: the only descriptor here will be 'smut' so hopefully you won't be caught off guard should you accidentally click on one

Length: 6.2k words
^(the length of the fic in number of words [not including the prompt/type/length/background/notes section], which in this example would be ~6,200 words. To give you an idea of read time, my math figures that for every 2k words, you spend about 10 mins reading - assuming you read at an average pace)

Background: (Y/n) got transported into the game Undertale one day, so she's fully aware this is a video game - thus she sees her friends as fictional characters.
^(any information I think you should know going into the oneshot - though I'll do my best to explain everything in the actual oneshot too)

Notes: This idea was going to be a full-length story at one point, but since I don't really have the time to write it, I figured a one-shot would work better for the time crunch.
^(my lil notes to y'all - from fun facts to random comments to simple motherly advice)


Of course if you don't want anything spoiled then feel free to ignore all that^. I may be your pseudo madre but I'm still gonna let you do what you want. And if none of that made sense? You can hmu in the comments or messages (I'm happy to help my babies out), but I also believe you're smart so you'll figure it out.

Anyways, that's all I got for now, kiddo. I'll let you get reading.

Enjoy, my beautiful niñas/niños~

Sans AU One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now