Cross❀ || princess' guard.

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Pairing: Royal Guard! XTale/Cross Sans x Princess! Female Reader
Prompt: Dust and Killer disobeyed Nightmare's very specific instructions, so now the King has to step in and make the two princesses Horror and Cross' problem. Cross gets paired with the rebellious youngest child, and she pushes every last one of his buttons like she's lashing out for Nightmare's punishment - which is as much because of her as it was because of Killer.
Type: long story with smut at the end
Length: 11.9k words
Background: Set in a more modern kingdom - same as the Nightmare one (princess' suitor.) and Dust's, Killer's, and Horror's under the same name (princess' guard.) - you're the princess of a human kingdom and he's the guard of a monster kingdom. Takes place after all the other ones and references events in Killer's and Horror's.
Notes: I think it would be useful to have specifically read Killer's "princess' bodyguard." smut-shot before this one but it's not mandatory. Reading any of the previous ones (like Nightmare's or Dust's or Horror's) would help give you an idea of the lore so you're not going in blind. | You take the place of each of the sisters for these one-shots, so note that the sisters' names are simply placeholders (since naming all of you Y/n makes no sense lmao). 

(Once again) this is what I imagine their guard outfit to be: 

(Once again) this is what I imagine their guard outfit to be: 

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The second Nightmare returned with my eldest sister Adalyn after their impromptu trip to see his family, I could tell he knew. He called me, my older sister Belicia, and our two bodyguards – Dust and Killer – down to the foyer to speak with us, and winding down the familiar halls of the castle with Killer beside me, we shared a look. Killer knew what was going to happen so we'd prepared, and by 'prepared', I mean we fucked the entire weekend to make the most of the time we had. No doubt some maid heard us and informed the King and Queen - assuming the news didn't spread like wildfire throughout the castle at the scandal.

I stopped beside Belicia and crossed my arms, meeting Nightmare's gaze firmly, and he ignored it as he beckoned for Dust and Killer to follow him. Once they were out of sight, I crept after them, waving for my sister to join me. Belicia shook her head vehemently, a visible tremor in her lips as she glanced past me in the direction of Nightmare's study. I sighed, rolling my eyes at her, but I didn't have time to coax her into joining - spying wasn't her speed anyway, she'd probably get us both caught. I crouch-walked across the floor on the pads of my feet, and when I was within eyesight of the study, I heard Nightmare speaking.

"I believe I gave both of you very specific instructions when I assigned you to guard the princesses. It seems I was too hasty in assuming you would behave." I could feel his fury from the other side of the door, see the words grinding out between clenched teeth, and I pressed my back against the wall next to the door to listen in.

"What are you talking about?" Dust asked, his bored monotone enough to convince me he genuinely didn't know, but the King sneered.

"You assumed you could take Belicia and I would not find out?" My eyes flew wide - Dust claimed my sister?? "I expected this rebellious behavior from Killer, hence my explicit instructions before my departure to abstain, but you I had assumed harbored a modicum of common sense." Nightmare scoffed, probably spitting in his disgust, and I held a hand over my mouth. I never got the impression Dust gave a fuck about Belicia, he hardly even looked at her. What changed? Or was he just better at faking so Nightmare wouldn't catch wise?

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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