Nightmare || kittymare.

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Pairing: Nightmare Sans x Female Reader
Prompt: Trapped in a disgustingly happy AU with no way out, Nightmare is forced to find help from a human to escape, taking the form of a cat to gain her trust until he can use her gullible pity to his advantage.
Type: plenty of social awkwardness, angst & misery (Nightmare's bread & butter), sweet ending that's admittedly kinda ambiguous
Length: 5k words
Background: If you didn't know, Nightmare can break off pieces of himself and manipulate them just like his own body, and he can also shapeshift.
Notes: You get to take care of Kittymare :3 And since the ending is the way it is, it's kinda up in the air what happens next - so you get to decide! | Requested by the lovely Zeneroa <3


How Nightmare managed to get captured by his pathetic brother he'd never understand – or maybe he was just too angry about it to properly think it through and discover what his shortcoming was that led to this irritating situation. He was trapped in a tenement room in the central hubbub of this AU's city, and surrounded by nauseating levels of positivity, he was powerless. This was one of the most positive AUs – one he avoided at all costs – so of course Dream picked it to keep his brother locked up in. It was like being put under house arrest by the goody two-shoes in his family, and the idea that Dream saw him as nothing more than a misbehaving child made the 3 tentacles on his back roil with fury.

Fortunately for him, he'd managed to sever a tentacle before Dream captured him, a tentacle that lay outside the bubble of positivity he was trapped in and his one ticket out of this joyful AU since he wasn't powerful enough to teleport out. He couldn't rely on his minions and Error would be no help – there was nothing in it for him, nor did he care about Nightmare in the first place. The others didn't know what happened to him and he preferred to keep it that way, the very idea of Killer's grating comments should he find out making the tentacles on his back snap in the air. It was a simple screw-up, that was all – one he saw fit to correct before Dream even realized what happened.

The goop on the outside of the bubble twisted into a new shape, and soon enough, he was meeting the one turquoise eye of a black cat. It appeared disheveled and hapless, the perfect target of pity from someone gullible enough to get him out, and he saw through its eye back at him. His teeth pulled back in a sneer at the body slumped against the wall of the room, wondering how he could look so pitiful when such a thing was out of the norm for him. When he found Dream again, he'd ensure his brother paid for this dearly.

As the cat, he turned and padded towards the open window, easily slipping through the bars over it with his scrawny body, then he fell multiple stories to the ground. He landed deftly on his paws in front of a busy city street, watching the cars whizz by as his bony tail flicked back and forth. Choosing instead to follow the road, he turned his head this way and that in search of someone that could help him while he kept his negative aura strong enough to turn the normally positive people pessimistic. The stares he got made him hiss, delighting in their fear and distaste at such a mangy looking animal. Their positivity was disgusting, and for once he felt the exact same as those he was surrounded by: nauseated.

He stopped in front of a random wooden door, flashing his claws before digging them purposely into the door as he pretended to scratch at it like a post. The claw marks he left were too big for a house cat like him, but the thought of the negativity it would inspire filled him with pleasure. Perhaps they'd assume a bigger cat came through and it would cause them to panic. How delightful.

"Quit that!" an angry voice roared right before he was kicked in the ribs, knocking him away from the door with a yelp. His fur stood on end as he hissed and spat at the person, flashing sharp canines as the man took an aggressive step towards him. "Get lost!" Nightmare batted a paw at him, making sure the man saw just how sharp his claws were, but it wasn't enough of a deterrent to avoid another painful kick to the side. He managed to bite into the man's ankle when the foot made contact with his ribs, and the man screeched in pain as he stomped his foot in an effort to get the cat off.

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