❀Cross❀ || mat.

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Pairing: XTale/Cross Sans x Female Reader
Prompt: After what feels like years, a familiar skull returns to the Bad Sanses' ranks. While the others are off on a mission, (Y/n) is appointed her own personal bodyguard - who wants to teach her some self-defense skills on a cushioned training mat. And with such intimate one-on-one time, old feelings rekindle.
Type: smut
Length: 6.1k words
Background: You're the Bad Sanses' nurse and you've been with them long enough to build rapport with all of them - even with familiar skulls you haven't seen in a long while. It's your job to look after them, which you've learned can entail a number of things, but for once, you're the one being looked after. | Underverse Season 2 is referenced so it would be helpful to have seen it (tho not necessary) and it's implied this takes place after everything with XGaster gets sorted out and Underverse wraps up but it ends poorly with Cross being the sole survivor of his AU. It's also heavily implied he has history with the Stars before something happened between them that pushed Cross to go his own way. (It's kept vague intentionally since it's not really relevant for this smut-shot and it lets you come up with your own theories lol).
Notes: This Y/n could be the same Y/n as Nightmare's (titled 'desk.'), Dust's ('wall.'), Killer's ('bed.'), Horror's ('counter.'), and Error's ('bean bag.') - ergo a continuation of Nurse Y/n's adventures. (Reading Nightmare's/Dust's/Killer's/Horror's/Error's isn't necessary to understand this one, dw, but if you do, I recommend reading in order!). | I love the duality of Cross being badass (bro ripped off his arm just to punch Fatal Error in the face lmao) but also so easily flustered (bro blushes so easily I swear). 


The guys were preparing for a brief mission while (Y/n) examined each of them for her pre-mission check-ups when a new skeletal face appeared behind them like a ghost. "Cross?" (Y/n) paused, pulling the thermometer from Horror's mouth as her eyes widened on the monochrome skeleton. He wore his fluffy XTale Royal Guard getup with a bandana over his teeth, sockets narrowed seriously as Nightmare gestured to him with a tentacle.

"He has wisely decided to rejoin us," he said smoothly, meeting each of his surprised minions' gazes almost boredly.

"What happened to your buddy XChara?" Killer asked, flipping his knife in his hand as he walked over to lean against Cross. "I assume your only friend finally left you since you came crawling back to us."

"We parted ways." Cross eyed Killer with contempt. "How's your arm? Still broken?" Killer's grin twisted into a scowl as he flipped the knife so the blade was facing down, swinging it up towards Cross' throat, but it was swiftly blocked with one of Cross' daggers. "Predictable," he muttered. Killer snarled, about to retort when he was forced to dodge a tentacle sent his way, backing away from Cross with his knife held up and ready to swing at the next thing that came at him.

"He has finally come to his senses and left those pathetic Stars," Nightmare said coldly, his tentacles writhing on his back with quiet fury. "So he will be among your ranks from here on out." His socket narrowed on Killer. "I believe I can forgo explaining what will happen should you fail to get along." Killer scoffed, his knife dancing along his fingers once more as he walked over to Dust, whispering something that made Dust nod.

"We're taking him back?" Horror asked slowly, a single browbone raised as he kept his voice even so Nightmare wouldn't think he was doubting his leadership. "Pretty sure XChara was the one that wanted your help in the first place, Boss." Cross scowled at all the hostility – though it was partially deserved. He was once a part of Nightmare's ranks, a minion among the other 3, but he had defected during the fallout between Ink, Error, and XGaster – all of the drama surrounding his AU pushing him to switch sides on a dime – so it wasn't surprising the others didn't exactly trust him. Cross fit in with the Star Sanses, and after the kerfuffle where he and Dream fought and won against Nightmare and Killer – breaking Killer's arm in the process – tensions were high, as was distrust. Who's to say he wouldn't defect again? (Y/n) couldn't exactly blame the minions for how they acted, but she trusted Nightmare's judgment.

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