Geno || happy ending.

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Pairing: Aftertale/Geno Sans x Reader
Prompt: Even after Frisk resets and makes it to the surface, granting Geno his happy ending, he can't seem to let go of what he did and all the friends he lost in his own timeline.
Type: angst, unreliable narrator Geno, guilt & spoilers for Aftertale, therapy, the happy ending Geno deserves
Length: 5.1k words
Background: I'd recommend reading the full Aftertale comic since this one-shot contains spoilers [I'll put the link in the comments!], but I will explain that there's technically two Sanses in this AU, referred to as Geno & Sans (Geno is from a genocide timeline and Sans is the Sans from the timeline the comic takes place in, but they're both 'Sans', just at different points in time basically). Is that confusing? I was pretty shocked when I found out there's technically 2 Aftertale Sanses, but that's why I'd recommend reading the comic - and bc I can't explain worth a crap lmao. And since I don't want to spoil anything, I won't give you the rundown on this AU (the comic is worth reading, go do it).
Notes: Geno deserves the world, dude. Like, most Sanses do, but he's such a sweetie it's impossible to hate him regardless of what he's done. I love this skele to pieces so I'm glad I finally got around to writing him something. I love a lot of Sanses yet can't find the plot/concept to fit them so I don't write about them (like Horror, Farmer, Outer, Dance, etc, etc, etc). They're all similar enough that I need to find something that only applies to that Sans, cuz if I can swap out the one I wrote about (in this case, Geno) with any of the others (say I swapped him with Fell) and the story would function as normal, there's no point to me choosing that specific Sans other than I want to write about them. It's an important part of writing about pre-existing IPs and it's why I struggle to write basic prompts you'd be able to apply to any fandom with any character. Or maybe I'm just built different (wrong. I'm built wrong is what I'm saying.) 


You'd never wanted so badly to look away, but you couldn't tear your eyes from Alphys' camera as the human terrorized the entire underground, slaying every monster they came across with a smile much too wide for their face. It was terrifying, and even as you knew you were safe in Alphys' lab – the human was still making their way through Waterfall, where Undyne was going to stop them – you couldn't shake the feeling that you were dead just like the poor monster you just watched dust. You were all going to die.

Alphys stood next to you shaking like a leaf, the glasses on her nose sliding down her face she was so jittery, and you ran a hand through your hair as you contemplated what to do. Undyne could only buy you so much time – the kid took down the monsters like they had years to learn their movesets, and just like the others, like Toriel, Undyne would fall too – so you needed to figure out what to do. Alphys had begun evacuating everyone she could, but the monsters in Snowdin were unable to escape before the kid showed up so they had hidden in Grillby's, where the fire monster had prevented the kid access by making the front door hot enough to scald their skin. But everyone that had tried to be brave or couldn't evacuate in time...

Sans appeared at your side, empty sockets pinned to the screen as the human murdered a Temmie. You flinched when the blow landed, unable to pull your eyes away in time to avoid seeing the dust fall to the ground, and you spotted Sans gripping Papyrus' tattered scarf tighter. "Hey, Alphys," he called, his deep voice almost scarily calm. You knew it was a facade – that's what Sans was known for, after all – but that made his calm all the more frightening. "Does this machine keep records of its videos?"

"Yes, w-why?" Alphys crept closer, her hands nervously fiddling in front of her chest.

"Do you also have cameras around Snowdin?" Your eyes widened in horror, shaking your head before Alphys could offer a nervous nod.

You stepped closer, reaching out to him. "No, you don't want to see that-"

"Show me Papyrus' fight with the human." It wasn't a request, it was an order, and Alphys shot you an anxious look before scrambling to do just that.

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