Chapter One

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I put on a long sleeve Star Wars shirt and black leggings. It complimented my blue eyes and black and blue hair.  YN and I were getting ready to go to the local video store and rent a movie. I met her downstairs. "Hey, sis, you ready?" I smiled.

Of course mom wasn't home, she never was; she was always on some business trip. Tonight was our usual pizza and a movie. Yn liked horror, me, I preferred nerdy movies. Stuff like Star Wars and Marvel comics.

"Yeah, sure, let me get my shoes," yn said, going to her room. "We are taking my bug," I called out to her. I went outside to the car and started it. We each had our own, mine was a dark blue bug. I started the car and waited for her. When she came out we headed to town.

We walked into the video store and there was a nerdy looking guy in a green shirt behind the counter. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He was talking to some skinny tall guy who was kind of cute but he gave me the creeps. The guy in green didn't even look up, he just said. "You got ten minutes."

I looked at yn, "your choice of movie tonight." She of course immediately went to horror. I decided to browse the isles. I felt like someone was watching me.


I looked up from talking with Stu and saw two girls. One was absolutely beautiful. She had midnight blue hair, blue eyes, and she wore a Star Wars shirt. I was immediately mesmerized. I watched her as she browsed the isle.

"I don't know who the other girl is but she is hot," Stu said, quietly. "No way, the blue haired girl is. I've never seen them around, they must be new," I said. "I wonder if they're going to Woodsboro in a month," I added.

"Should I invite them to my beginning of the year party?" He asked. "Let's try to get to know them first," I said. I didn't want them thinking we were pervs who just wanted to get in their pants. Now I didn't mind bending the blue haired girl over this counter and ruining her. But I didn't want her to know that yet.


I was looking in the horror section for a movie when I could feel eyes on me. When we had walked in there were two boys about our age standing at the counter. One of them was behind it which I assumed he worked here. The other one was kind of cute. Tall, dirty blind hair, blue eyes. The other one looked like a complete nerd, Sapp would probably be gushing over him.

When I turned my head I saw the tall one looking me up and down. I lifted my hand and gave him the finger. He only smiled and chuckled before turning to look at his friend. The bell over the door rang and another boy walked in. Brown hair that was pushed back with a few strands that flew into his brown eyes. He was cute but gave off serious anger issue vibes. He walked up to the other two boys and I heard them talking before he stormed out of the store.


The bell over the door rang and two girls walked in. One with blue hair wearing a Star Wars shirt, not my type more Meeks kind of girl. Then there was the other girl, jeans, docs, and a Nirvana tee shirt. She walked towards the horror section and her friend walked back to another section.  I noticed Meeks looking at the girl with blue hair. "I don't know who the other girl is but she's hot," I said, quietly. "No way, the blue haired girl is. I've never seen them around, they must be new," he said. "I wonder if they're going to Woodsboro in a month."

"Should I invite them to my beginning of the year party?" I asked. "Let's try to get to know them first," he said. I kept looking at the other girl as she looked for a movie. She must have felt me staring because she turned around and gave me the finger. I smiled, chuckling a little. Feisty I like that. She would be fun to mess with.

The bell rang again and Billy walked in. He was supposed to be out spending time with Sidney. "Hey, man, where's Sid?" I asked. Randy never took his eyes off the girl as she moved around the store. "In the car. I'm going to take her home and then I'll meet you at your place. We need to talk," he said. "Alright, well, just let yourself in, I'm going to get to know the new girl a little and invite her and her friend to my beginning of the year party." He looked around the store and let out a frustrated sigh. "Make it quick. I ain't got time for the fucking shit," he hissed and stormed out the store.


Once yn got the movie, we went to check out. I looked at the guy checking us out. He was cute in a nerdy way. "I'm Sapphire Huxley" I flirted, twirling a piece of my hair. The taller lanky guy laughed, "HUXLEY?! What kind of a name is that?" I glared at him. "Fuck you dick."  The other boy smiled, "Randy Meeks. Nice to meet you," he smiled.


"You find our name funny?" I asked, looking the tall one up and down. He looked at me and back at my sister. "You're related?" He asked. I crossed my arms over my chest, "She's my sister..." I paused waiting for him to tell me his name. "Stu. Stu Macher." I laughed out, "MACHER?! What kind of name is that?" I went back to a deadpanned look and raised my eyebrow. "Touchè," he said, smiling at me. "Now that you know my name, what's yours?"

I looked over at Sapp and she widened her eyes a little to say 'tell him'. I don't interact with guys. Not after my ex-boyfriend. Jason was abusive, not in the hitting and leaving bruises kind of abusive. He was more verbally abusive and gaslighting was his favorite hobby. Never failed to remind me how I should be "grateful" He was with me. Things started off great like any relationship then he showed his true colors. I slowly became someone I didn't recognize. He hated my music. Hated the books I read and said that it was cheating. He was a grade A asshole.

"Yn Huxley. Laugh and I'll cut your balls off. Can we get our movies and go home now?" I asked. "Hold on. I wanted to ask you something," Stu said. I rolled my eyes and let out a loud sigh. "Well? Talk. Now. Hurry." Sapp looked mortified or maybe she was mad? "I'm having a beginning of the year party and wanted to invite you guys."

"Yes! No!" Sapp and I said in unison. I looked at her and she smiled. "We'll be there," she said. The other guy smiled at her, "awesome! Stu, give them the address while I ring them out," he said. Sapp followed him to the register to pay for the movies and left me with Stu. "Maybe I could get your number," he said, handing me a piece of paper with his address on it. "Not a fucking chance. Sapphire, let's go!"


I was a bit mad that Yn was rushing us out. I enjoyed talking to Randy. He led me to the counter. "I don't know how she watches horror movies," I said. "You don't?" He said shocked. I shook my head,"no they freak me out too much," I said.

"I love them. I also love Star Wars," he added, looking at my shirt. "I gotta ask why the long sleeves in the summer?" he asked me and I tensed for a second hoping he didn't catch it. "It's comfortable," I lied. When yn called for us to leave I was thankful. Not even she knew about Noah's abusive ways when he was visiting.

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