Chapter Thirty Two

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AN: there is smut at the end for the last Billy POV don't like don't read


A couple days later I was getting ready for school. My side still hurt like hell and I would be out of the last meet before state but at least I was alive. I was more paranoid than ever. Everytime the phone rang I tensed whether it was my phone or the work phone.

I got to school and Randy came up to me "hey" I smiled and went for a kiss but he pulled away. "We need to talk. Listen, I don't want to be around someone who is a target for murder. I don't want to lose my life so I'm breaking up with you" he told me.

My heart shattered but I responded in anger. "So everything you told me about how you would always be there, how we would never part, and how we were meant for each other was a lie?!" I shouted not caring that students, especially that green eyed bitch were staring.

I'm sorry but my feelings have changed. You're not worth my life." He said simply and walked away. Tears streamed down my face. I shut my locker and ran to my special place. I couldn't care less if my stitches reopened. I just lost my other half. I called work and asked to be on a different schedule than Randy.


I walked away before I could back out of it. Seeing the hurt, anger, and betrayal in her eyes killed me. But it was for the best. Hopefully now she will be safe. I just hoped when this is over she will forgive me.

She opened up to me all those months ago about her ex. I was there for her when Casey died promising she wouldn't lose me too and now I broke that promise. I went to Stu and Billy "we need to end this soon before she comes to hate me" I said.

"RANDY MEEKS!" I heard behind me and tensed knowing who it was. "Yn listen-" I didn't get to finish before she kicked me in the balls making me fall to my knees in pain. "Stay the fuck away from my sister asshole!" She said and walked off. Great not only did my heart feel like it is in pieces now my privates hurt.

I did feel like an asshole though. I broke up with her in front of the school and told her she wasn't worth my life. Watching her bright blue eyes fill with tears pained me to my core. I silently prayed she would forgive me.

Two weeks later


It was the final party before sapps big state swim meet and graduation. The group had all gotten into Windsor college in Ohio. I had to drag sapp with me and Sidney to get chips and drinks. She just held Zoie close, not saying anything. She had been this way since the break up and I really worried about her. I was thinking of talking to her about finding a therapist to help.

It had caused some issues with Stu and I at times. I knew he knew Randy's reasons for dumping my sister but he wouldn't tell me. "Ok sapp drinks on me you need to let loose tonight I say flirt with quarterback Henry on the football team make Randy jealous" I told her.

Just get me my pickled vodka and I'll see about making him jealous. I may just sit in the corner and read" she told me. I sighed and nodded. At least she agreed to come. We got the stuff and Dewey picked us up heading to the party. He to our disgust started seeing Gale Weathers but at least she distracted him from Tatum. We went inside and I kissed Stu "hey babe sorry we're late I had to push sapp to come" I told him.

He kissed me lovingly. God I loved the way his lips felt on mine soft but also sometimes rough. "It's ok I love you so much ready to party?" He asked and spun me around. I laughed and nodded "oh definitely" he looked at Sidney "Billy will be here soon" he told her. And she nodded.

I looked over in the living room and watched Henry flirt with Sapp. I paid him $20 dollars to do it. He loved tatum and was training to be a police officer so he was only doing this for money. He told me he wouldn't betray tatums memory like that.

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