Chapter Five

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The movies and ice cream helped a lot until we ran out. “I’ll go get some more and some dinner I’ll be back,” yn told me. I nodded, “lock the doors imma take a shower,” I told her and she nodded. I went down the hall to my shower. I didn't take my robe this time. I removed my shirt and saw more bruises. I let out a sob would it ever end?

My cheek was also bruised. I reached a hand up to touch it and gasped in pain. It was really sore. More tears fell. I slid down my wall onto my knees and just cried for a few minutes.

I got up, turned the water on and finished getting undressed. I let the hot water run down my body, it felt good. I slowly washed my hair then my body. I swore I heard a twig snap outside. I tensed and quickly finished showering then went to my room in a towel. I saw the flowers and the note. I smiled, it didn’t have a name so I knew they weren’t from Noah. I put on a silk blue nightgown and a black thong. I sniffed the flowers, sighing happily.


I decided to stick around for a bit and watch sapp. I was glad I did because she was getting ready to shower. She ended up breaking down and I felt the urge to just go in there and hold her. She then got in and I watched the water go down her body. I unzipped my pants, jerking off.

I wanted to get closer but stepped on a stick. I swore quietly, saw her freeze and quickly finished showering. She went to her room and I followed. She saw the flowers and I could tell she likes them. I smiled; I was still incredibly hard so I continued jerking off as she put on a silk blue nightgown and black thong. I soon finished. I heard a car and realized it was yn so I hid. Once yn was inside I left. The things this girl did to me. One day I was gonna go in there and teach her not to show off so much.


I went to my room and grabbed my wallet and keys before heading out to my car, making sure I locked the door behind me. I got in my car and started it, setting my wallet on the passenger seat. I stepped on the clutch and shifted my car into reverse then backed up, shifted it into drive and took off down the driveway. Looking both ways I made sure no cars were coming before pulling out onto the street and heading towards town.

I needed to go to the store and grab more ice cream and then maybe pick up some chinese for dinner. I looked into my rearview and sa6w a white BMW behind me. We were at least ten to fifteen minutes from town. I stopped at a stop sign before turning Right onto Elm Street. The white BMW was still following me. "Get it together yn, they're probably going into town too. It's not like Woodsboro is a big place."

Once in town I pulled up beside the curb in front of the Chinese place. It wasn't far from the small grocery store and I figured it would be better to park here so I don't have to walk back towards the store or have to drive just a little up the street. I put the car in neutral and pulled the emergency break up, grabbed my wallet and got out of the car, making sure to hit the lock on the door. I don't think someone would break into my car here but can't be too safe.

I closed the car door, walked up onto the sidewalk, and walked down to the grocery store for the ice cream. The doors opened to the store and I walked in and grabbed a basket going straight to the freezer. So many flavors, okay not that many but enough to make me stand there and be indecisive on my choice. I opened the door and grabbed chocolate, vanilla, cookies and cream, and mint chocolate chip. You can never have enough ice cream. I set them in the basket I held in my left hand then went looking for the toppings.

"Yn!" I turned my head to the side to see Stu walking towards me with a huge smile on his face. I rolled my eyes, "what do you want?" I asked, looking back at the ice cream toppings. "Grumpy. Just wanted to see how everything was. How's your sister?" He asked. I held the basket up but didn't look at him. "Ah… my sister used to binge on ice cream when she had a break up or fought with her boyfriend." I grabbed the toppings I wanted and walked around him. "Wait!" I stopped and turned to look at him. "What?"

"Are you okay?" He asked. My eyebrows crease together. "Why wouldn't I be okay?" I asked. "You kind of clammed up when I mentioned your boyfriend," he said. "Ex. Ex-boyfriend. And I don't want to talk about him. There isn't anything to talk about. I have to get home." I turned and headed for the register. After paying I headed for my car to put the bags on the passenger seat and go order dinner. "Did he hit you?" I jumped and turned around. "Fucking christ!"

"Did he? Did he hit you, yn?" Stu asked. "No. He's just an asshole and I want to leave the past in the past. I slammed the door shut and walked intot he chineae place. It wasn't very big, a few small tables and a counter where you could see into the kitchen. I ordered and paid the woman before sitting down at one of the tables. "Are you going to invite me to dinner?" I groaned and looked up to see Stu. "Fuck off," I said. He sat down and leaned over the table towards me.

"Go on a date with me." I laughed and stood up when I saw my food was ready. "Not even in your dreams." I grabbed the bag and thanked the lady. I pushed the door open and walked around to the drives side of my car. I saw the white BMW park across the street. "You have a nice car." I opened the door and got in. "Don't follow me like you did here," I said. Stu grabbed the door before I closed it. "I live a mile from you, babe. We have to go the same way." He winked and closed my door before walking over to his car. "What a fucking creep."

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