Chapter Twenty-Six

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Yn, Tatum, and I were enjoying our sleepover, eating pizza and watching movies in the living room. It felt nice to be able to have this time with them; my best friends knew how to make me feel somewhat normal again. I love Billy and he made me feel good too, but there was just nothing like having girl time.

We were in the middle of another movie, munching on fresh slices of pizza when we heard a knock on my front door. Puzzled, I looked at the girls.

"Were you expecting anyone, Sid?" Tatum asked.

I shook my head.

"I wonder who it could be, then," Yn spoke.

"I'll go see," I said as I set my plate onto the coffee table and stood up, making my way over to the front door. I was surprised to see Dewey on the other side when I opened the door.

"Dewey?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Sid," Dewey tried to smile but he couldn't. He looked rattled. "Yn Huxley is here, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, she and Tatum both are." He looked relieved when I assured him of his sister's presence and that instantly worried me. "Why? What's wrong, Dewey?"

"Can I come in?" He replied, avoiding my question with one of his own. "There's something I need to discuss with Yn and it can't wait."

Still bewildered, I stepped aside and allowed him in. Closing the door behind him, I followed my best friend's older brother into my living room.

"What are you doing here, Dewey?" Tatum asked in an annoyed tone. I didn't like the way that she treated Dewey sometimes and I always scolded her for it; I was an only child and I wished every day that I had a sibling to share my life and house with so I didn't always feel so alone while my dad was on his business trips.

"I'm here to speak to Yn," Dewey answered, brushing off his sister's scorn; he was acting every bit of the deputy he currently was.

"Me?" Yn was confused. "Why?"

I was still staring at Dewey's back, unable to see his face but still hearing the sympathy in his voice as he told her: "I'm so sorry, Yn, but we went to your house after your neighbors reported hearing screams earlier tonight. Your mother was murdered."

I was stunned into silence and then all I could focus on was Yn and her reaction.


I stood there in shock. This was the last thing I expected. I was not upset, I mean why would I be she never cared about sapp or I. I hate that she died being stabbed to death and it kind of scared me that there was still a killer out there.

I knew Sapp was more sensitive than me so I worried about her. "Oh god I don't know what to say, have you told sapp yet?" I asked him, trying to sound sad. "No, not yet. I'm not sure where she is tonight" he said.

"At Casey's I'll go there with you. I do not know how she will react." I told him. I hugged the girls bye and got in Dewey's car with him. "Ok yn what's going on I can tell you're not upset" he said.

I sighed. "She was not a mom dewey, she only came out here because of Sidney's moms death not for us. And when sapp's ex died she didn't even talk to her" I told him "how could I miss someone who was never there" I added.

He gave me a look of sadness "I'm sorry you had to go through that. Just know my family and I are always here" he told me. I smiled "thanks dewey." We soon got to Casey's and dewey knocked on the door.


I woke up to a knock on the door, it was about one in the morning. I saw Casey open it "Officer Riley? Is everything ok?" She asked, confused. "Um, I need to speak with sapphire, it's important," I heard him say. I got up walking over.

Ok yn is here too, what's going on?" I frowned. Dewey sighed "we found your mother dead about two hours ago stabbed to death just like Maureen" he told me.

My breath caught in my throat and I'm sure I was white as a ghost. I wasn't upset about her murder, no, I was upset that there was still a killer out there. He or she was after yn and I. I started to have a panic attack.

I didn't even hear Randy walk over. He put zoie in my arms and gently hugged me. Zoie nuzzled me and licked me which helped me calm down. "D-dewey there is someone after Yn and I. I've received creepy phone calls" I managed to choke out.

"Ok it's ok we will get y'all some protection but I need you and yn to come down and make a statement about where you were tonight. It's just protocol" he told me. I nodded and we left.

We got there and filled out our statements. Tatum and Sidney met us up there. I kind of felt bad that I was a bitch to sid because as soon as she saw me she hugged me tightly.

"Oh sapp I'm so sorry I know exactly how you feel" she said. I hugged back. "Thanks sid" I said. We started to leave and headed out the back. But of course the local bitch Gale weathers stopped us. "Sapphire yn answer some questions please" she said, shoving the microphone at us. "No fuck off" I snapped and zoie growled at her.

I knew Zoie hated the flashing lights from cameras so I put her in my jacket. As we turned to walk away she said. "Sidney Sidney do you still believe after tonight that Cotton Weary murdered your mother?" I was shocked by the nerve of this bitch.

Before I could tell her off, Sidney turned around and punched her. "Ha! Hope one of you photographers got that" I said and we got in tatums car. We would stay at their place tonight because ours was a crime scene.

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