Chapter Thirty One

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Within the last two years, I've felt pain. I felt it when my mom moved out and abandoned me after she found out about the affair between my father and Sidney's mom. I felt it when I saw Sidney scream and cry the night Stu helped me murder Maureen (because as satisfied as I was that Maureen's corpse was only feet away from me, I hated seeing the girl who I was convinced was the love of my life suffer). I even felt it when Sidney pushed me away for a little while after the tragedy, instead choosing to cling to Yn and Tatum before making her way back to me.

Now, pacing back and forth as I'm waiting for news about Sidney after taking her to the hospital, I can say now with absolute certainty that all of those previous times paled in comparison to now. When I felt her collapse against me and I saw the blood pooling on her stomach, dripping onto her floor, I felt more than just pain.

I was afraid. Truly and completely afraid.

I couldn't lose Sidney. I loved her more than anything I'd ever loved in my life. Seeing her like that, unconscious and bleeding out, it made me realize how I could lose her at any time and I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let that happen.

Before I became too engrossed in my worries, I heard the hospital entrance slide open and I stopped in my tracks to look over. I watched Stu, Randy, and Yn rush in. Yn's face was blotchy and tear-stained and Randy's was panicked. Stu had a similar expression but without the tears.

"Billy?" Stu asked when he noticed me. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" I countered. Inside I could feel myself trembling. I wanted nothing more than to scream and break down into a mess, but I restrained myself. Instead I clenched my fists and resumed pacing.

"Sapp got hurt at the pool," my best friend and accomplice answered. "She was stabbed in her side."

I froze again and stared at him for a long time. The look on my face must have unnerved him because he questioned me again: "Billy? What happened, man? Why are you here?"

"Sidney was stabbed, her stomach."

"What? Is she okay?"

I collapsed onto the hospital chair behind me, my face hidden in my hands. I could feel the tears building and I didn't want to let them see me cry. I couldn't support myself anymore, though. I didn't even answer Stu. All I could do was lean forward, my body trembling and resisting the urge to scream from the anguish swirling within me.

The love of my life could die tonight and I couldn't do anything to stop it.


I felt horrible. I was having a good time with Stu in the car while my sister was being attacked!  I kept praying she and Sidney would make it through ok. I watched Stu comfort Billy who looked completely broken. I'd never seen him like that.

I waited anxiously for what seemed like forever. Dewey had come to question us on what happened and said he would visit later. When he left two doctors came out. "Who is here for Prescott and Huxley?" One of them asked.

It was two cute male doctors. The dark haired short one introduces himself as Dean. The other one who was taller and with long blonde hair was Sam. "All of us are" I said, pointing to Randy Stu and Billy.

Sam smiled "they will be ok but need to take it easy for a week" he said. I felt so relieved but still extremely guilty. "Can we see them?" I asked. And they nodded.


I was pissed and extremely worried. My precious gem was attacked. Whoever did this was going to pay dearly. We sat there for a couple hours but it felt like an eternity. The doctors finally came out and said they would be just fine.

Yn and I went to sapps room. I swear I saw someone familiar in another room but didn't focus on it.  She was still out cold. I just pulled up a chair and held her hand. "I hope they find whoever did this to them soon" I told yn who nodded in agreement.


While Yn and Randy went to Sapp's room, Stu and I entered Sidney's.

My beautiful girl was unconscious in bed, hooked up to machines. The sheets were covering her body up to her chest so I couldn't see the bandages covering her stomach, but I didn't want to. All I could focus on was the steady rise and fall of her chest and how some asshole nearly stole her from me tonight.

Pulling up a chair near her bed, I sat down and moved as close to her as I could. Gently taking her hand in my own, I reveled in the warmth and the softness of her skin. Bringing her hand up to my lips, I kissed it and held it close to my chest.

"I love you so much, Princess," I whispered, staring at her pale face for a moment before anger consumed me and I turned to glare at Stu. "I want this motherfucker dead. No, I want him more than dead. I want to rip him apart limb from limb and make him beg for death from me." My voice trembled from rage as my murderous instincts merged with my protective instincts.

"They will," Stu reassured me with his own look of fury, and I knew he meant it. He cared about Sidney because she was his friend, but what drove him was the fact that they'd hurt Yn by targeting Sapp. Stu was as in love with Yn as I was with Sidney—and apparently as Randy was with Sapp—and there was no way in Hell he was going to take anyone causing Yn pain lying down.

With that agreement, I turned back to Sidney and instantly my eyes softened, the flames of my hatred calming into something sweeter and more loving that only she could evoke. I stroked her skin, keeping her hand against my chest, just needing to feel her, to have tangible proof that she was alive and breathing and still with me.

I won't let anyone hurt her again. Whoever did would meet the same fate as the psycho who almost murdered the only girl I've ever truly loved.


Yn fell asleep in the chair beside sapp. Sapp hadn't woken up yet she still had dried blood running down her face from hitting her head. It made her beautiful blue hair look purple. I hated the fact I wasn't there to protect my precious gem.

I got up and found a sponge. Wetting it,  I gently cleaned the blood off her face and what I could of her hair. I sat back down, taking her hand. Then I let myself cry. The anger had turned into sadness that she was here right now because of me.

I had an idea as to who did this and I knew of only one way to keep sapp safe. Even if it meant yn killed me. I had to break up with my precious gem at school so her attacker saw. The thought of it made me feel like my heart was being ripped out but it is what's best for sapp. My beautiful precious gem.

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