Chapter Eight

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After Sapp left for work I started to get my laundry together. "Where the hell are they?" I was looking around my bed for the pair of underwear I know was laying on the floor. I shrugged and grabbed my hamper then headed across the house to the laundry room. I separate my darks from my lights. It's all the same to me. But while I was putting my clothes in the washer I noticed a few more pairs of my panties were missing. "That's weird."

Probably Sapps fucking dog got into my laundry and took them. But whatever it's not like I don't have any left. I have a ton of underwear to the point it's ridiculous. I started the washer and then headed for the kitchen. The doorbell rang through the house and I sighed. I walked over to the door not even bothering looking through the glass. I opened the door, "What do you want Stu?" I finally looked up and scoffed, then tried to close the door. "Wait. Hold on."

"Why are you here Jason?" I asked. "Can I come in? I just want to talk," he said. "No." I tried to shut the door again but he slipped his foot in and then pushed his way inside. "Don't be rude, yn. It's just us talking," he said. I sighed and shut the door and led him into the kitchen. "Why are you here?" I asked. He smiled, "Noah told me what happened. What you did," he said. "He fucking abuses my sister! He hits her, I'm not just going to stand back and watch!"

"I was going to say I'm proud of you. I always wanted to tell you I miss you. I know I fucked up and I'm so sorry, baby. I'm such an idiot. I went to your house to apologize but your dad said you moved. I tried calling you but it said your number was out of service." I tried to walk around the counter towards me but I moved. "Don't come near me." He stopped and held his hands up.

"Yn!" Jason's head snapped towards the sound of Stu's voice. I said a silent thank you even though he just walked into my house uninvited. "Kitchen!" He walked in and I went up to him. "Hey, what're you doing here?" I asked. He looked over at Jason before looking back down at me. "Just thought I'd check on you and Sapphire after last night's events. Who's this?" He asked.

"This is Jason," I said. He raised his eyebrows and I nodded. I turned to Jason, "this is Stu," I said. Stu wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Hey, man. You from yn old school?" He asked. Jason nodded, "boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend but hoping I can gain her trust back. Start over." I moved a little closer to Stu. "Oh yeah? Well, don't let me stop you." Stu looked down at me. "Got any beer?" He asked. "We got soda," I said. Stu walked away and around the corner. "Holy shit!"

"No, Stu! Don't touch the fucking wine unless you want my mom to kill you!" I heard him laugh and I rolled my eyes, smiling. "You guys seem…close," Jason said. My smile dropped when I looked at him. "Look, baby, please just let me take you out on a date. We can go to the restaurant back home that you love so much. Let me show you I've changed. Please, I just want to make it right." Ah. There it is. His favorite hobby. Trying to manipulate me."

"For one, I hate that restaurant. It's your favorite, not mine. And your manipulation won't work on me anymore," I said. He walked closer and I tried to back up but he grabbed my arm. "I'm sorry for how I acted when we were together. I'm not trying to manipulate you. I'm just trying to show you that I've changed. I love you." I tried to pull away but his grip t I tightened.

"Hey, baby, you okay?" Jason let go of me and I quickly made my way to Stu. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I couldn't feel any more thankful that Stu decided to come over. "I'm fine." Jason looked between us and huffed out a laugh. "So it's true. Noah said you were already seeing someone," he said. "We've been broken up for almost a year, Jason. I broke up with you for a reason. I think you need to leave and never come back here again."


I was still training Sapp and I wasn’t complaining. She was late and I could tell Bradley was annoyed. She walked in with Dewey and I frowned hoping he hadn’t mentioned that I made the call about Noah. Sapp looked upset and was holding Zoie close.

"Mr. Bradley, may I speak with you before you get onto Ms. Huxley,” Dewey said. Brad nodded and went into the office. I walked over giving Sapp a hug, “what happened?” I asked.

"Noah showed up he wanted me to quit and when I said no he got mad. He would have hit me had Deputy Riley not shown up,” she said. I clenched my fist, everyday, I was closer to wanting to kill him. Dewey came out with Brad. “Thank you again, Deputy Riley,” Sapp said. “Anytime. And just call me Dewey,” he smiled, tipped his hat and left.

The day went by pretty easy. We started closing up. She turned to me with a strange look in her eyes. “You and Stu gonna drug and kidnap me again tonight?” She asked. I chuckled, “no not this time. Why did you like it?” I said moving closer to her.

"Maybe. Maybe not,” she said, backing up into the wall. I bent down pinning her to the wall  and whispered in her ear. “I think you did. If you ever want to do it again just let me know,” I said then continued my closing. “Wanna come over for pizza and a movie? I’m sure yn won’t mind,” she said. I smiled and nodded, “sounds great,” I said.


When he pinned me to the wall I got butterflies. I decided screw Noah. I wanted to spend time with Randy. So I invited him over for a movie. We locked up and I put Zoie in the car. “I’ll call the house and let yn know you will be there. I'll go get the pizza,” I told him. He nodded and left.

I called the house. “Hello?” Yn answered. “Hey Randy is coming over for a movie. I’m getting pizza, you want some?” I asked. “Yeah get four boxes Stu is here too,” she told me. “Oh great.  Y’all will want to watch horror,” I groaned. She laughed, “sorry, sis, love ya.” she hung up.

I got the pizza and got to the house just as Jason was leaving. “Fuck!” I thought he would definitely tell Noah. I walked in with the pizzas and set them down. “I’m going to use the bathroom and change. I'll be right back,” I said. Randy looked horrified. I didn't understand why.


"Doesn’t she know the rules?!” I asked Yn. “She doesn’t watch horror movies so no,” yn said, walking into the theater with Stu. I slipped something into Sapps drink since she liked being drugged.

I walked in with the pizzas and drinks. Yn walked over to me. “Don’t think I didn’t see that. You hurt my sister and I’ll castrate you,” she said. I gulped and nodded nervously. “Imma go check on Sapp,” I said and went to her room but she wasn’t there.

I saw her coming out of the bathroom in black sweats and a blue short sleeve shirt. “Hey, we are waiting for you,” I smiled and held out my hand. She took it and we walked into the theatre. She took a sip of her drink and gagged, “ugh yn I got your nasty mtn. Dew,” she said. I frowned, “that bitch switched the drinks.” I thought annoyed.

Sapp got another drink and turned off the lights. “So what movie are y’all torturing me with?” She asked. “The Shining,” Stu grinned. I smirked knowing it would scare Sapp. The movie started and I put my arm around her. No one knew I slipped her a pill again. She ate and the movie started.

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