Chapter Twenty-Two

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Two months later 

November, 24 1995


"It'll be good to get out and do something, Sid." I was over at Sidney's house, she has been locked up in her room since we found her mom. The master bedroom was still blocked off. After the police and forensic team got all the evidence they needed, a crime scene cleaning crew came out and got rid of everything, they pretty much gutted the whole room. "I don't know, yn, I don't really feel like going out." 

I sat down on the side of her bed beside and looked at her. "I know you don't want to go out and you have all the right to feel that way. But you need to get out of this bed, get a shower, and come out with your friends. I'll even make a deal with you," I said. She sighed and sat up a little more. "What's the deal?" She asked. "If you start feeling like it's too much just say something and we will leave," I told her. She thought it over for a few minutes before she finally agreed. 


It had been two months since the death of Sidney’s mother. It was Thanksgiving break, Randy and I were both off today so after some convincing from Yn, Sid agreed to go with us to the mall. After the mall we would get some pizza and have a movie night at our place. Hopefully not horror for Sidney and I sake. 

Sidney had stayed with us the night before as did Tatum so we just hung out in the kitchen waiting for the boys. Soon there was a couple or honks outside letting us know the boys were there. Sidney got in Billys car, I got in with Randy and Yn got in with Stu. Tatum was riding with Sidney and Billy. 

We got to the mall. I was excited. I needed some new silk blue and black pajamas. Especially if Randy was staying tonight. I still wasn’t ready to go all the way, but I was fine with the steamy stuff we did now. “Hey girls, why don’t we go to Victoria secret?” I asked and they agreed. 

We made the boys wait outside while we looked around. I found some blue and black lacy bras and underwear. I got about three pairs of bras and underwear. I saw some dark blue silk gowns with a black lace around the top and bottom. “Hey yn, do you think this will look good on me?” I asked her. She was looking at some of the bras. 

“Oh, definitely, and I think Randy will love it.” She smiled. I blushed, “who said I was getting it for him?” I said. She gave me a ‘dont bullshit me’ look. “Fine, it’s for him,” I admitted, blushing more. She laughed and gently pushed me. I paid for my stuff and waited for the girls. 


I can't believe that I'm going to the mall. Even if Yn said that it would be good for me to go out and do something, it still felt wrong to be out and having fun when it's only been two months since I came home to find my mother dead in her room.

I felt shattered. My friends and my boyfriend have been so patient and understanding with me, but not having my mother around anymore, knowing that she'd been killed, was agonizing. I could still see her body in my nightmares, I could still smell her blood….

"How are you feeling, baby?" Billy asked me softly as he came over to sit beside me on the bench just outside of the Victoria's Secret shop that Yn and Sapp entered.

Instantly I leaned into him and he tucked me against his side, his hand rubbing comforting circles into my back. I know I was more distant now with Billy and I felt guilty about it, but he still inspired such calm and security in me. I just didn't know what to say half the time now; it felt like that night robbed me of my voice.

"Okay, I guess," I answered.

Billy's hand kept making circles and I closed my eyes for a moment, lying my head on his chest. "I'm glad that Yn convinced you to come with us," he said.

I sighed. "I am, too, I think…it's not as bad as I thought it would be," I admitted.

I felt him kiss the top of my head. "Good," he said.

Finally, Sapp and Yn came out of the store and it didn't take much longer for us to meet up with the others. It was almost noon and we decided to grab lunch at one of the food courts. As I got up from the bench, Billy's arm still wrapped around my waist, Yn came over.

"Not so bad, is it?" She asked, smiling.

I offered her a small one in return. "No," I answered.

We started walking together towards the nearest food court, Billy's arm tight around me. Today ended up being pretty decent; I didn't lay in bed crying or wondering why the world took my mother from me in such a violent way. Instead, I went to the mall with the people I care about and smiled and it was believable.

Maybe there was hope for me after all.


Later that evening we picked up some pizza and Stu used a fake ID to get drinks. We met at Yn and I’s house for the movie night. We decided to watch Home Alone. I sat by Randy toward the back and sipped my Smirnoff ice with zoie in my lap I gently pet her. 

Sidney sat with her head resting on Billys shoulder. I may not like her but she did not deserve what happened to her. She really was a good person. I was just jealous and slightly insecure. I knew she was prettier than me but I also knew deep down Randy would never leave me for her.  Maybe for my sister and our groups sake I should try to be friends with her. 

Stu sat by Yn, his arm behind her. It kind of made me mad. I knew my sister liked him even if she denied it. I did not want her or my best friend Casey hurt but somehow I knew one of them would end up hurt. We all sat enjoying the movie and laughing. I was about to ask Randy if he wanted to sneak up to my room, when the theater door opened. I turned around to see…

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