Chapter Nineteen

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What felt like hours, but was really only maybe twenty minutes, Cotton and Maureen finally walked out of the room. Billy moved back from the door so they didn't see him as they made their way to the stairs. After a few long minutes they heard the door shut downstairs. Shortly after Maureen walked up the stairs and back to her bedroom.

Billy looked back at Stu, who was now standing and ready with his knife out. Billy smiled and pulled his knife. They both had black leather gloves on so they didn't leave prints all over the place. They would need to be careful not to track blood all over the place too after shit was all said and done. As soon as she was in the room Billy and Stu quietly walked out of Sidney's bedroom and down the hall.

They stopped when the light flicked off. They waited a couple minutes and then went to the door, opening it just enough they could see Maureen with her back turned to them. Billy turned and gave Stu a nod before pushing the door open more. They crept up to the bed, knives in hand. Stu brought his knife up over his head, both hands gripping the handle.

Billy adjusted his grip on his own knife before pulling it up chest height and bringing it back down, stabbing Maureen in the side. Her body jerked, a scream leaving her mouth. Billy's other hand clamped over her mouth to keep her quiet, putting his knife to her neck. "It's your fault my mother left, you fucking whore." He pulled the knife back, stabbing her in the stomach once, twice, three times before stepping back.

They stood and watched as she clambered off the bed. Her hand pressed against her stomach, blood seeped through her fingers coating them and her and white night gown. They gave her a path to the door and watched as she stumbled towards it. Before she could get her hand on the door knob Stu brought his knife down, embedding it into her back. A shriek left her and he pulled the blade out only to drive it back in one…two…three more times.

Billy walked in front of her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "This is for fucking my father and ruining my life." In one quick motion he pulled his arm back and brought it forward, driving the blade deep into her gut. Stu stabbed her in the back over and over while Billy stabbed her over and over in the stomach and chest. Blood soaked into the cream colored carpet and splattered the walls everytime Billy pulled his knife out, swinging in up and back down again.

Stu had stopped, stepping back, and watched Billy become completely unhinged. He was now on the floor, kneeling over Maureen's lifeless body. Stabbing her over and over, breathing heavily, teeth gritted together, tears stinging the back of his eyes. "She's dead, man! She's dead! Come on, we gotta go!"

Brought lights from a car's headlights lit the room up, showing just how much blood there was. Billy stood up and carefully stepped over the woman's body. He swung the bedroom door open, Stu on his heels. Billy ran down the stairs while Stu left the way they came in, making sure to not leave blood on the window seal or anywhere else. Billy waited in the darkness of the hall downstairs near the backdoor.

He waited, with his back turned, for Sidney to unlock the front door, and step inside. "Mom! I'm home! Mom!" He heard both only her footsteps but someone else's as well. He listened for the footsteps to get closer before he opened the back door, letting it creak on its hinges, and stepped out. He heard a gasp and heard someone ask, "Sid? You okay?" Stu wouldn't be happy if he finds out yn was here and would see the aftermath they left behind.

He made a run for the car and got in the passenger side. "Go. Now!" Stu out the car in gear and took off down the road. They're plan wasn't finished yet. They still needed to go to Cotton Weary's and leave the jacket, and one of the knives in his car. Billy had taken the jacket off when he ran for the car. He took his knife and made sure to wipe the handle of it just for extra measures.

"Yn was there," he casually said. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Stu's grip on the steering wheel tightened. "We couldn't have known she would stay. Nothing we can do about it now." He could care less about what the fucked happened to her. He was still on an adrenaline high from killing someone. He never thought it would feel so good. He liked the way it felt as his knife slid into her flesh like butter. He liked the feeling when it hit bone.

It was an amazing feeling but on the other side, the more rational side, he felt a little nauseous. That side also worried about Sidney but at the moment it wasn't enough for him to care. He had no doubt that he would have killed her too if he stuck around. Just from the pure adrenaline coursing through his veins and the anger that was consuming every fiber of his being.

Maureen Prescott was the reason his mother left. She left him alone with his asshole father. She left him and didn't even think about taking him with her. She hasn't called to even check up on him since she left. He kept telling himself she just needs some time alone. He still tells himself she just needs time for herself. She needs time off from being a wife and a mother. She'll be back for him. She had to come back for him right?

He was so deep inside of his head that he hadn't realized Stu had parked the car. "Okay, we're here." They were just outside Cotton Weary's house, sitting across the street. Billy stayed still for a few minutes before he swung the door open. Stu got out with him, grabbing a clean pair of black leather gloves. Don't want to leave fingerprints on anything. The street was completely dark besides the street lights every few feet. There wasn't a living soul out there with them.

They ran across the street and up to Cotton's car. Just a glance inside the window told them the doors weren't locked. What a fucking idiot. Stu opened the door and Billy placed the knife and jacket inside. Then he went around to the driver's side and nodded for Stu to follow. Stu closed the door, making sure to so it as quietly as possible and jogged around to the other side.

He opened the door and Billy placed his hands on the steering wheel before taking one of the gloves off and set it on the seat beside him. Stu helped him carefully take the other glove over and placed it with the other items then they left. Got back in the car and headed back to Woodsboro. They were going to need to get back to Stu's. That's where his dad thought he was staying and that's where he told Sidney he would be. There was no doubt she or someone would be calling.

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