Chapter Nine

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Stu and I were sitting in the seats at the back with Sapphire and Randy sat in front of us. There were four in the front and four in the back with a good amount of space between them. The theater wasn't big but it was definitely nice to have when we would have friends over. We got to meet Stu and Randy's other friends. Billy gave me bad vibes.

Stu had told me his mom had just recently walked out on him and his dad. That might explain the attitude he had. Then there was Billy's girlfriend, Sidney. She was nice but kind of quiet. Very polite and soft spoken. Then there's Tatum…she was very outgoing and had that I don't give a shit kind if attitude which I fucking loved. She said whatever she wanted and didn't give a shit.

"God I can't drink this, I'll be back," I said softly. I hated fucking Pepsi but I did what I had to do. I got up and walked out to the little kitchen outside of the theater. It was pretty much a little snack counter. Drinks, popcorn, and candy were stocked in the mini fridge and cabinets. I dumped out the glass bottle into the sink, rinsed it out and set it on the counter before grabbing something else. "Not a Pepsi fan?" Stu asked when I sat back down. "No. It tastes flat to me," I said.

The movie started and I reclined my chair back, getting settled in. Sapp hated horror and thriller movies. She was always watching nerdier kinds of movies. Like, Star Wars and Marvel. She would rather watch a comedy than horror. So she was definitely going to hate The Shining.


I had cursed to myself when I had heard Sapphire saying about her getting yn's drink. I slipped a little something into her drink just for a little fun. After walking in earlier today and seeing her ex standing in the kitchen with her had white hot rage coursing through me but I kept it shoved down. I also had a surge of jealousy until she moved closer to me and then she told him I was her boyfriend.

I know I'm not her boyfriend…yet…but it went straight to my head and traveled to my fucking cock. I could see Jason's jaw tick. He fucking hated that he couldn't manipulate her into taking him back. Hated that she had moved on. And if he was smart he would stay away. And if he didn't I guess mine and Billy's plans would have to be extended a little. Even if he didn't want to help me.

While yn was distracted by the movie I slipped another pill into her drink. I waited and watched the movie. Sapp would jump here and there. She really hated horror movies. When I saw yn squirming around I smirked and landed closer to her. "You're not scared are you?" I asked. She looked at me and shook her head. "No. I've seen this movie a hundred times."

I moved her drink and pushed up the arm after pulling the blanket that was draped over the seat beside me. I scooted closer to her, opened the blanket, and covered the both of us. "What're you doing?" I put an arm around her shoulder and put my lips closer to her ear. "How're you feeling? Hmm?" I laid my hand on her thigh and rubbed my thumb in circles on her soft skin. "Need some help?" I moved my hand up closer to the bottom of her shorts.

When I got here she was only in shorts and an oversized shirt like she had just rolled out of bed. I was thankful for it too. Made it so much easier. "You fucking slipped something into my drink didn't you?" She asked. I moved my hand further up and under her shorts. I smirked when I realized she didn't have underwear on. "What a naughty girl. If I put my hand up your shirt am I going to find you have no bra on too?" She gasped when I slid my fingers through her lips. Her pussy was soaked. "Oh, baby, do you need daddy's help?"

My thumb pressed down on her clit and rubbed small, slow circles. Her hand came down and wrapped around my wrist when I slipped a finger inside of her. She bit down on her lower lip, her nails dug into my skin. I added another finger, watching as her eyes rolled back when I curled them inside of her. I watched as Sapphire rushed past and then Randy shortly after. When I was sure they were out of ear shot I started to pump in and out of her pussy, curling my fingers. My thumb was still drawing figure eights on her clit. "Good girl."

I worked my middle and ring finger, hitting the perfect spot inside her. A whimper and a soft moan of my name left her beautiful, soft lips. I couldn't wait to have those lips wrapped around my cock. "That's it, baby. That feel good? Hmm?" She threw her head back, moaning louder as I picked up my pace. My fingers curled, hitting the same spot over and over. Her soft, spongy walls fluttered around them. I knew she was getting close the second she tightened around them.

I pulled away, a whine escaping her but before she could say anything I was yanking her shorts off. I stood and pushed down the foot rest of her seat so I could kneel in front of her. If she was going to come it could be while I was eating her pussy. My hand wrapped around her thighs and pulled. She let out a small yelp of surprise that quickly turned into a moan the second my mouth came in contact with her cunt. My lips attached to her clit, sucking it into my mouth and I flicked my tongue.

I groaned at the sweet taste of her. I moved down to her hole, probing it with my tongue. Her hand laced itself into my hair, tugging and pulling me closer. I licked up to her clit, flicking the tip over the small bundle of nerves. My finger slipped inside of her, pumping a few times to gather her aerosol and then ran my finger down to her ass. I circled the tight hole and she tried to pull away. I locked my free arm around her thigh and pulled her closer to me. "Shh. It's okay, baby, daddy's going to make you feel so good. Just relax."

I gather more of her wetness, using it as lubricant. I ran my finger back down to her tight hole, bringing my mouth back to her cunt. At the same time I pulled her clit into my mouth and sucked harshly and flicked the tip of my tongue, I pushed my finger inside of her. The muscles tightened for a second before relaxing. Her cries of pure pleasure as I fingered her ass and ate her pussy was fucking music to my ears. I slowly eased another finger into her ass. I scraped her clit with my teeth, lightly biting down. Her hand tightened in my hair.

I pushed my thumb inside her cunt, sucking her clit into my mouth and clamping my teeth down, sucking it hard and the tip of my tongue flicked back and forth. Her moans got louder, turning into cries. I held her tight to me as her whole body tensed and she came. She came so hard, squirting all over the chair, herself and me. I let her ride her high out before pulling away. "Mmm…" I hummed, licking my lip."You taste so fucking good. Did such a good job for daddy, baby. Now let's take you to bed so you can do the same thing on my cock."

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