Chapter Eighteen

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I sat there bored. Yn and Sidney just came by to visit. They brought Zoie. I cuddled her for a bit but the nurse said no dogs allowed so they later took her back. I was kind of upset Randy hadn’t visited me today. I was also annoyed being here, I hated hospitals. There was nothing to do.

I was starting to doze off with the tv in the background. Star Wars was playing when a knock was heard on my door. I jumped startled and saw my nerdy boyfriend. I smiled, “hey,” I said

"Hey sorry, I’m here so late. I had the late shift, but I figured we could eat and cuddle. I brought pizza,” he smiled. “I’d love that,” I said and hugged him. So that’s what we did: cuddled, ate pizza, watched the movie, and talked until the nurse made him leave. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked “definitely.” He kissed me and left.


Billy and Stu sat outside the Prescott house, watching as Cotton Weary got out of his car. He walks up the path to the front door, knocking three times. 

The porch is dark, the only light coming from the archway above the stone path. The front door opens, letting out a dim yellow light. Maureen Prescott stands in a white silk nightgown, smiling at the man standing in front of her.

They watch as she reaches a hand out, grabbing Cotton by the collar of his brown leather jacket, pulling him inside and closing the door. The two teenage boys look at each other and smile.

They've been planning this for weeks now, ever since Billy found out why his mother left. His father had an affair with none other than his girlfriend's mother, Maureen Prescott. He had heard rumors going around town how she was a whore. Okay, maybe that wasn't the word people used, they just whispered how she was sleeping around while her husband was away.

He was shown a video as proof by a man he's never met before. He showed him a video he took himself. He watched as his father met with Maureen at a motel. How long had it been going on for? He doesn't know and he doesn't care. He only cares that his mother is gone now, left him alone with his father, and didn't take him with her.

This man, the one with the video, said he wanted revenge on Maureen, he didn't go into detail, but Billy didn't care, he just wanted his own revenge. Kill Maureen Prescott. It sounds simple enough, but he needed a plan, which the man helped him with. "Get a partner. Have someone you can trust. Someone to use incase shit goes sideways. Someone you can pin all the blame on.

That's where Stu Macher, his best friend since as long as he can remember, came into play. He knew there was something loose in his head, something not right. Something fucked up going on, just like him. There have been times where they've talked about killing one of their classmates, gone into detail even, just because they don't like them.

He knew Stu was easily pressured into doing shit. When they were ten he convinced him to jump off the top of the barn that sits on the Macher property. He dared him, told him he didn't think he would do it, that he was too much of a pussy. Stu was always one to show off. So, he did it. He jumped off the roof and ended up breaking his arm.

So he knew he would be the perfect person to help him in committing murder. He was right, it didn't take him long to convince Stu to help him. He was so easily manipulated and Billy knew he would do whatever he told him to do.

They waited for an hour, going over the plan, because Billy needed to make sure Stu got it right and didn't fuck up. They would sneak in l, wait until Cotton left, and then kill Maureen. Of course they would need to be careful not to leave any evidence that they were there. Sidney was due to be home in an hour or so the last Billy knew. She was with yn visiting Sapphire in the hospital and then they were going to meet up with Tatum and get dinner.

Billy had the perfect plan. He was going to blame it on Cotton Weary. He would take his jacket and put it on, and make sure Sidney saw him leaving. He and Cotton were about the same height and it was dark so she wouldn't know it was him. Then they would plant the evidence in Cotton's car. They knew where he lived, they followed him and Maurern a few times to see what they're plans and routines were.

After twenty minutes of waiting they got out of the car and made their way around the side of the house and up the steps of the porch. Sidney's bedroom window was open, they would be able to get in that way instead of going through the front door. They could wait in her bedroom until Cotton left, but only after Billy made sure to get his jacket, which was conveniently at the bottom of the stairs, hanging on the banister.

Billy quietly and carefully made his way down the stairs and grabbed it and went back up to hide in Sidney's room. Stu sat on the chair at Sidney's desk and Billy stood beside the door l, looking through the crack. The one thing he liked and hated about her door was it didn't latch like it was supposed to.

He hated it because when he would come over and they would be on the bed making out, his hands creeping up her shirt, and her hands in his hair, one of her parents would always knock once and just push the door open. There were a few times he's flung himself off of her so fast and hard that he fell off the bed. Then she started locking the bedroom and closet door handles together so her door couldn't be opened.

So that way when one of her parents would come up to check on them, he could still be on top of her, lips sucking on her neck while she struggled to keep her breath steady enough to tell them things were fine. Billy shook his head to try and get rid of those thoughts. He had to focus; he couldn't think about shit like that. He's been wanting to take things a step further with Sidney for a while now. It's been a year soon to be two.

He looked behind him at Stu to see him spaced out. He's been acting weird since he went to see yn yesterday night. He needed him to fucking focus. So he walked over to him and snapped his fingers. Stu looked up at him in confusion. "What? They done already, man?" He whispered, standing up. "No, dipshit. What the fuck is wrong with you? I need to fucking focus."

"Sorry. Fuck man, I'm sorry, okay. This whole thing with Casey and yn has my head fucked up," he said. "Yeah, no shit," Billy mumbled, going back to the door to keep watch and to listen. He could hear the faint moans and grunts coming from the master bedroom. It was making him fucikng nauseous. "She's just jealous, right. That I didn't choose to stay and beg her to give me a shot. And instead moved on with Casey. That's why she said Casey was cheating on me."

Billy rolled his eyes and looked back at Stu. "You're such a fucking dumbass. You know damn fucking well that bitch is cheating on you. You need to get your fucking head straight right now!" He hissed. "Get fucking ready because it's almost time to kill this fucking whore."

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