Chapter Two

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We went out to my car. I had left my phone in and it was ringing when I got in. I answered it. "Why the fuck didn't you answer!" He yelled, it was my boyfriend Noah. I flinched, "I'm sorry I forgot my phone in the car," I said immediately, upset. "Oh yeah? Probably flirting with some other guy you slut."

I could feel tears forming. "I'm sorry we were renting a movie for tonight" I told him. "Next time I call, you better fucking answer." he hung up. I sighed. Yn looked at me, "is it just verbal?" She asked me. I shook my head, tears falling. "No, that's why I have long sleeves on. Last time he was here he..." I didn't finish. I rolled up my sleeves showing purple bruises. She gasped and hugged me. "Oh sis, I'm sorry I had no idea." I cried into her shoulder, "I didn't want you to, I didn't want to worry you." I said.

"I hate him, yn, I hate him. But I'm scared of what he will do if I break up with him," I told her. She hugged me tighter, "you could talk to the local police about a restraining order," she suggested. Then there was a knock on the window. We both jumped letting out a scream. I saw Randy, I rolled the window down forgetting to pull my sleeves down.

"Hey y'all ok? You've been out here for a minute," he said, worried. "Oh yeah, we were just talking." I smiled


I left after I checked on them. They left to go get pizza. I was pissed. How DARE someone hurt her. I had seen the bruises. I knew it was either her father or boyfriend. I went to Stu's house to rant. I saw leatherfaces car there and and rolled my eyes. I knocked on the door and Stu answered. "Hey, can we talk in private?" I asked.

He nodded going up to his room. "You look mad," he said when we were alone. "The new girls were still sitting outside when I left so I went to check on them. Sapp had purple bruises on her arms. God, I could kill whoever hurt her!" Once I ranted I calmed down. "Thanks for listening. I'll leave before Billy gets pissed off. Oh, by the way they moved into that house about a mile up the road,"
I said and left.


I was grabbing Sapp and I both a drink from the fridge when she spoke up. She hadn't said much on the way home. "So, Randy is really cute," she said. I kicked the fridge door shut with my foot and shrugged. "I guess, if you're into that kind of thing," I said. I set her Pepsi down on the counter and slid it over to her before cracking my diet coke. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You know...nerdy. Geeky. Virgin," I said. "There is nothing wrong with being a virgin. I'm still a virgin," she said, playing with the pizza in front of her." I sighed and stood across from her. "You're right there isn't anything wrong with that. You better stay that way until you're like fifty," I said. I ducked when she threw a piece of garlic bread at me. "Shut up! What about that other guy, Stu. He seemed to be checking you out," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Whatever. He gives off the kind of vibes that scream give me attention. Parents are never home so he throws parties to fill the void." I took a bite of my pizza and then hopped up onto the counter. "So what you're saying is he's perfect for you," she laughed. "No! That is not what I'm saying. I'm saying he's probably clingy and I hate clingy. Besides, I'm not interested in dating. And if you're going to be flirting with some other boy, maybe breaking off with Noah." She got quiet after that. "I'm too scared to break up with him," she whispered. "We can get a restraining order on him. But enough boy talk, let's go watch the movies."


I was upset about the last part of our conversation. She knows what it's like to have a verbally abusive boyfriend, but my situation is worse. He is physically and verbally abusive. She didn't understand that guys like him did not listen to a restraining order.  

When we started the movie, I personally jumped a lot. Yn however, was used to it When it was over I got in the shower.  My shower was huge with a glass window looking out outside. I swore I was being watched, but it was probably just paranoia from the movie. Horror movies always freaked me out.

I decided that if someone was there I would  give them a show. Slowly I took off my shirt leaving me in my black and blue lacy bra then I took off my pants to reveal a matching pair of underwear. I took those off and got in.


I could sense that something was off about Sapp but I didn't bring it up. I pushed the Exorcist into the VCR and pressed play. She jumped through the whole movie and the second movie. She wasn't a fan of horror like I was. I was all about the blood and gore, the jump scares and blood curdling screams. It was thrilling to me; it made me feel alive. Of course, it was all fun and games while it wasn't real. If it ever became a reality I would probably shit myself.

After the movies were over we cleaned up everything and Sapphire went to take a shower before going to bed. I slowly walked down the hall to my bathroom. I'd get a shower in the morning so I just brushed my teeth. I walked back into my room and started to strip out of my clothes to put something more comfortable on when I heard a noise outside. I had doors that led out onto a patio that looked out at the hills.

I grabbed my silk robe from the foot of my bed and put it on before I walked over to the doors and opened them. The slight chill of the summer air hit me and I shivered. I walked out onto the balcony and looked around but didn't see anything. The pool glowed a beautiful blue. The sky was clear and the stars were shining, the moon was bright enough that I could see some of the backyard. I went to each end of the balcony and looked around to make sure nothing or no one was there. I had that feeling of being watched.

I walked into my closet and pulled out an oversized tee shirt and walked back over to my bed. Dropping the robe to the floor I reached behind me and unhook my bra letting it fall to the floor, and put on my shirt. Then I shut the lights off and climbed into bed. I wasn't really that tired to be honest so I just grabbed my book and read until I was. I didn't go to bed until almost three in the morning.

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