Chapter Six

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I woke up incredibly sore after what Noah had done. I groaned and called out to yn from my room. “Hey, I need you to please get me a hot blanket and some ibuprofen. Everything hurts,” I said.

Luckily I still had till 3 pm for work. It was only 10 am so I had time to relax. Yn brought me the blanket and ibuprofen. “Thank, sis.” She nodded, “I hope you feel better soon. I really hate that dick,” she said. “Oh, I do too, trust me,” I said and curled up under the blanket.

"Do you need anything? I'm going into town. I want to check out the music store,” she said. I nodded, “ no, I don't need anything. Be careful, love you,” I said, starting to doze again. “Love you, Sapp,” she told me. I fell back asleep shortly after she left.

I woke up again around noon and showered then got my clothes on and ate. There was a knock on the door; It was Stu. I opened it, “hey,” I said kindly. “Hey, is yn around?” He asked. “No, she went to town, what's up?” I asked.

"I’m having a small pool party later, just like, six of us, Randy will be there. I wanted to invite y’all,” He said. I sighed, I loved swimming and a pool party sounded fun, but two people there didn’t know of my boyfriend or bruises and I didn’t want to explain it. “Not this time. I’m sorry,” I said.

He looked disappointed and nodded, “ok. I’ll hold you to the next time. I just know yn won’t go if you don’t,” he said sadly and left. I felt bad but I wasn’t comfortable with a lot of people seeing my bruises. By now it was 2:15. I grabbed my keys, grabbed Zoie. She was my emotional support dog, a small gray miniature schnauzer and headed out forgetting to lock the door.


Sapp walked in at 2:45 holding a small gray dog. It was cute. But I knew Bradley wouldn’t let her keep it here. “Shit, Ray, can you hold her? I'll be right back,” Sapp said as she handed the dog to me.

"Randy, you know the rules. No pets allowed,” Bradley said. “She isn’t mine. She's Sapps,” I said. “Ok, I’ll tell Sapp she can’t be here,” he said. At that moment She walked back inside carrying an emotional support vest.

It dawned on that Zoie was her emotional support dog. It made sense with how her boyfriend was. Sapphire, do you have the paperwork for the dog?” Bradley asked. “Yes, sir, I do,” she pulled it out of her Star Wars purse and gave it to him. He looked it over and nodded, “ok, she can stay. Oh and here is your shirt,” he gave it to her.

She put it on. The day went well. We talked and got to know each other a lot more. I am falling in love with her more. Soon we started closing. A song came on the radio and she started dancing. It was very hot. This girl had no idea what she did to me.

We closed up and Zoie started growling. I assumed she saw Stu. “I’ll hold her while you lock up,” I told Sapp. She nodded and started locking up. I pet Zoie to calm her down. I watched as Stu put a rag over Sapps face. Sapp immediately passed out. “Is yn coming?” I asked as Stu put her in my car. “I left a note of Sapp saying she was coming and to bring a suit for her,” Stu said. “Grab some beers and I’ll meet you there."


I was in the music store thumbing through records. I needed to get some new strings for my guitar too while I was here. "Pink Floyd. Nice choice." I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh before turning around. "Why isn't that you seem to be everywhere I am?" I asked. Stu smiled and shrugged, "maybe it's fate," he said. I scoffed and walked away and up to the counter. "Guitar strings?" The guy pointed over to where they were and I walked over to where I went.

"You play guitar?" Stu asked, following me. "Nope. Figured they would be good for taking that big head of yours off." He laughed and pressed his body up against mine, one hand on my hip. "Funny. But I'm here because I wanted to invite you to my pool party tonight. Just a few of us. And before you say anything…Sapp will be going. I already talked to her, that's how I knew you were here. So what do you say?" He moved my hair over my shoulder, his lips ghosted over the skin of my neck.

I quickly spun around and put my hand on his chest, pushing him away. "I'll talk to my sister myself. Then we will see," I said and walked around him. "So, that's a yes?" He smirked. I paid for the strings, walked past Stu again and out to my car. I opened the driver's side door and looked back at him. "That's a maybe." I got in and drove away. When I got home there was a note left on the counter from Sapp telling me to bring her bathing suit. "Fuck." I sighed and went to my room to get ready to go to Stu’s stupid party.

After changing into my bikini and putting shorts on I went to Sapps room and grabbed hers. I shoved it into my bag with my change of clothes and headed out to the car and down the road to Stu's. "Wow." He had a nice house. I knocked on the door and was greeted with a smiling Stu. "Damn, baby, you trying to kill me?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Where's my sister?"

It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Stu continued to flirt with me and I might have played along. But that was only because I had a few drinks and the alcohol loosened me up. Sapp was sitting on the side of the pool talking to people and enjoying herself so that also helped me relax more. Stu has me pinned between him and the wall of the pool, saying some things that had a shiver running down my spin. But then Noah showed up.

"What the fuck are you doing with these guys you slut!” He yelled at Sapp and she flinched.

I was quick to turn and push myself out of the water, running over to him. "Noah!" He stopped and turned around. "Jason will deal with you when he gets…" I grabbed ahold of his shoulders and headed butted him so hard I heard a sickening crunch. He stumbled a little but inept the grip on his shoulders and brought my knee up into his crouch. He fell over and I stood over him, crouched down and got real close to his face.

I gripped a hold of his chin and forced him to look at me. "Touch my sister again and I'll fucking kill you next time. Do you understand me?" He just groaned trying to turn away from me. I gripped his face harder. "Do you understand me?!" I yelled. "Yes! Fuck, yes! I understand!" He choked out. I let go of him and went over to Sapp.


Sapp was pissed at first when she woke up. She calmed down quickly though. She didn’t want to get in the pool. She just put her legs in the water sipping her Mike's hard strawberry lemonade. It seemed like everyone was having fun. Suddenly the gate busted open and some guy stood there with brown hair and green eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing with these guys you slut!” He yelled at Sapp and she flinched. I immediately saw red. This was him, the one who had been hurting her. I wanted nothing more in that moment than to break my beer bottle and stab him in the neck.

He grabbed her roughly, jerking her up. She cried out in pain. “Noah, stop please,” she said. “We are leaving,” he said and started to drag her off. I stood up ready to knock him out. But Yn did something.

The next thing I knew he was on the ground and she was telling him something. She stepped back and walked over and just started punching him. I only saw red and stopped when stu pulled me off. “You piece of shit stay the fuck away from her or you will regret it!” I said and walked off to calm down.

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