Chapter three

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I decided to check on Sapp. I saw her getting ready to get in the shower. It was like she knew someone was watching her. She slowly removed her clothes revealing lacy blue and black undergarments. Such a naughty girl wearing that lace.

When she got in she was stunning. Perfect curves, her hair was wet, long, and clung to her body. I wanted to go in there and pin her against the shower wall and ruin her.

I groaned feeling myself get hard. I quietly removed my pants and began jacking off as I watched her. It didn't take me long to finish. When she was done I left. I decided to do that more often.


I watched yn and her sister through the glass doors that looked into the kitchen. Her sister then disappeared down the hall and yn turned lights off before heading down another hall. I rushed around the house until I saw a light turn on in a room. There was a patio right outside a pair of double doors that led into the bedroom.

Yn disappeared into the bathroom so I took that as my chance to get closer. When she came back out I watched her pull her shirt over her head and pull her pants down her legs. I could feel myself stiffen inside my pants. She was fucking beautiful. I tried to get closer but ended up bumping into one of the patio chairs. I silently cursed and quickly hid.

Yn walked out onto the patio in nothing but her underwear and a black silk robe. My dick was getting harder the closer she got to where I was. I couldn't wait for Billy to leave and go home so I could come here. It felt like he was never going to leave. When she walked back inside I waited until she was inside the closet to move closer. I found myself palming myself when she dropped the robe and then her bra. Her tits were fucking perfect. I wish I had brought my camera.


It was about 9:30 am the next morning when I got up. I had some leftover pizza for breakfast. Yn still wasn't up so I left a note for her saying I was going to return the movies. I got them together and put on a quarter sleeve shirt this time, it still covered my bruises and another pair of black leggings. I like blue and black sue me. I fluffed up my naturally curly hair and put on a little make up and I was ready.

I got in my car heading to the store. I hoped Randy was there. I got there and saw his car. I smiled. I got out and walked in. It seemed to be slow. I saw an older guy I didn't recognize. He must be the manager. I also noticed a help wanted sign. I walked over, "hey," I smiled. Randy smiled, "hey, Sapp." he smiled.

I blushed at the nickname. "I came to return the movies," I said. The older guy spoke up, "you looking for a job we're hiring," he said. I realized I could be closer with Randy. "Um... yes, I'd like that," I said. "Good, be here at noon tomorrow," he told me. I thanked him, returned the movies and left.

When I got home I sighed seeing Noah's car. I got out and he did too. I could tell he was mad. "Where the fuck were you?!" He said. I flinched not looking at him, "I was returning the movies we rented yesterday," I said quietly.

"Let's talk in your room now!" he said, pissed. We went inside and to my room. He slapped me hard, nearly knocking me down. "I do not want you there without me!" He said and grabbed my arms hard.

"Noah, stop, you're hurting me," I said crying. He just grabbed my arms tighter, shaking me. "Did you hear what the fuck I just said!" He said. I nodded scared. "But, I can't do that because I have a job there now."

He was even more pissed; he threw me on the ground, "if anyone flirts with better tell me," he said and stormed out. Before he did he said, "by the way, I'm attending Woodsboro in a month." he left and I broke down.


When I woke up I looked over to my bedside table to see the big green numbers read ten. I stretched and got up to go get a shower and get dressed. I wasn't planning to go anywhere today so I slipped a pair of shorts and a tee shirt on with a black pair of knee high socks with the two white lines around the top.

I headed down the hallway, my feet pad against the shiney French granite floors.  I was about to turn towards the kitchen when the doorbell went off. Unfortunately our front doors were glass and iron. I sighed and walked over and opened the door. The boy from the video store, the tall one, Stu was standing there. "What do you want and how did you know where I lived?" He smiled at me, "I live right down the road about a mile or so. Thought I would come to greet the new neighbors."

"Well, you did so bye," I said and went to close the door. "Whoa, whoa, aren't you going to invite me in?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, "why would I do that?" I asked. He shrugged, "because it's the nice thing to do," he said. I gave him a deadpan look, "well, unlucky for you I'm not nice. So piss off."  He chuckled and pushed past me. "Got a nice place here," he said.

"What the fuck!" I let out a frustrated sigh. I couldn't deal with this shit without coffee. I shut the door and walked past him as he looked around. I walked into the kitchen to see there was already coffee made. "So, you coming to my party?" Stu looked me up and down, licking his lips. I poured myself a cup, taking a sip before I answered him. "Seeing as my sister will want to go, yes. You think I'd let her go to a party by herself?" He leaned on the counter across from me. "I could give you the grand tour," he said. Before I could say anything the door opened.

I watched as Sapphire walked by going toward her room. Then I saw someone I didn't want to see. Fucking Noah. "You have got to be kidding me," I said. They didn't even see me and Stu when they walked in. "Who was that?" He asked. "My sisters boyfriend," I said. "Boyfriend?" We heard Noah yelling and then he came storming back out.

His head turned and we made eye contact. He smiled and walked into the kitchen. He looked over at Stu before looking at me. "Yn." I didn't say anything, just glared at him. "Hey, man, names Noah." He held out his hand to Stu. Stu took his hand nodding. "Stu." Noah nodded and looked back at me, "looks like you move on fast. Jason won't be too happy about that." He smirked at me and I have never wanted to knock someone's teeth down their throat as bad as I wanted to knock his teeth down his.

"What're you doing dough here, Noah?" I asked. "Came to see my girlfriend. Wanted to surprise her and tell her the great news," he said. I raised an eyebrow, "oh? And what would that be? Hmm? Did you finally come out of the closet?" His hands clenched into fist and he took a step closer to me but Stu moved at the same time and he stopped. "You always did have a sense of humor, yn. But no, I convinced my parents to move. So, I'll be going to Woodsboro with you. Well, I better get going. It was meeting you, Stu. See you around, nn." With that he left.

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