Chapter Thirty Three

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I was moving silently through the house, waiting for an opportunity to finish that slut off when I heard them in the bedroom. The creaking of the mattress, the headboard hitting the wall, the passionate grunts and moans and cries from wasn't hard to guess what was going on.

I creaked open the door slightly so I could look into the room. There they were, wrapped up together. He had his arms around her, nuzzling her while she was pressed against his chest. They both had peaceful expressions on their faces.

I clenched the knife in my hand, rage flooding my body. He was cuddling her. He never cuddled me. He always rejected me every time we had sex and went back to her. He was really good in bed, but he didn't look at me with that loving look, he didn't kiss me, he didn't neglect wearing protection just so he could feel all of me...he just rolled on the condom, fucked me, and then left with hardly a word, but she...she gets to be kissed, made love to...she gets to know what his cum feels like inside of her body instead of watching him pull out and throw away the used rubber...knowing that he'll never treat me the way that he treats her fucking hurts.

The reminder served to fan the flames burning in my chest. She'd never be anything to him anymore because there will be nothing left of her when I'm done with her.

Unknown POV

I watched her storm out and smirked. I waited a few minutes as guests left the party to go see the principal then I followed. I got my costume out of my car and found her heading back home. I attacked her. Stabbing her two more times in the stomach before escaping. Next was YN.


I was walking home luckily stu lived near us and I couldn't stand the party anymore. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain behind me and turned around.

That face that haunted me was standing there holding a bloody knife. Before I could move they stabbed me in the stomach twice then pushed me to the woods. I was too weak to move. But I managed to pull the mask off. "I should have fucking known" I said

He is mine now bitch" she smirked and left. I tried to get up but was losing blood fast. The last thing I saw was black before I passed out.


I felt happy for the first time since my mother was murdered, since Tatum was murdered, as I laid there, curled up in Billy's arms after we made love for the first time. He was warm and I felt his fingers slowly stroking up and down my bare back.

"I love you," I whispered, pressing my lips to his chest in a gentle kiss.

"I love you, too, Sid," my boyfriend replied, and I felt him drop a kiss onto my hair.

For a while we laid there, basking in the afterglow. I didn't want to move away from him, but I knew that people would be looking for us soon and I didn't want anyone to walk in here and see us naked, so reluctantly we both got dressed.

As Billy was putting on his white shirt and I was sitting on Stu's parents' bed, brushing my hair with Mrs. Macher's hairbrush, I said softly, "Thank you, Billy."

"For what?"

I turned around to see him tying his shoes and smiled. "For being so patient and understanding with me," I answered. "Not many guys would wait for their sexually anorexic girlfriends, but you did and it means so much to me."

Billy smiled and got up, moving over to lean over the bed and kiss me. "I'd wait for you forever if I had to, Sidney," he murmured, staring into my eyes. "I'd do anything for you."

I was mesmerized as I gazed into those smoldering espresso brown eyes I love so much. I could see nothing but love for me in those eyes and the purity of it made my own water. I was about to kiss him again when I caught sight of something moving. Horror filled me as I watched the figure who stabbed me step into the room, its unblinking mask focused on me.

"Billy!" I cried out and he whipped around. He was roughly knocked out of the way, stumbling but not falling, before the figure lunged at me.

I screamed in terror, just managing to roll away in time as the knife in the killer's hand entered the mattress. I could tell by the impact that this person had a lot of hatred for me and I didn't know why. What could I have done to him to make him want to kill me so badly?

Before I could get up, the killer swung for me again and pinned me beneath him. He raised his knife and I closed my eyes, preparing for the pain, when I heard a desperate cry of rage and felt the killer be yanked away from me. Opening my eyes, I quickly sat up and watched Billy fight with the masked murderer, attempting to disarm him.

"You fucker! I won't let you hurt her anymore!" My boyfriend yelled, his eyes glinting with anger and something darker that would make me shiver if it had been directed towards me.

Just as quickly, however, his face changed from one of fury and protectiveness to pain and shock. He looked down at the growing stain on his shirt, the red a sharp contrast against the stark white. In their struggle for the weapon, the killer had slashed Billy across his chest.

"Billy!" I cried out, tears streaming down my face as he staggered back and turned to face me.

"Run, Sid."

He collapsed and though everything in me screamed to check on him, to get him to safety, the killer started towards me again and I had no choice but to abandon my bleeding boyfriend on the bedroom carpet, narrowly avoiding the psycho as I escaped.

Soon I found myself outside, heading for my house so I could call the police and end this madness when I froze. Near the woods, Sapp was lying on the ground, blood pooling beneath her as she clutched her stomach.

"Oh my God," I whispered, instantly rushing over to the prone girl. "Sapp!"

"Sidney?" She groaned weakly, opening her eyes to look at me as I knelt by her side.

"Hold on, Sapp, just hold on," I told her, removing my jacket and using it to put pressure on her wounds, apologizing profusely when my actions pulled another agonized moan from her. "You're going to be okay."

I couldn't believe it. A night to unwind and have fun, the night in which I lost my virginity, had morphed into a nightmare of panic and terror. As I stayed with Sapp, sobs wracking my body as I tried to prevent another person I cared about from dying, I thought about my mother, Ms. Huxley, Casey, possibly Billy and Sapp...

How many more lives had to be lost for this to end?


I laid there seeing only blackness and feeling like my fucking insides had been ripped out. I heard someone calling my name. "R-randy?" I managed thinking it was him.  I opened my eyes to see sidney.  She told me to hold on that I would be fine. 

She put her jacket on my wound which made me groan.  Once we tied the jacket around me we headed back to the house we had to warn the others.  Sidney had to hold me up.  We made it inside and saw randy yn and stu all on the couch half drunk.  "T-the killers here its-" i didn't get to finish as the bitch came in through the kitchen. It was none other than Emerald Evans.

"You are one strong bitch" she growled.  "Im going to fucking kill you" i said.  There was a banging on the stairs as Billy stumbled down.  Sid left me in yns arms as she helped him, until the second killer kicked her in the face making her fall. They pulled off the mask to reveal Christina "you stupid bitch it was supposed to be you hurt not him!"  Sidney just stared horrified. We were fucked half of us were drunk the other half stabbed.

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