Chapter Thirty

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AN: smut in this scene this is your warning!


I knocked on Stu's door. I was pissed, and had an idea. I remember them being there months ago on that fateful night. He opened the door looking tense but He let me in and offered me a beer. "Thanks. Look, I know y'all killed Mrs. Huxley, because I was there too," I told them. "I also took out Sapp's abusive ex."

Billy spit out his beer in shock. "I knew of her ex. I saw you, but we wondered who got to Huxley before us," he said. I smirked,  "Listen, someone is after Sidney and Sapphire. So I say we work together to protect them. Three psychos wanting to keep their girls safe," I told them. They went to another room to talk then came out. "Ok, but if you say anything...we will kill you," Billy said. I nodded and we hung out.

One week later


I was in the pool at the school doing some solo practice to take my mind off everything. Yn was gonna pick me up in about 15 minutes. I finished my last lap of butterfly, and got out, and dried off.

My phone rang and I tensed as I picked it up. "H-hello" I said nervously. To my horror a disguised voice answered. "Hello, Sapphire, let's see how well you can swim with your insides hanging out," he or she, laughing and hanging up.

I quickly grabbed my bag and headed to the locker room to get my clothes. I heard footsteps and headed to the door. Suddenly I felt pain in my side and screamed.

I turned around and saw someone in a white mask and black robe. I kicked them in the stomach and ran. I was losing blood and dizzy and passed out beside the pool.


I was really bored, sure, I knew about Sapp's swim practice. I knew to keep the girls safe.  And Randy had to work so I was left to do it alone, which is fine, but waiting for Sapp to finish her practice was boring plus I was getting horny sitting here in my car with yn right beside me. She had this dress on that fell a few inches above her knees, it had thin straps, and she wore a white t-shirt underneath it, with her docs. She was fucking hot as fuck.

I moved around in my seat, trying to ease the pressure. My dick was hard and pressing against the zipper of my pants, begging to be let out. Yn looked over at me, "Are you alright?" She asked. "No, bored and my dick is hard!" Her eyebrow shut up at my bluntness, which she should be used to already. "What? How can I not get horny sitting next to you? Especially while you're wearing that dress!" She chuckled but covered it up by clearing her throat. "That must really suck."

I reached over and laid my hand on her thigh, pushing the dress up. "I know a way you could help me," I said, moving my hand further up until my fingers grazed the side of her panties. She pressed her legs together but I pushed them apart and ran my fingers over her covered pussy. "Hmm...seems like someone else is just as horny as me." She gasped when I pressed down on her clothed clit and rubbed her through her underwear. I moved my hand away, and unzipped and unbuttoned my pants.

The relief I felt was amazing as I pulled my cock free. "Take your panties off." Yn looked at me like I was crazy, which to be fair, I am. "Be a good girl and take your panties off," I said slowly. She reached under her dress and pulled them off her legs and then threw them in my face. "Little brat. Back to the door so I can see that pussy." She twisted around so her back was against the door, one leg rested between the seats and the other on the dash.

"Good thing my windows are tinted and nobody is around to see this pretty little cunt." I twisted myself so I could play with her a little better. My fingers slid through her wetness, thumb pressed against her clit. "Already so wet and I haven't even done anything." I slipped two fingers into her tight hole. A gasp left her pretty lips and her head falling back to rest on the window. Small moans escaped her at each pump of my fingers while putting pressure on her clit with the pad of my thumb.

When I felt that she was about to come, when her walls started to flutter and tighten around my fingers, I pulled away, pulling a whine from her. "Back seat now! I tucked myself back into my pants, got out of the car and into the back seat. As soon as yn crawled between the seat, I pulled onto my lap, pulled my cock back out and slipped myself inside of her tight, wet  pussy. We both let out a moan at the feeling. I stayed still for a couple minutes to let her adjust.

My hands gripped her hips, pulling her up and back down again. "Fuck! You feel so damn good!" She grabbed a hold of my shoulders helping me bounce her up and down in my cock. Her pussy wrapped around my cock so perfectly. "I'm close...God, Stu, I'm going to come!" My right hand came down on her ass and I thrust up into her faster and harder. She tightened around me and came undone. I pulled her off of me and let my orgasm take over. "Fucking christ!"


I was at the school with Stu we had just fucked in the back seat of his car. I looked at the clock ro see it was past the time Sapp should have been done. Worried, I called Sapp. I called her three times but got no answer. "I'm going to go check on Sapp," I told Stu. He nodded his head, "want me to come with you?" I opened the door, looked at the school and nodded my head, "Please."  When we got inside the pool area, I screamed. My sister Sapp was on the ground beside the edge of the pool in a pool of blood. I felt weak in the knees and Stu caught me, setting me on a bench. He took his shirt off wrapping it around Sapp and calling the police. I was horrified.


"You sure you'll be okay until I get there?"

I smiled when I heard the concern in Billy's voice. We were having a movie night tonight; it was his idea to help me cope with everything that's happened, especially now that—now that we've buried Tatum. It was sweet, knowing how much he cared.

"I'll be okay, just please...don't take long, okay?" I replied, my tone small and hesitant despite myself. I didn't want to be seen as weak or burdening him, but I couldn't take being alone anymore.

"I won't, baby. I promise I'll be here for you," he said lovingly, and I smiled, my heart just a bit lighter.

We exchanged I love yous and then hung up. Sighing, I walked into my house after retrieving the mail and laid the stack of papers onto the kitchen island before making my way into the living room. Sitting down, I turned on the TV and mindlessly flipped through the channels until I landed on a news channel broadcasting the deaths of my mother, Ms. Huxley, Steve Orth, Casey Becker, and Tatum, with extra attention being paid to the first year anniversary of my mother's, the punishment of Cotton Weary, and the grisly nature of the murders. When my mother's face flashed across the screen, I turned off the TV and chose to lie down on the couch in an effort to erase the pain that came with the reports.

I woke a few hours later to my phone ringing and saw that it was dark out. I hadn't meant to sleep that long. I answered the phone: "Hey, Billy. When are you coming?"

"It's not Billy."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Okay, then," I said. "If it isn't Billy, who is it?"

"It's the one who's going to kill you."

From then on it became a horrifying race. A figure wearing a black robe and a white mask came rushing at me and chasing me throughout my house. I was screaming, desperately trying to escape this psycho. Just before I made it into my room, I felt a rush of pain and looked down to see a large gash running across my stomach. Blood oozed from between my fingertips as I managed to lock my closet door with my bedroom door, preventing the killer from entering. Whimpering, I used my computer to connect to 911 and send a message.

I heard commotion from my window and I turned around to see Billy coming in, his eyes panicked.

"Billy!" I cried out weakly, the blood loss already making me dizzy.

"Sid," he instantly rushed over to me after pulling himself through and I was wrapped up in his arms. "What happened, baby?"

"The killer...he's in the house..." I cried, clutching him tightly. More blood seeped through my sweatshirt and soaked the gray fabric red.

Before he could say anything, I collapsed in his arms, taking him down with me to his knees. I heard him frantically screaming my name and felt him touching my wounded stomach.

Then I blacked out.

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