Chapter Forteen

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It was the first day of our junior year. I was excited. I put on my usual Star Wars t-shirt and jeans. Braided my hair and put on some makeup. I went to YN, “hey can I ride with you? Randy is gonna take me to work after school and bring me home,” I said.

She nodded, “yeah that’s fine.” she smiled. I nodded and picked up Zoie. Grabbing my backpack and an orange I got in her car. We barely made it to school alive. I was gripping the O shit handle tightly. “Ok, that is the LAST TIME I ride with you, you mainiac!” I said, scared shitless

She rolled her eyes, “ok, but did you die?” She asked. “Nearly!” I said “but you didn't, so you're welcome,” she said. “You’re lucky I love you,” I huffed while getting out. We went and got our schedules.

I hoped most of my classes were with Casey or Randy. Once we got our schedules, we met up with the group by the fountain. I gave Casey a hug then Randy. “Next time I’m taking my car,” I told Randy.

“Someone nearly killed me,” I said, teasing yn. He laughed, putting his arms around me. I held back a sigh normally that would make me happy but I knew about his major crush on Sid and I was honestly jealous.


I was standing beside Sidney as we compared schedules. Sidney and I have become close friends since we had everyone over one night for a movie night. Apparently my mom went to school with her mom. I haven't been talking much with Stu though not since he started to date Casey. And of course my sister had to go and become best friends with her.

"We all three have biology together," Tatum said. Tatum was Sidney's best friend so naturally we became friends too. She was so easy for me to get along with. We have a lot In common. "And gym. My least favorite class," I said. "You should join cheer with me." I looked at Tatum and laughed, shaking my head. "Not happening. But I'll totally come to games and shit to support you."

I looked over to see Sapp talking to  Randy and Casey then I saw Stu running over and picking Casey up, spinning her around before kissing her. "I'm going to class. I'll see you guys later." I put on a fake smile and walked away ignoring Stu when he tried to get

One Week Later


After work Casey was coming over. “Alright, Ran, see you tomorrow, I’m going to pick up Casey,” I said. It was still a few hours till closing. Tomorrow he and I closed together. I was still worried that he had a huge crush on Sidney. But I kissed his cheek, grabbed Zoie and left.

I got in my car and my phone rang. “Hello?” I said. “Hello Sapphire, you sure you want to leave your little boyfriend alone, it would be a shame if something happened to him.” I tensed and looked around. I didn't see anyone. “Leave him alone,” I said. “Oh, I will for now but none of you are safe.” They hung up. I took a deep breath, pet Zoie and calmed down then I left.

I picked up Casey and went home after we got some pizzas. She was about 30 minutes away from us. When we got there YN was rude and it pissed me off. After the movies I took Casey home.

When I got back I went to Yn. “Do you have to be so rude?!” I said. “You know I don't like her but you bring her here anyway,” she snapped. “You’re just jealous because she is with Stu!” I snapped. She glared at me, “oh? Like how you’re jealous of Randy's crush on Sidney?” I flinched and sighed. “Stu is an idiot you’re so much prettier then Casey. But Sid is a hell of a lot prettier than me,” I said and walked away.


I sighed kind of feeling bad about what I said. I should go tell her that Sid has no interest in Randy whatsoever but instead I turned around and walked to my room. She's right, I am jealous of Casey because she's with Stu. But I have no right to be jealous because I had a chance to be with him. But instead I choose to distance myself from him.

Once in my room I locked the door and walked over to the double doors that led to my patio. I opened them and stepped outside, taking a deep breath. I chill ran through me as the feeling of being watched. I always had that feeling, especially at night. And of course, I couldn't see anything.

I went back inside and straight to the bathroom. Maybe a hot bath will help relax my muscles and my mind. I turned the hot water on, put the plug in the drain and let the tub fill, adding some lavender to the water. While I waited for the tub to fill I walked back into my room and slipped out of my clothes. That falling of being watched fell over me again and I quickly pulled my robe on.

I walked over to the patio doors and closed them then walked back into the bathroom. My body sank into the hot water, sighed and closed my eyes. The water helped relax my tense muscles, my brain slowly calmed as the scent of lavender filled the room. When I opened my eyes again the water was cold and the scent was faint.

I looked down at my hands and cringed. They were all wrinkled from being in the water so long. I let the water out as I stood up, and stepped out of the tub, grabbed a towel and walked into my room. I stopped short when I saw the patio doors open. I looked around my room, dropping to the floor and checking under my bed before walking slowly to my closet. When I was sure nobody was in my room I quickly shut and locked the doors and pulled the curtains in front of them.

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