Chapter Sixteen

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Sidney and I were in my room painting our nails and talking about school gossip. We were laughing at something someone did in English when the phone interrupted us. I sighed and reached over to the nightstand beside my bed. I brought the phone to my ear and answered with a hello.

"Hello, may I speak to yn Huxley, please?" They asked. "This is her," I told them. "I'm Dr. Hail. I work at Woodsboro General Hospital. Your sister, Sapphire, was just brought into our Emergency Department." My whole body tensed, my breathing seized, and a loud ringing filled my ears. "Wh…is she…is she okay? What happened?" I stuttered out as I tried to keep myself from having a breakdown.

"Someone brought her in. Said they found her on the side of the road. So our best guess is that she was hit by a car. She doesn't have any life threatening injuries, just a broken arm and a cut at her hairline in her forehead. Along with some other cuts and scrapes. She'll be fine but we're going to keep her at least overnight to make sure she doesn't have a concussion. Are you able to make it in?"

I nodded my head, "yeah. Yeah, I'll be right there. Thank you." I hung up the phone and explained everything to Sidney. Seeing as I was shaking so bad, Sidney agreed to drive. I was going to have to call our mother because there was no doubt that they tried but couldn't get a hold of her.


I was a little upset that Sapp didn’t invite me over. I went and got some food then decided I would watch her. I knew her routine, she would go home and take a nice hot shower. I got my food then headed to her house.

My headlights shined on something in the road. I looked closer and saw a body laying there. I pulled over and walked to it. I gasped, horror and anger filled me. Someone had hit my beautiful Gem and ran.

I gently picked her up and took her to the hospital. I paced the waiting room worried. They said she would live, but I was worried she may have amnesia. The doors opened and Stu walked in with Casey.

"How is she?” Casey asked. “It’s not life threatening,” I said and told her what the doctor said. A few minutes later Yn and Sidney walked in. I saw yn glare at Casey. But said nothing.

The doctor walked in, “Are y’all the family of Sapphire Huxley?” He asked. “I’m her boyfriend, this is her sister,” I pointed at yn. “The rest are just friends,” I added. He nodded, “she will be fine. Very sore for a few days,” he said

I relaxed when he said that. “can we go see her?” I asked. “Just her sister and one other person for now. She is still asleep,” he said. Casey decided to go with Yn. I sat in the waiting room with Stu and Sidney.


I wasn't happy that Casey was there. I don't even know how she found out about Sapp in the first place. And it only pissed me off more that Stu was here. I stopped her before we walked into the room. "Why are you here? Did Sapp call you or something?" I asked. She looked at me confused before answering.

"She asked me if she could put me on her emergency contact list a couple weeks ago. She said she only had you and your mom and that it was always difficult to get a hold of your mom. So she wanted someone else just in case neither of you picked up or showed up," she said, shrugging her shoulders. I raised an eyebrow at her, "I'll always show up. So you don't need to be here." I walked into the room and sat down on the side of the bed.

Sapp had a cast on her arm all the way up past the elbow. The cut on her forehead just at her hairline was stitched up and already black and blue. A few cute and stretches were scattered on her face and other arm. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, "yn?" I hummed in response and her eyes closed again. "Why was she walking so late at night?"

I turned my head, looking at Casey. "Why are you still here?" I asked. She was glaring at me. She's been glaring at me since I got here. "Don't fit." My head snapped back to Sapp and I cleared my throat. It was silent for a while until the nurse came in to tell us that visiting hours would be over in thirty minutes. I knew Randy wanted to see her so I stood up.

"Randy's here," I told Sapp and a faint smile crossed her face. "I'll go get him," I told her. "Yeah, and I should be going but I'll be back tomorrow, I promise," Casey told her. I waited for her to walk out of the room first before I followed after her a few seconds later. "I need to have a word with you," she said. I sighed, rolling my eyes, "what?"

"I know you're fucking Stu. I found all your nasty fucking underwear in his closet!" I was taken back and couldn't speak for a second, still trying to process what she just said. "Excuse me?" I asked. "You heard me, bitch. I know you're fucking him!" She moved closer to me and I pressed two fingers to her shoulder to push her back.

"I wouldn't touch something that's been inside of you. Besides, it's a little hypocritical of you don't you think? I mean you're fucking Steve Orth. So, who's the real cheater here?" The color in her face drained and she stumbled over her words. Before she could say anything Randy, Stu, and Sidney came walking down the hall.

"Hey, how is she doing?" Sid asked. I smiled at her, "she's doing okay. In and out of sleep. Casey was just going to come get Stu so she can go home. And I thought I'd let Randy go in before visiting hours end. I just need to tell Sapp something real quick before we leave."

Sidney nodded and I looked at Casey. She couldn't even look at Stu but went with him and left. I walked back into the room and Sapp looked over at me. "Where's Randy?" She asked. "He's in that hall. I just need to tell you something," I said. She nodded her head as a way to tell me to go ahead.

"Casey's cheating on Stu with Steve Orth. And she just accused me of fucking Stu because she found a bunch of panties in his cmoset. I swear to you I am not fucking him." She gave me a confused look then looked behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Randy. "I'll be back tomorrow. Call if you need or want anything." I left the room, took Sidney home, and then went home myself.

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