Chapter Thirty Five

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I woke up in the hospital feeling like my body was on fire. I looked around seeing YN and Randy in the room. "H-hey" I said weakly. They both looked up yn was holding zoie who immediately moved around wanting me. Yn put her on the bed "hey my sweet girl" I cuddled her. I was glad to see yn safe and hugged her. "Thank god your safe."

Emerald escaped bitch left me a scar on my collarbone to remember her by" she said showing me the bandage on her neck. I nodded "um can I have some time alone with him?" I asked. She nodded "I'm gonna go visit sidney" she left.

So let me guess since she is still out there you're still going to say you don't want to risk your life?" I said. "No I was being a dumbass thinking if we were broken up she would leave you alone" he said sitting down beside me taking my hand. I immediately relaxed being reminded of the comfort of his touch reassuring me everything would be ok.

I laid my head on his shoulder "I love you so much being without you was torture" I said. I felt him kiss my head "I love you too my gem"

A month later


I was so excited. After a hard training month I got back in shape and proved why I was captain of the swim team. I was finally here at state with 3 other team mates. Ruby Opal and Sarah "ready girls let's kick some ass for tatum and Casey" I said

Awe you're doing this for me thanks sapp" I heard a voice behind me say. I gasped and turned around "girls am I dreaming?" I asked Nope we see her too" Opal said. I hugged her tightly "how we buried you" I said. "Closed casket to keep me safe" she said, hugging back "takes more then some stupid bitches to take me out" she added.

Dewey has some explaining to do. He ignored me a lot. I know he blamed me" I told her. "Yeah I know he is here with Gale over by the others. Now go out there and kick some ass" she said walking to the others.

I stood ready behind Opal and ruby by the diving board. Sarah was first, she was our best at backstroke. Next was Opal, our Breststroker. I was third. I was the butterflier of the group. Finally ruby dove in as I got back for freestyle. We won first in the relay.

It was time for the hundred yard butterfly. I was tired and a bit sore but I wasn't giving up. I dove in pushing myself and won first place overall. Ruby won first place overall freestyle Opal won breaststroke. And Sarah won the backstroke. "We did it guys, it's been a hell of a year but we are the champions!" I said.

Our coach Tara walked over. She was like a mom to me. "I'm so proud of you girls" she hugged us. "I planned a party in the master suite of the hotel. I'm gonna miss you girls when you graduate. Just promise me one thing. Never stop swimming" she said. We hugged back "we promise" we all said.

Later that evening we all went to the master suite. Of course Gale wanted an interview but we gladly gave one to her.  The party went on for a while and everyone was a bit drunk. My phone rang but I wasn't scared this time. "Hello?" I said

Hello sapphire I'm back bitch this isn't over yet" emerald said. "Oh just fuck off you're not ruining this night for me" I said hanging up.


It was nice celebrating Sapp's swim team's win. Everyone was together and it was peaceful. We finally had some time to relax and try to move on from the horrors of the last month.

Billy and I's relationship was still going strong. After I woke up in the hospital, he explained his and Christina's affair and though I was hurt by it, I could tell from his eyes and tone that he regretted cheating on me and I decided to give him another chance so we can work through it. So far it hasn't been a mistake and we're more in love now than ever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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