Chapter Eleven

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"Thanks for helping out with that," I said as I shut the door and made sure it was locked. I wish she would just tell him that it's over." Stu wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we walked down the hall to my room. "Is Randy always like that? Like is he violent?" I asked. Stu looked down at me and laughed. "That nerd?!" He asked, pointing a thumb over his shoulder. "No. I've never seen him like that. To be honest I didn't know he knew how to throw a punch!"

We walked into my room and I climbed up on bed. "I'll fucking kill him if he hurts her," I said. He climbed in on the other side and chuckled. "I'll do it for you. Wouldn't want you to mess your pretty little manicured hands up." I punched him in the arm. "Ow! I was joking! Damn, you hit hard." He rubbed his arm and laid down. "Yeah, well, next time think befofe you open your fucking mouth."

"So am I going to have to worry about Jason coming back to try and steal you away?" Stu laughed. I tensed a little and turned to my side. "You do know this was just a one time thing, right? Like, you drugged me to enhance my sexual desire or whatever. I mean don't get me wrong…it was fun and it was really good but I'm not ready to be with anyone." I could see he was trying to act like he wasn't affected. "I'm sorry." He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "It's okay. I understand. I can wait."


After I calmed down Randy left promising to see me at work. I got dressed putting on makeup to hide the red marks around my neck. I braided my hair and changed into my work uniform. I went to yn, “will you go with me for support on the restraining order?” I asked her.

“Of course, sis,” she said. I gave her a grateful smile. “Ok, I’ll meet you at the police station,” I told her and grabbed Zoie before getting in my car. I heard Stu say, “we're taking my car.” And I heard yn groan. I giggled, setting Zoie in her bed and pulled out of the driveway.

I turned on my music and it helped me relax. I pulled into the police station. Stu and Yn not far behind me. I got out holding Zoie. I walked over to them. “I’m scared what if he tries to kill me after this?” I asked. I saw Stu's face harden. “He won't, I promise you that,” Stu said.  I nodded and went inside with them. I walked over to the receptionist “I’m looking for Dewey Riley,” I said. “Down the hall to the right but there are no pets allowed in here,” she said. “She's my service dog,” I replied, showing her the papers. She nodded and let us in. I went to Dewey. “Hey, can we talk?” I asked him.

He smiled and nodded, “sure. Just shut the door and come in,” he said. I did that and sat down then explained everything from beginning to end. I was a sobbing mess by the end. Yn hugged me, rubbing my back. “I’ll get the restraining order out right away and I’ll be checking on you at work and home in case he shows up,” he said. I nodded, grateful. “Thanks Dewey,” I said. “Anytime if you need anything don’t be afraid to ask,” he told me. “I’ll keep that in mind. I have to go. I have work in thirty minutes and I need to clean up my makeup. Thank you again,” I said and left with yn and Stu.

"I’m having Randy over again tonight,” I told yn. She nodded and hugged me. “That’s fine, have a good day at work, it's your turn for the movie,” she told me. I smiled and nodded. It helped me feel better. “I don’t know if I’ll make it, Billy wanted to come over and talk about something,” Stu said. “But I can kick him out and be there by eleven,” he said.

“That’s up to yn I’ll see y’all later,” I said and left heading to work. I went to Randy, “movie night tonight?” I asked. He shook his head, “I can't, I'm busy after work,” he said. “Oh ok..” I said, disappointed and started working. I had a feeling he didn’t want to be around me after I turned him down.


I felt bad that she was upset but I was doing this for her. Noah was dead tonight. Work went by fast and we closed up. Sapp had barely spoken to me. I walked over to her. “Tomorrow night I promise,” I told her. She looked at me with those beautiful deep blue eyes. “I’ll hold you to that. I placed a restraining order on him. Hopefully it works,” she said and I nodded.

However, I knew guys like him wouldn’t listen to that. All the more reason to kill him. I kissed her cheek and made sure she was in the car then left. I pulled over and changed into all black clothes and a black ski mask. I then drove to his house sneaking around to the back door. This dumbass left his door unlocked. I heard him on the phone with his friends. “That fucking bitch put a restraining order on me. Can you believe that Eric?” He says.

“I know you’ve always found her hot. I say you, me, and Aaron go over to her house tomorrow and have some fun. She is a fucking slut anyway. I caught her in bed with that nerd from the movie store,” he said. I saw red and heard Eric agree along with Aaron.

As soon as Noah hung up I was on him. He didn’t have a chance as I stabbed him over and over again. When I calmed down I was horrified. Had I actually done this? I quickly left and went to my car. Ditched my black clothes in a nearby lake and went home. I got in the shower making sure I was clean then I laid down. I couldn’t sleep. I was horrified and scared of being caught but I couldn’t deny the rush it gave me. I actually kind of enjoyed it. I would make sure Eric and Aaron paid soon too…

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